I’m confused, isn’t this a better spot for the drain hole? When you sit facing the wall? So you have a shelf for your comic books and chocolate milk?
Story time: I once briefly lived in a place that had an old toilet bowl like this. You can still find them in older houses. One day I took a massive shit and then found out that the flush wasn’t strong enough to get it down from there. And there wasn’t a brush. Yikes. Just wanted to share that with you guys.
The trick is to put 3 pieces of toilet paper in beforehand, that way the whole shitboat can float away.
Did you use the poop knife?
So what did you do next? I’m thoroughly invested in the story
So your shit just piles up on the upper part till it kisses your asshole?
We referred to it as the poop shelf on our last visit.
Decades ago we called this the poop shelf as well.
I have some experience with these. The only problem is that as the vertically standing excrement begins to collapse forwards, there is a chace for it to keep contact and drag its top portion across, from your anus towards the front. You can avoid this with a maneuver, pulling yourself up and slightly forward, right after the singular vertical log begins losing contact with the excretion area.
This is not a joke
Um… if you’re holding on to that much shit, you may want you see a doctor.
You’ve clearly never seen an American eat. 3 triple burgers, a large fry, and a milkshake is the standard dinner while dieting.
It gives you the opportunity to examine it. I think that is the reason for the design.
You should see the Dutch Oven….
Apparently this design was popular in Germany a hundred years or so ago. Its key advantage was allowing the user to examine their stools for signs of digestive health problems.
its so annoying having to use tongs :/
You don’t have a knife?
Not “a” knife. “The” knife.
I know the joke and all, but recently the local theme park has replaced their toilet brushes with toilet rubber shovels. They work surprisingly well. They can both hack’n’slash a log, but also the back side is also ripped so you can use it to brush out the regular shit from the sides, while avoiding the dreaded paper clutter and other issues with a toilet brush being used by thousands of people daily.
It’s like toilet brushes evolving into poop knives. Looks like this: https://pin.it/OKHBRlxjI
We Germans like to take pride in our workmanship.
Yep, but nowadays they are losing popularity. I don’t even know if you can still find them.
What if I don’t want to observe my turd on an elevated toilet bowl pedestal every time I take a shit?
You have to do the ‘ol’ push ‘n flush and hope you got the timing down.
Turns out your shit sitting exposed on a dry shelf smells exponentially worse than when it drops into water. Anyone still using these toilets in the 21st century is a psychopath.
You’d be shit out of luck
Yeah but where’s your poop knife?
That’s what the three shells are for.
Pfffffffff he doesn’t know how the three shells work!
Wait, so I’m not supposed to throw them at other cars in traffic?
It’s so you can examine your stool, you might have some blood or a consistency you don’t like, that way you see it
I know the meme is that people use it to look at their poop, but honestly the main advantage is the 0% chance of water splashing up. I will take this design over the “standard” ones any day.
What kind of rock hard dookes are you laying?
Probably standard European fibre rich turds.