Usually because they’re in the middle of a messy divorce, and “that bitch took everything.” Never their fault of course.
Usually because they’re in the middle of a messy divorce, and “that bitch took everything.” Never their fault of course.
It’s weird how these comments seem to have far more points than others (like 2x), while it seems like every reply disagrees with them. Like the comment you replied to currently has 25 points and yours has 11.
Huh. Curious.
Not to mention that it led directly to a worsening of the genocide they were claiming to care about.
Are you fucking serious? They want to “eliminate” trans people. You do realize that the end goal here is death, right?
treat government like a company
I’m just a libertarian
Lol… Thanks for the warning I guess.
Opposing fascism should be the default American stance, we’re just riddled with cancer/capitalism
And it’s crazy, because, as someone who grew up in the 90s/00s, it always was. My public education did not shy away from shitting on Nazis and explaining the dangers of fascism. They started teaching that shit in elementary school.
The brain rot that has set-in over the past two decades or so has just been mind boggling and insane to watch.
Nah you need to create a cipher in your head, then you tattoo the encrypted seed. Easier to remember than the seed itself, and only readable by you.
Maybe have a second tattoo to remind you what the cipher is lol. Then another for that one…
Monero if you need something that’s actually untraceable. However, I guess btc is more likely to hold its value in the long term.
Totally. And it really makes sense when you think about it…
God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving and he created man in his own image… And then doomed them all to an eternity of suffering because… reasons.
God was known for being petty and jealous, so he forced humans to destroy their food to prove that they love him.
God, being all powerful, I guess changed his mind about wanting people to burn for eternity, so being the all-powerful, all-loving being that he is, he changed his mind and deleted hell so that all humans could enjoy eternity with him… LOL jk.
No, instead he split himself into another being and became a human with the sole purpose of being murdered in 30 years so that humans didn’t have to burn for eternity…? Actually, I kind of lose the thread at this point. It’s never been clear to me why an all-powerful god would need to create such a bizarre, convoluted, byzantine means for redemption when he could have just snapped his fingers and made it all go away.
But all of that makes sense when you think about it as just another sacrifice to prove to god that you love him, and our rudimentary understanding of symbolism is all we need to prove this. After all, there’s no need to read any other books, therefore this has to be the deepest, most profound thing ever written. I mean holy shit, Jesus is the “lamb of god” that needed to be sacrificed! Just like when we burned our food! Wow, talk about deep connections. No human could ever think up such an amazing story with such deep symbolism!
Anyway… I lost my train of thought.
I feel like this was a George Carlin bit or something…
What institutional knowledge?
Did you play BG3?
I don’t begrudge you for not knowing this, it certainly wasn’t something that I was taught in school… But LGBTQ people, and trans people specifically, were among the first groups targeted by the Nazis in Weimar Germany.
I am well aware that communists were pretty high up on that list as well, but maybe there’s a reason why the LGBTQ stuff wasn’t taught to us in school…
Go ahead and do some of your own research on it if you don’t believe me.
How were the circumstances “MUCH different”? Do you think the Nazis happened overnight? Are you not aware of who they targeted first (trans people)?
Yeah, it’s kind of a bad take. Maybe we should teach people what the word actually means so that they can understand that the applies to everything they’re doing*
What do you do when those people are your family?
Easier said than done (though recent events have made it a little easier).
I would say that the initial problem here, is that people give a single shit what a 2000+ year old, bronze-age sex manual, has to say about literally fucking anything.
What a fucking stupid, useless reply.
You can also change it to literally anything you want.
They’ll probably bring back fucking minstrel shows