Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the last version I’d ever use. They didn’t know how right they were. I’ve been gradually switching to Linux, and will absolutely never use Windows 11 or any other version they put out.
I built a new gaming PC and installed Linux on it. After years of threatening to do it, I finally followed through and made the switch.
I just bought a laptop last year (portability and space constraints, I’d love to build a pc when I have the space for it) and it was supposed to come with windows 10.
I got a windows 11 model shipped to me. I didn’t ask for this. And I have to say… I fucking hate it. Why does the start menu need to change locations…
My next computer will absolutely be Linux, and it’s Microsoft’s own stupid fault. Windows 10 WAS supposed to be my last windows OS…
Why does the start menu need to change locations…
The INFINITELY bigger question is why isn’t it my choice? I actually just modified my windows 10 to have the start menu be centered, but like, it should just be completely customizable to your liking… as if it were your own computer or something. If I wanted everything locked down and baby proofed I would have just bought a Mac.
The second creative cloud is on Linux the share of windows users will drop dramatically.
Adobe needs to be abandoned as well. Clip Studio, Krita, Gimp, Affinity are either free OSS or one-time-payment great alternatives without the AI and privacy BS.
I’ve also mentioned this before but for those that need a more photoshop-like GIMP experience, try taking a look at PhotoGimp, it’s essentially a reskin+remap of all of the hotkeys to more closely match those of photoshop, and it works wonderfully.
Copium. Gimp is more akin to MS Paint than Photoshop.
I upgraded to Windows 11 on my gaming rig two days ago, and at the same time I switched the default boot option to Linux. Let’s see how this pans out.
I’ll still need Windows around for specific games, but the ones I usually play seem to work on Linux.
I’m curious which specific games you still need Windows for? I’m only aware of a handful (Riot games and some Chinese ones).
I can get Start Citizen running on Linux, but I want to use head tracking when I fly, and there is currently no Linux support for the Tobii eye tracker I have.
Then again, maybe Tobii adds Linux support before SC becomes playable enough for me to actually enjoy it, 🙃
under the marketing it’s still 10.x.
Marketing is 11, I think you’re referring to the kernel version, which can’t change due to stupid legacy software.
The whole point of the Sword of Damocles was that the threat was always looming and Damocles didn’t know when it might fall. We know exactly when Microsoft says they are going to drop support. There’s a decent chance that they’ll push that date back due to slow adoption at least once.
This is more about rats not fleeing the sinking ship until the sea has reached the bow.
With the shit they built into 10 I really would not be surprised if they put in a kill switch
“Sword of Damocles” like bitch we used service pack 2 XP for ever. “We won’t support something” means nothing if the original product was built right.
…Ohhh now I see the problem. Nevermind, everybody, carry on.
Well, the real moment it becomes an issue is when a significant vulnerability is found after EOS. So I guess after EOS is when the sword of damocles starts hanging above every win 10 user…
Personally I’m on the edge of the ship just waiting to jump off once i have my new pc (probably next week).
More like rats not joining a leaking ship. I’ve been through enough windows upgrades to know: Don’t be the first! You’ll only end up paying to be a software tester for a product MS had to ship before it’s ready to keep the shareholders happy.
Don’t be the first one in the water after the shark warning …
Sword of Linuxcles.
This is the third time today that I have seen a reference to the sword of Damocles. Almost as if the entire fucking world feels like it’s only a thread away from destruction…
I’ve been seeing it a lot more recently, too. IRL even.
Did it get used by sometime famous recently or something?
There was a king once named Damocles that had a sword suspended over his throne that could come crashing down at any random moment and kill him, to remind himself of the fragility of his power, and human life.
I have no idea how that anecdote might apply to people in power in this day and age, or why people would reference the anecdote.
Glares at the fraying rope
I know the source and the idiom. I just don’t know why it’s picked up in popularity recently.
I also don’t know why its use as an idiom doesn’t quite align with the story. It’s usually used to describe a situation where the threat of destruction isn’t random. For example, in the OP, the danger is the end of support for Win 10, not randomness.
I just swapped to Ubuntu on my straggler/media server Windows 10 desktop. Have been running Gentoo on another PC for years but never had so much trouble as trying to setup bumblebee with a GTX960 - holy crap nvidia suck so hard. The other PC is all AMD so I was living in blissful ignorance.
They are gonna have to pry windows 10 from my cold dead hands. I was sold 10 on the premise that it was going to be “the last windows OS I would need”.
Fuck you Microsoft.
I enjoyed the visual design of Win 11, but the bloatware, spyware, and AI slop it started to install was just too much. The Steam Deck has proven 99% of Steam games run fine on Linux, so I made the switch and killed my Windows partition a few months ago.
Feels so clean and light running Linux - my god I never knew my PC could run so fast! Windows was really truly awful and I had no idea until I removed it from my life completely. Games run flawlessly on it - I’m using Elementary OS because it’s clean and user friendly.
Welcome to the club!
Hmmm never had an issue with bloatware/spyware in Win11. I just turn things off if they ask me after and upgrade and away I go. Everything just works properly and the best part is all my devices work as expected.
Shhh, people don’t want to hear that they can change things they don’t like. They just want to complain about things they’ve never used.
Pry it from my cold dead hands. I have linux on multiple computers, but it still can’t play all the games and give me my 5.1 surround. Despite all the claims, it’s still not ready for primetime to do all the things windows does.
What’s the issue with sound? I thought that was solved since… 15 years or so.
Can’t help with the games though, must anti cheat games won’t work without developer support. Do what you gotta do, but I’m interested in any issues that should be solvable with some config or swapping out a cheap card or something.
Can’t get the surround on my A50s. Yeah, normal stereo is fine out of the box.
Have you tried messing with either pulsesudio or alsamixer?
I personally just use stereo on my PC, but I’ve seen home theater setups w/ surround sound, so I know it’s possible.
I did try alsamixer. It just didn’t like something about the headset. I use an optical connection and a 3rd party surround card, so I don’t know if that’s the issue. It’s pretty much moot because the game I use surround on the most won’t run because of anti-cheat.
That’s too bad. If Linux becomes an option, please hop on a chat or something and I’m sure someone can get you sorted.
I finally upgraded to 11 last week by accident. Apparently one misclick means straight to next version with no cancel. So after the upgrade first thing I did was get o&o shutup10 to kill the spywares.
P.s. I know I can revert. But that’s also effort.
Hadn’t heard of shutup10, I’ll be digging into this tonight
Revert then.
This is exactly what Microsoft are counting on, that people will simply go “oh well” and just carry on with Windows 11, because any effort needed to move away is too much effort.
Prove them wrong. Stand up for yourself.
Y’all are crazy. This is a holy crusade lol
TIL having self-respect is “crazy” and a “holy crusade.”
What a fucking simp you are. Sad.
Lemmy be toxic yo
You say as dozens of foaming mouth lemmings pile on thinking themselves somehow as good for being this ingrained in their group think.
In other words, yeah, totally agree.
Why don’t you go smoke some weed you angry little man
Have you succeeded in making things less crappy? I’ve been debating the upgrade for a while and I’m basically hoping this is possible by the time I do it. I already use shutup10 on win10, but I wasn’t if win11 kneecaps it somehow or not.
Start menu is permanently lacking features. But besides that it’s not a major change. There is third party softwares that puts back 10 style or other start menus, but heard there are issues with windows updates. Besides that just get shutup10 again and tick stuff off. Pretty much solves it imo.
What’s missing from start? I don’t actually use the start menu much so not sure I would miss anything anyway.
I thought I already replied to this, but apparently not. Sorry for the late response.
The start menu no longer has the windows 10 tiles. It’s just search and icons of apps you’ve pinned. Similar to phone app menu. You can put some into folders/groups together. And that’s it. There’s no further customization possible.
You can get third party solution to bring back more features such as Start11 from Stardock, but that means paying for an additional software and I’ve heard it gets buggy with windows updates.
No worries, and thanks for the reply!
Get a copy of Win 11 Pro
Install with English (UK) as your language (doesn’t prevent you from using whatever keyboard layout you want or setting your clock to your timezone)
Activate using tools that can easily be found on the interwebs
Deactivate the privacy infringing stuff
Tada, none of the problems people complain about
This is a good overview though I wouldn’t know how to do the specifics like get pro (I have 10 home), or deactivate all the infringing stuff.
What’s the UK trick? Is that just a better version or something?
Download multi version ISO
Windows settings has all the privacy stuff but they ask you to approve (or not) a bunch of it on installation
The UK trick makes you “a European” and there’s a bunch of laws that restricts the bullshit…
I thought I already responded to this, but thank you!
Miss click? You could’ve read what it said though.
I tried to switch to Linux several days ago, but there were clear issues regarding games that weren’t tied to Steam. Heroic Games Launcher, Lutris, Bottles, and so forth all had shortcomings regarding compatibility, handling of DLC, or lack of user-friendliness. Then I tried to use a VM, which was a frustrating rabbit hole. Virt-Manager supports GPU passthru, but you have to jump through hoops to identify PCI addresses and to configure correctly. Boxes initially seemed promising, but had no apparent way of storing the VM on my gaming drive. (Linux terminal commands are beyond my understanding.) Considering how big games are getting, and the size of my collection, that is a bad combo. Virtualbox doesn’t have GPU passthru, so the performance sucked.
As a gamer, I currently find Linux to be insufficient. I was wanting to switch due to security concerns regarding Microsoft, especially in light of the Trump Regime’s willingness to ignore law and norms. My concern is that they could use Windows as a spy, or to seal up my computer to punish those who go against Dogey America. As it is, I will have to use some scripts from Github to break Windows Update if I hear of Richmond being infiltrated by the Xitler Youth.
Here’s hoping that Gabe decides to invest much more heavily in Linux to make it casual friendly - I want my mods, cheats, Japanese locale games, emulators, and so forth to all work seamlessly and without compromise. I would seriously pay $400 smackers to have an OS that is capable, flexible, compatible, friendly, and most importantly, MINE.
The days of just buying Windows 7 Ultimate and not thinking about Microsoft was glorious.
You should definately look at PlayOnLinux for those game. It is an app to help leverage all Wine setup and configuration. Normally with Steam and this would should be able to run almost everything.
Sorry it didn’t work out for you like Linux Mint works for me (I switched full time to LM in December 2024).
If you haven’t already, switch to Windows 10 LTSC in the interim. I have a feeling Linux will only improve over time with greater compatibility with Proton. Since Win 10 LTSC is supported until 2029, that’s plenty of time for for more kinks to be worked out and you can potentially try Linux again.
tried to use a VM
Yeah, this is where you went wrong. It’s possible, but it really doesn’t solve anything IMO, has the possibility of getting detected (so anticheat bans), and can often run worse. It’s possible to get a sane setup, but what are you really gaining over just dual booting? You’re still running Windows, after all, but now you have drawbacks (and some benefits) of a VM.
Can you be more specific about what didn’t work? As in, games, platforms, etc. If it’s a game with anticheat, you’re probably SOL on Linux, but I have Heroic working just fine on both my Linux desktop (openSUSE) and Steam Deck. I usually launch through Steam to use Steam input and manage Proton versions, and it seems to work fine for GOG and EGS. Some games have issues, so check if that’s the case, but most work just fine.
The idea here with the VM is two-fold: First, to keep a potential Windows Big Brother update from spying on my documents and whatnot, while also preventing it from tampering with the security of my PC. Secondly, to maximize compatibility, since I lost trust in Linux to not have technical issues with my gaming. That means mods, Japanese games, emulators, and so forth. Windows is simply more reliable and documented, unlike Linux. If something goes wrong with a game playing on Windows, there is decent odds of me troubleshooting. My hardware should be able to handle a VM, it being a 5950x with a RTX 4090+3060, and 128gb of RAM.
Anyhow, I don’t really remember the specifics regarding how my efforts with Lutris, Heroic Game Launcher, and so forth went: I don’t like remembering unpleasant things. All that I recall is assorted errors or lack of features that rattled my willingness to trust Linux for gaming. I will try again some years for now, if I hear Linux has become more suitable to the task.
If it’s not an anticheat issue, Linux is probably suitable right now. Linux is quite different from Windows, but most problems have simple solutions if you know where to look, which usually means knowing who to ask.
That said, I think you’d be better off with a dual boot. That way you only need one GPU, and you can slowly move your gaming to Linux, falling back to Windows if something doesn’t work right.
That said, I totally understand if you’re burned out from it. Just know that there are a lot of Linux users who are happy to help if you get motivated to try again.
I enjoy this headline writing style. Imagine if we turned “try these 7 tricks” headlines into “Dionysius I of Syracuse would like you to try these”
At the moment I’m 50/50 between switching over to Linux full-time, or full booting Windows 10 LTSC.
But having had to use it for work, I am adamant in saying that Windows 11 will never touch my home system drive.
One of us, one of us, one of us.
Yeah, but this happens with every version. Windows 7 still had a big market share up until MSFT cut off support. Users are going to bitch and complain and talk about switching to Linux, but eventually just install the next Windows version.
I’m a lifetime Windows user. I used to have to type run win3.exe on my first computer. I installed Linux mint on my new pc build a couple weeks ago and have been moving in and getting everything set up. Some people absolutely will make the change.
I remember those days, playing games with DOS4GW or whatever it was called. Man, I don’t miss that.
I mean, I tried for about a week…
Got a larger SSD and I wanted to reinstalled Windows, so I went through the whole getting Win11 thing, and it wouldn’t let me install it. Although I have a full blown paid for Home Edition Win 10 linked to my microsoft account.
It said I had to install Win 10 first, so I did… AFter all that, I went into windows update like is said, looked for the Win 11 update option… Doesn’t exist…
My AMD 5800X and everything else on my PC supports Win 11. It’s just not giving me the option.
So I gave up…
I’ll likely use Win10 until SteamOS is released…
I use Linux mint. Steam works great. The desktop works great. Like 5 min a month checking on updates and backups.
If you’re gaming then bazziteos is pretty good
So is pretty much any Linux distro. Don’t pick a distro because it says “gaming,” they’re all extremely similar. Pick a distro because it looks nice and you can get help when you need it.
That’s what I initially thought too, but as soon as you install it, it gives you the option to install Steam, lutris, Wine, and some other gamer stuff. It basically feels similar to Windows people know and has been stable for me.
Sure, you can use vanilla Fedora and put all of the stuff yourself but the point of this is it’s ready to go out of the box.
But it’s really not hard to install on any distro. I could pick up any distro and be downloading games on Steam and Heroic in <15 min, just like on Windows, and that’s without knowing anything about the distro. I don’t even use Lutris anymore, Heroic + Steam is more than enough.
That’s my point. A “gaming” distro doesn’t have any pivotal secret sauce that make games work there that don’t elsewhere. It might be tuned a little, but unless you’re watching framerates closely, you probably won’t notice. And you can always rice whatever you pick of you really want those 1-2FPS gainz.
I’m not saying they’re “bad,” just saying Linux is Linux, so use what makes you happy.
Definitely, but bazziteos is catered to more new people or people who don’t want to spend a lot of time getting stuff to work. I use arch on two computers and have bazzite on another computer I know I want to be more stable than arch and not spend time fixing it
There are a lot of options between Arch and Bazzite. Arch is bleeding edge with very few guardrails, whereas Bazzite has a read-only filesystem and tries its hardest to stop you from breaking stuff (e.g. like a console).
I never recommend Arch to new users because there are just way too many ways to break it. it’s a great distro (I used it for 5+ years), but it’s not a good option for new users. I usually recommend Mint, Debian, or Fedora, because they’re pretty stable, popular, and you’re unlikely to break stuff by normal tinkering. I personally use openSUSE Tumbleweed, which is safer than Arch (openQA testing of packages + snapper by default) but still bleeding edge, which works for me, but I also don’t recommend that either just because of how much churn there is in the packages.
If you only want to play games and want something like a Steam Deck experience, Bazzite may be the best option. My point isn’t that Bazzite is bad, but that it’s not the only or necessarily best option.
I would switch to Linux but I have yet to find a distro that recognizes my 5K monitor
Wow, I didn’t know that was an option, I thought we did 4k, then skipped to 6k and 8k. What’s the actual resolution on that thing?
5120x2880, it’s the same panel as the Apple Studio Display made by LG, just in a much cheaper chassis.