I’ve heard insurance companies in the Un-united Dystopia of america have stopped insuring them
I have owned only three brands of cars with a total of four different engines. And next to my Toyotas, my one Hyundai was incredibly reliable. Made it to 300k before I gave it away to my cousin. And the only time it ever left my in a jam was a Walmart parking lot when the starter burnt out. I walked across the street, bought a new one, and with the help of a YouTube video & $10 worth of tools from that very Walmart, shit was done. I highly recommend an old sonata to any one hard up, and in need for something reliable. Mine actually had heated seats! Easily the best $700 I’ve ever spent! I could rant about that car for ever.
In Brazil we call this jeitinho brasileiro (brazillian way*)… but this seems so american in my pov *means that you should take advantage in everything
You just know a dealership is going to get caught setting it’s own Teslas on fire. That is going to be the free space on many 2025 Bingo cards.
It’s actually just a convenient software update.
Download the update, start the engine, and run away
Man a shitty lining to this cloud is the kids that had to mine the lithium for the batteries into useless cars.
I think you’re thinking of Cobalt? Lithium mainly is mined in big industrial facilities in Australia and Chile. Not like cobalt wich was in the news for being mined by hand, including with children.
However “new” Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries go without cobalt and other rare earth materials (not actually rare btw). Most electric cars use these batteries nowadays including many Teslas.
I just think it’s bizarre that Magnetite is considered a rare mineral. It’s literally cheaper than lead
I didn’t know this, thanks for taking the time to inform
So long as only victims are insurance companies and Tesla, I am okay with it. To be fair, they kinda deserve it.
Well, no, it’s all of us, because of how insurance works. Payouts go up, premiums go up. As long as the number of destroyed Teslas is a drop in the ocean we won’t notice, but lots of companies love a good excuse to put prices up and this is just handing them a gold plated excuse on a silver platter.
Just a reminder that insurance is a scam. You are compelled to pay for it under penalty of law in the case of car insurance, and the insurance companies do everything possible to maximize their profits, being for profit companies. What this means in general is that people pay more into insurance than they ever get out. If they didn’t the insurance companies wouldn’t make a profit. The money you pay isn’t going into some huge fund that supports everyone who pays for it. If it doesn’t go to paying out claims now it goes straight to the insurance executives, or investors, or to “lobbying” politicians to keep the racket going. The day you stop paying out you get fucking nothing. All that money is just gone, for the pleasure of maybe having your claim paid out if your insurance company can’t weasel their way out of paying. Insurance is a scam, a bunch of penny pinching middlemen draining the world of human productivity and effort for their own benefit and nothing else. Any benefit a particular individual happens to get is a loss to be minimized to them.
Oh and the whole concept of an excess. So I have to pay to have my car insured but if the damage to my car is less than a certain amount I have to pay for it? What’s the point of the insurance then.
My car is probably worth less than the excess anyway so if it was a total write-off I’d get a maybe five hundred for it, and that’s it
being for profit companies
I think the approach in Australia is a bit better - bodily injury coverage is provided by the state and is part of the registration fee for the car.
It’s not perfect and only covers injuries to people, and does not cover repairing cars (you need to get separate insurance from an insurer for that) but it’s a good first step I guess. It means that as long as your car is registered, medical costs for both you and anyone you hit are covered.
I’m also Australian and what this person is saying is true
I beleive its called “CTP” or “compulsory third party insurance” if I recall correctly
You can get additional optional car insurance in Australia as well
In France, most insurance companies are mutual and not for profit. (Basically a communist hellhole!)
What you are describing is not insurance, it’s capitalism in general.
Insurance is very much needed. If there weren’t that many reckless drivers then insurance would be cheaper.
I wish we had the same thing as in Singapore. Their cars literally cannot go over the speed limit.
But yes, when insurance is basically required to have, then it’s good to start having government participation in it. The government needs to be the majority stakeholder, as it also provides all of the customers.
Well, they’d put the premiums up on tesla owners as the cars now carry increased risk.
Yes of course that’d be their primary source. But if that doesn’t cover all the payouts then it’ll lead to a general increase in insurance premiums for everyone.
No, because insurers are already maximising their prices. If they could increase they would. If they don’t price fairly (price inc. vandalism on Teslas only) then they will lose business to other insurers who have proportionally less Teslas on their books.
At least I’d be getting charged more for a real thing and not the normal made up reasons behind price hikes.
Tesla has its own insurance company so double whammy lmao
I mean, the environment is also a victim in that case
This is the only good use of a Tesla now, IMO. Get it fully insured, then go park it in a dark alley near a popular area. It’ll get torched before too long. No fraud involved with setting your own car on fire…
Then use the money to buy something that’s not made by a Nazi.
Forget to turn on sentry mode.
Straight outta the urban-cop playbook.
This website is satire and best viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism and a strong sense of humor.
what a disappointment
They should just put 😉 at the end
I’m sure they will get their fair share of people taking it seriously, even though it’s satire
That thumb has a foreskin. AI generated images are still hilarious
Also they appear to be $1 bills so that’s the cheapest bribe anyone has ever taken.
And the hieroglyphs on the notes, and the funny face of whoever is on the note.
If they rely on insurance to not fuck them over, I wish them good luck. Because boy, do insurances have the capacity and willingness to fuck people over
But they are also competing with each other. Insurers who have less Teslas will win (and offer lower premiums).
But they are also competing with each other. Insurers who have less Teslas will win (and offer lower premiums).
Probably not the place, but Hyundai and Kia are both making some sharp looking cars right now.
Yeah the ioniq looks really nice, probs what I’d get if I was looking for something around the 60k range or whatever
Hyundai makes awful products. Look at the major lawsuits they had due to engine manufacturing defects that caused oil deprivation and rod knock(when the crank case/ engine block is too low on oil the bearing sleeves in between the crank shaft and connecting rods that attach to the pistons end up wearing excessively from running dry making the connection loose so the engine will make a loud knocking noise that means it is FUBAR and needs a new engine or a rebuild) across like a dozen different model / engine subvarients over a 12 year period. They are cheaply made. South Korea is a western proxy state their corporate culture is to maximize profits on the backs of consumers and cur costs wherever possible.
Buy a toyota or honda if you want a reliable quality vehicle. Maybe a volvo or a vw product but only if you know how to maintain cars yourself otherwise youll be paying a lot for maintenance on german cars, but toyotas are made to keep running even if you neglext maintenance and are super reliable if routine maintenance is kept up.
For recent Hyundai’s I’ve seen nothing but really positive reviews from mechanics. Same with Mazda and Kia’s. The only thing I’ve seen is there are a lot of GDI engines so the valves need to be cleaned. They also have the best engine warranty in the world.
I’m sure Toyota is more robust, but you’ll definitely be paying a fair bit more than a Hyundai.
Nice idea, but Teslas are jampacked with cameras.
Teslas are jampacked with cameras.
Which will show a masked figure of weirdly indeterminate height (possible wearing hidden plateau shoes) setting fire to it in the middle of the night, how curious 🤔
Or just do ot old school like they did in medieval Europe with flaming arrows while out of sight of the cameras
(possible wearing hidden plateau shoes)
the cops will never single me out with my super discreet Tesla stompers
*evil villain laugh*
I wonder what fire does to the SD card on which the camera footage is stored?
(Its only uploaded to tesla servers when the car is connected to the internet)
Are you able to disconnect a Tesla from the Internet? You could forget your Wi-Fi network, but basically every car made after 2015 has an LTE modem
My parents have brought a new car and the internet connection thing is super unreliable. It’ll say it’s in a dead zone when it’s just parked in the driveway and I have full signal bars on my phone.
Sometimes claims not to have a signal when it’s in the local supermarket car park and the supermarket car park literally has a cell tower in it.
be a shame if it caught fire while you were camping in a remote location with no cell service
These gosh darn libs came out of the woods wearing masks and carrying molotovs and afterwards they gave me lentil beans and rice and a rainbow flag it was miserable
Signal jammers?
National parks have squat for cell coverage.
Chainlink blanet’ll do it
They’re always connected via cell service, though.
That said, I’m pretty sure the antenna is stored in the right-side mirror, so if something were to happen, like that mirror becoming suddenly disconnected from the body of the car, it might disrupt that connection.
Let the battery die, then do the deed.
0% battery isn’t actually 0%. There’s still plenty of juice to run all the cameras, cell, etc.
Not even close to enough. Teslas turn all of that off at 20%. Running enough of the system to capture and process video takes about 500-1000w, so around 1% battery every hour or two.
So a full car battery goes to 20% in just 4 days??
If that’s true, that is very horribly engineered. 500-1000 watts holy shit
I’d say it’s pretty reasonable. Six to seven cameras, the cellular modem, and the computer system running for processing the video for motion and tamper detection, alerting the owner, and being on standby for remote commands.
Edit: I was wrong, it’s about 300-500w.
Don’t put Hyundai on a pedestal.
Sure, but that’s kind of every car manufacturer right now. If you let that limit your choice, you won’t be buying anything. Depending on where you live, maybe that’s better.
Then don’t buy anything.
If you want to stop shit behaviour you need to provide consequences.
Buy a used car instead, there’s plenty of them.
When the new car market falls apart these manufacturers will change their ways.
But because people are unwilling to part with even the tiniest bit of convenience, prestige, whatever the fuck it is, I wish I knew, then the bad behaviour is encouraged and then you’re left in a situation where the market sees there’s no consequences for adding this shit to their products and they all do it.
Then everybody suffers.
So, I’m supposed to drive an older, less safe car without the features I want? I’m supposed to keep using an ICE? No thanks.
I will be the first one to tell you that the infotainment system in my Subaru makes the car LESS safe to drive.
I can believe that. My job has me travel, so I’ve rented a lot of different vehicles. Some are definitely more intuitive than others. I don’t think I’ve had a Subaru though.
Less safe? What features do you need that, say, a 2015 model can’t have?
An ICE that is still on the go is more environmentally friendly than manufacturing an EV from new… A new EV versus a new ICE, yeah fair enough. But replacing a perfectly functional ICE vehicle with a new EV for environmental reasons is just marketing, consumerism, and trend following.
To stop bullshit spying of every part of a vehicle, to stop bullshit waste of perfectly functional vehicles, buy used.
Obviously, fuck cars, use public transport if you can, but that’s unfeasible for most, so buy used!
Especially if you can get your hands on something like a 1.0l with a giant turbo strapped to the side. They’re pretty common in Europe, I don’t know about America.
What features do you need that, say, a 2015 model can’t have?
assist, and adaptive cruise control come to mind.
A new EV versus a new ICE, yeah fair enough
Well, buying a new car is what I’m interested in. I want something reliable, not something with 10 years of wear and tear on it. Hell, a big draw of EVs is their dramatically simpler maintenance plan. If I’m in the market for an EV, a 10 year old ICE just isn’t a good alternative.
Especially if you can get your hands on something like a 1.0l with a giant turbo strapped to the side. They’re pretty common in Europe, I don’t know about America.
I really wish… I got back into motorcycles this year, so I have a 250cc engine to move me around now.
You can get adaptive cruise control as far back as the 1998 Mercedes S-class. Though that model has a lot of issues. Get 2005+ for nightvision and other cool toys plus better reliability.
A 2025 Hyundai is not going to offer you significantly better safety than that, if it’s truly safety you’re after. Definitely not some small CUV that fits entirely in the the front crumple zone of the S. You’re right about maintenance though. Just lease something new and let the second or third owner worry about the consequences of modern maintenance schedules. Or like you said, get an EV and sell it before the battery warranty is out. It’s not like you’re actually going to be able to affect an entire industry by holding out on buying new lol. Just don’t be left holding the bag on the repair costs of modern cars.
2025 Hyundai EV is going to require FAR less maintenance than an old Mercedes. I’ve owned a fairly young VW and immediately dumped it when the manufacturer recertified warranty ran out. Every little repair on those German cars are ridiculously expensive.
Or like you said, get an EV and sell it before the battery warranty is out. It’s not like you’re actually going to be able to affect an entire industry by holding out on buying new lol
Yeah, that’s kind of my point. Historically, boycotts just don’t work unless the overall sentiment was already shifting. Like Tesla right now. They were already losing sales because of their tired designs and were already offering deep incentives. Elon just accelerated the downfall by going full Nazi.
Fuck hyundai, buy a toyota like someone with a modicum of taste and intelligence.
I don’t think people that decided to buy an electric car will be interested in trading it in for a hybrid. Also, assuming you’re in the US, because Hyundai are very good and popular in Europe. (Sorry, just noticed the username. Oh well…)
Toyota makes electric cars and also hydrogen cars. But really EV’s arent all that great for the environment. Lithium mining is pretty awful not to mention super exploitative. And there is this bottleneck of liFePo battery production that we and the industry at large seem to be ignoring. Currenty less than 8% of the amount of new vehicles sold annually on the planet are EV so we would need to increase the supply by at least 1250% plus all the other industries that rely on lithium batteries like cordless power tools, batteries and many other consumer electronics. So likely we would need to increase production by 2000% and thats a conservative estimate and then we would need to repeat this year after year after year. This us not going to be good for the environment regardless the increase in sustainability compared to ICE vehicles. We need to develop solar tech beyond what it is. Look at tje german auto manufacturer Sono who makes a solar ev that seems pretty promising for a technology in its infancy. Also we need to really take notes from toyota because manufacturing cars in the way that American automotive manufacturers have normalized, disposable planned obsolescence vehicles made to break down so that consumers will have to buy a mew one or pay for hours and hours of expensive labor, is just not sustainable. Toyota at least puts out vehicles that mostly Will still be on the roads 3 decades or more after their first purchase. When most other manufacturers are making vehicles that are pretty much crushed and sold for scrap after 100,000 miles or 10 years. So besides the technology itself the current model of consumer usage and disposal is not sustainable
I’m sorry, I don’t want to buy a brand new car from 2005.
Jokes aside, what’s the point of a new Toyota? You’ll have a reliable car but use way more fuel than a German diesel wagon or sedan, in the age of super high fuel prices. Toyota of course barely even makes wagons or sedans anymore. They discontinued the Avensis, brought in the Camry and now it’s pretty much “buy a C-HR or RAV4 lol”. Toyota’s only EV so far came way too late and offers way too little to be compelling compared to what the Koreans are doing. The Koreans can’t make an ICE for shit but they do know how to make a decent EV.
The only decent cars they make now are the BMW Supra and the NotOnMyContinent Land Cruiser 300. And I guess the RAV4 PHEV but that costs so much you might as well just get A BMW X5.
Idk what poanet youre on but toyota makes great cars all around. The lexus RX/ toyota highlander (which is just the camry platform crossover) redefined suv crossovers. Without it suv’s tofay would be totally different. Also toyota 4cylinder hybrids get 60+ miles to the gallon the electric hybrid rav 4 in 2020 was getting 96 mpg. Toyota makes tons of wagons and sedans, tbe prius comes in wagon format the ct200h is a wagon, Camry, carola, avalon, gs300, ls350, sc400, I mean if you dont want a car that will last 3-5 decades plus that was made to last then get what you want. I cant tell you how many late 90’s early aughts toyota products are still on the road i see dozens every day. I have one. A 2004 rx330 with 225,000 miles on it. Aiming to take it to a million miles. There is a reason toyota products have great resale value, are highly desired and have stellar consumer reports ratings. And they are pretty easy to work on so you dont have to pay 200+ an hour at a mechanic if youre not an idiot and are mechanically inclined.
And if you want something else then go honda. Toyota and honda products are hands down the 2 best quality manufacturers that produce reliable lasting vehicles.
The only 90s and early 00s Toyota products with Toyota badges I see on the road are Land Cruisers because those are the only ones worth enough to repair the rust to make them pass inspection. Mid 00s onwards is a bit better and Lexus models get treated nicer, so you still see an old one every few months.
The Highlander and RX don’t even offer a diesel option… What a joke. Perfect platform for a 4 or 6 cylinder (for the RX variant) diesel. There’s no way they’re getting 60+ mpg on the highway unless you’re talking about plug-in hybrids, which only get that when actually charged - which most users unfortunately do not. Plus if you have to charge on long trips to get good fuel economy, why not just get a BEV?
Also half the models you listed are either discontinued altogether or no longer sold in Europe. Toyota doesn’t want you to have a Camry or a GS anymore. And I mean the GS was a damn solid car in the late 90s and early 00s when it got the 2jz engine. I can’t speak for third and fourth gen personally as I have no experience. But at thus point they’ve been discontinued for years, you’re supposed to go buy a crossover instead. Or the ES, which seems like a downgrade. The CT is a small hatchback, not a wagon. It’s nowhere near the same practicality. It’s also discontinued. The SC is a pretty cool car… But discontinued for a decade and a half now.
Apparently the Camry is back on the menu though - it had diappeared from Toyota Estonia’s website for a while and I just assumed they’d dropped that in Europe too. The only remaining wagon, though, is the Corolla which again isn’t competitive with European offerings in terms of cargo space. It IS significantly cheaper than a 5 series or E class wagon but then if you need to haul anything you need to rent a trailer, which is a hassle. I’ve owned 5 or 6 wagons at this point, ranging from Passat to E class to Outback… And I’ve filled the trunks on all of them.
With the Highlander no longer available, the only Toyota badged vehicle that would fit my regular cargo requirements is the ugly ass new Land Cruiser 250 (as opposed to the 300 which I think looks great) and the only Lexus badged ones would be the RX or LM. But I don’t need an SUV so I don’t want to pay the SUV premium. Plus to get decent fuel economy in the RX, I’d have to opt for the plugin hybrid for an extra 20k??? And the trunk is still nowhere near as big as in the E-class wagon somehow.
I’m sorry, but Toyota has lost the plot. They just ignore entire market segments thinking everyone is happy with a crossover. They just don’t want me to buy a new car from them and the models they do have are so reliable because their engine tech is 2 decades old, not because Toyota has great engineering.
“Sir/madam, (sadam) your conviction slowly steeling and your hands steadying themselves before you finally threw the bottle was heartening, but why did you come directly out of your own house to do it? Claim rejected.”
Eventually one of you’s is gonna try it, but forget a detail or two.
Echoing that the Hyundai Ioniqs are fantastic EVs with plenty of actual buttons in the console as well as fast charging speeds (the chargers themselves are the limiting factor)