It happened while I was sleeping, an entire hour, just gone. I don’t think it was aliens this time.
OP should check for butt plugs.
They’re still there.
Reports coming in from across the internets.
Have you looked behind the sofa?
Did you check your pockets?
It was obviously the gay, woke, communist, globalist transdimensional space vampires!
Sensationalist hooey!
Don’t worry, you’ll get that hour back this fall.
I think most people here don’t realize daylights savings was today.
I woke up and time made no sense, the sun was an hour ahead. I have some clocks that I deliberately keep air gapped from the internet, those clocks all agreed with the sun. Only the clocks that were connected to the internet changed, I think it was the government!
Just like the present incumbent to grift an hour from each of us. He’s probably pocketed them all to give himself 340 million hours!
For many people, it wasn’t.
Most people are not us-citizens.
It switches over in Canada too. I know because now it’s the frustrating two weeks when meetings with my colleagues don’t match up to the time they always are supposed to be.
Today is the perfect time for all good citizens to seriously consider transferring all of their Daylight Savings into a Bitcoin account!!!
Do you think you’ll ever get it back?
I don’t care, I just want it to stop happening.
What would u do if you had that hour back
I didn’t expect this question to be so hard. I’d probably squander it trying to decide the best way to use a free hour.
Realest answer hahaha! I probably would have just used it to actually sleep. I forgot to change my alarm so I lost an hour of sleep even though I had no reason to wake up that early
I woke up at 740 instead of 640, then sat on my ass until 915 when I showered and went to Costco.
So… Probably play a video game and lose all motivation to do anything lol
I love how real these answers are 😂
jerk off to vampire porn
Is your ringfinger longer than your index finger?
No, they are roughly the same amount of time.
Tap for spoiler
It was aliens
Despite the inherently probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, do you think the universe is deterministic?
No, but I think we’re statistically likely to be in a simulation of the universe. Suppose a sufficiently advanced civilization is able to create an advanced machine capable of simulating the universe. It stands to reason that they’d be able to simulate it multiple times, as their technology improves, they can simulate it more times. There could be nearly infinite simulations, but only one real universe. What are the odds that this universe is the real one?
Which is your favourite Pokemon?
Operation Clocksterfork is a stunning success celebrated bigly by all real AMEericans!!!
Thought I was in two-sentence horror for a moment. The post quality is the same.
An hour? Those are rookie numbers.