“Openly” as if Christians aren’t the dominant cultural and political group in the USA
Yeah, “demonstrably” or “obnoxiously” would probably be much more accurate…
It’ll be interesting to see a character following the teachings of Jesus Christ, like
- Luke 16:13 “You cannot serve both God and money.”
- Mark 10:21 “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor”
- Matthew 5:39 “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”
- Matthew 5:44 “love your enemies”
So there’s no chance the character will be a capitalist, troop-supporting, neo-Nazi. Right?
One of my personal favorites:
- Luke 12:46-48:
46 the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces, and assign him a place with the unbelievers. 47 And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, 48 but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of [d]a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.
Jesus sure loved his slaves, huh? Gives you guidelines on how to beat them. Told people to “love your enemies,” but clearly people you own don’t deserve that courtesy. He hung out with prostitutes, but was never able to disavow the practice of owning other humans as property? Kind of unacceptable imo.
The canonical Bible (the supposed ordained word of god) also include’s Paul’s further interpretation of Jesus’ teachings on slaves in…
- Ephesians 6:5–8:
5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
Do you think that Christianity become the religion of imperialism out of coincidence?
Eww, yuck. I’ll pass on that one.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump administration threatened Disney into ditching it.
a shift in conservative culture
independent poll that shows 34% being against a trans character
conservative terrorists are the greatest threat domestically
I guess Nazis saying “I’ll fucking kill you and your kids you woke traitor” and then Americans being afraid to participate in democracy does qualify as a shift towards conservativism.
I am curious as to which flavor of Christianity they are portraying 🤔
Supply side Jesus, presumably.
The hypocritical one. Oh, wait…
Better headline, “Disney toes the line for Nazi scum, and Walt himself was a Nazi sympathiser even after Kristallnacht. EPCOT was his fascistic wet dream. Fuck Disney throughout time.”
Never heard of EPCOT before, quickly scanned over the Wikipedia article:
what’s the problem of that theme park?
Before he died, the idea of EPCOT was to create his vision of an actual city, not just a park attraction. I read a quote from him about it that seems very much in the vein of Mussolini’s idea of fascism as the fusion of corporate and state power,
“There will be no landowners and therefore no voting control. People will rent houses instead of buying them, and at modest rentals. There will be no retirees; everyone must be employed.”
Aahh, see? Now that is more problematic than the article about a folkloric world theme park I read.
But it’s also not exactly new, company towns were already a sad part of our reality. Luckily we got over it, but rich people of course always want to get back to it.
We never got over it, they just use 401ks to control our futures now, and corporate owned housing is why rents are too high for us to do anything but work, eat, scroll, and sleep. If we stop to protest we’re in danger of homelessness.
I feel like these corps did a calculation and figured out everyone has an excuse to not boycott companies like Disney except right wingers who have become exceptionally good at the boycott.
In my experience those people will typically boycott brands as a group meanwhile my friends find every excuse in the book to support the major corps hurting them. Even aoc went to Florida during covid. And people wonder why they win.
Yup. Leftists Don’t have that insane person conviction. Dip shits need to learn to boycott
This leftist has boycotted everything Sony since they bricked my PC with their rootkit in the early 2000s (and I really go out of my way to make sure nothing Sony related comes in my house, not their music, movies, games, electronics, nor their camera lenses) I only slipped up once in the past 20 or so years, when I purchased a second hand Sony Walkman mp3 player. Thing broke within 3 months of use, it’s now a constant reminder that I really need to keep boycotting Sony.
I’ve started boycotting Amazon (including but not limited to Kindle, Audible, Prime and Twitch) and Disney since this year.
But I’m only one person.
I have shown myself to be capable of long term boycotts and I don’t intend to let up. I’ve added Amazon’s websites to my Pihole’s blacklist.
But I also don’t pirate their stuff. As far as I’m concerned their TV shows and movies and such don’t exist on this planet.
They continue to throw money at JK Rowling at every opportunity and they’ll do the same for Disney.
Leftists are already trying to fuck megacorps over, why would they try and placate them?
Leftists are already trying to fuck megacorps over
Gestures broadly at Lemmy.
Lemmy is a niche of a niche and there are more centrists (liberals) here than leftists
What niche of a niche? Reddit is pretty mainstream now.
Corporate “allyship” at its finest.
Corporate “allyship” was all for show.
Well I did feel bad about pirating Agatha All Along but not anymore.
Never feel bad about pirating, son!
Come on 😮💨
She’s very obviously a woman, don’t call her “son.”
Why tf am I getting downvoted? What’s wrong with people?
I mean I know a dude whose initials are KD[last initial]. He doesn’t like his feminine first name, so he started going by Katie. KD. He just can’t win.
Yes, but you can clearly see a woman in her profile pic, combined with a girl’s name, on a trans instance, and if any of that gives you pause enough to check her profile, you’ll find it says, “sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum.” Just because some random guy somewhere goes by KD does not make it ok to misgender someone who is very obviously a woman.
Whoever downvoted this, come out and say it my face, coward. Fuck transphobes.
Most apps don’t show profile pics unless you actually go to the profile.
Then, genuine question, why do you use them?
Because I don’t care about your profile picture.
Anyone browsing on most mobile Lemmy apps does not see profile pics btw, so people might be downvoting because “she’s very obviously a woman” is in fact not at all obvious to mobile users.
I did not downvote btw. Am using Eternity Lemmy client.
There’s still the username. And the proper response to that situation is, “Oh, oops, I didn’t realize, let me edit my comment, thanks for bringing it to my attention.”
If I can figure out a way to view who downvoted, I will be tagging them to call them out and name and shame. I find it completely inexcusable. If they didn’t know they were in the wrong, they wouldn’t be afraid to show their faces and explain themselves.
I really want to down vote you because of your aggressiveness and off topic ranting but I’ll ask instead what about their username should tell me the user’s gender?
I can’t recall ever seeing a single profile pic on Lemmy. Even when clicking on a username, all I see are posts, no profile. I honestly didn’t even know there was a profile to edit. I’m primarily on Voyager.
No downvotes from me; just adding my experience to the conversation.
The Trump administration probably threatened to break up Disney.
Let’s hope so, it’d be a shame if they did this on their own initiative.
The Trump administration probably threatened to break up Disney.
Let’s hope so, it’d be a shame if they did this on their own initiative.
That might be true, but also corporations always chase after approval of the White House, regardless of who’s in there at the time. It’s good for business.
They’re complying in advance, one of the worst things to do with fascists.
Does this Christian character get made fun of all the time for being out of touch with reality? Is this why Kathleen is out, too much jesus? lol, probably not.
Now I feel even less guilty about stealing Star Wars content.
You should never feel guilty about pirating anything.
bohemian rhapsody … any where the wind blows. now disney is allowed to get back to their antisemitic, racist, anti union, walt disney roots
Bohemian Rhapsody the movie is itself something being altered to make it more palatable. True gay love can only be experienced shortly before one buries their gay, and you could cut that movie so there’d be no discussion of Freddie’s sexuality at all.
Kinda like how even the crumbs of gay Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts are little bits unrelated to the plot that can be sloughed off in any queer unfriendly place it needs to be released. Maybe companies can start teaming up with VidAngel, and we’ll get “Christian” releases of movies too.