This is as close to factual reporting as we’re likely to see for a minute. This isn’t satire; it’s sociopolitical commentary.
Always has been
Don’t shit on journalists. If the media is your enemy then you’re no better than MAGA.
When corporate media is primarily concerned with profit. That’s not free press.
Which isn’t to say journalists don’t have a right to earn a living. But rather that shareholder profits have way more influence in what gets published then they should.
What you fail to realize is accruement of capital of many opposing businesses isn’t the enemy at this juncture.
The unchecked power of an elected fascist dismantling democracy is.
There is no all consuming hivemind that connects to people more as their wealth increases, they’re all competing against one another.
Elon Musk’s media machine and unchecked wealth is a large part of why we are even having this conversation.
And in 2016 it was Fox News.
And while you are correct, that businesses are competing against each other and there is no overarching hive mind. They also have an incentive to compete against the working class. And in that regard, many corporations are aligned.
Folks can compete with each other and still have common interest. And in a capitalist society, the common interest of capitalists is to suppress and oppress the working class.
Edit: also, I didn’t down vote you for your opinion. I down voted you for presuming to know what I realize and what I don’t. Because frankly, it felt rude.
The way I see it is they’ve got more incentive as rational actors to promote security and equality. What is interfering with that is irrational primal instincts that make some of them want to hoard wealth and attack those who are physically or culturally different from them.
More billionaires supported a candidate who promised to tax their unrealized gains than they sided with Trump. Trumps billionaires just happened to capture enough social media to tilt things his way.
I have no issue with journalists, but you’re not going to find them on an entertainment channel. The Washington Post was rubber stamping war profiteering before Bozos bought them.
The majority of outlets are owned by an ever concentrating number of billionaires. Blind trust is the last thing you want to give them.
Random counterexample, John Oliver probably agrees more with you than me and he runs a comedy news show on HBO. There are tons of people just like him.
The fact that Washington Posts’ Harris endorsement which Bezos prevented from printing was immediately leaked means the editors and owners do not have complete control of the narrative.
Bro… John Oliver is a comedian and doesn’t consider himself a journalist:
He’s also not a billionaire nor own the show or the network it’s on.
Like you’re agreeing that the media outlet is under orders to shape the narrative… But then somehow take the individual journalists leaking things they were ordered not to as some perverse reason to still trust the outlet?
I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say as your defense of the American press is a British comedian and an admission a billionaire shapes WaPo’s narratives.
You are all over the map.
The actual Journalists have mostly been fired from most mainstream media in the US.
It’s now mostly Propagandists and Click-bait Enhancing Specialists.
You can blame Liberals as much as the MAGA crowd for moving newspapers away from Journalism and into Propaganda.
We still hear about Trump dismantling government offices with interviews from employees, we still hear about hospitals shutting down, we still hear about environmental disasters, we still hear about the ICE in military gear going door to door.
You might not like whats in the news, but Journalists are working for your benefit.
The shocking obvious superficial shit that brings in lots of clicks will always be published.
That’s what gave Trump lots of proeminence from the very start - say something outrageous -> have the Click Enhancers put your face and your words in front of everybody.
The actual real Journalism (especially Investigative Journalism that dig down into the details and dug out things like closed-door agreements to tilt things just so in favour of a few) has long moved out of the big news media, as has actual Journalistic Ethics ever since newspapers started to be expected to do things like side with a candidate in Presidential elections.
You’re confusing companies owned by billionaires which historically, decades ago, did have actual Journalists on the payroll, with present day makers of Journalism.
Just note how little Corruption or at the very least Conflicts of Interest of people in positions of power is mentioned in the big newsmedia publications.
Being selectively informed by a media outlet isn’t the same thing as factual journalism.
One of the huge roles of Fox News is to lower the bar for what’s considered ‘actual’ journalism by different outlets owned by the same billionaire class.
The Overton Window has been shrinking and drifting right for decades. There is no left in the United States.
“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and Black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
Viet Nam was very unpopular directly due to front line coverage we don’t really get anymore as a result of Reagan nuking the fairness doctrine and birthing Fox News to drag all other media right filing it with ads and misinformation.
Democrats are not left because “left” starts at identifying capitalism as a net bad rather than net good.
Fox News isn’t even news at this point, I’m pretty sure they even made that exact argument in court in some of their many many lawsuits.
The fact that you chose that as the example is laughable, makes you seem crazy.
That was entirely the reason I used it and I’m surprised you can’t digest what I’m saying.
It’s not news yet it’s the most popular “news” network on television. Despite poling showing people that watch it are less informed than people that watch no news at all, nothing has been done specifically because it’s serving it’s intended role: misinforming the gullible and setting a lower bar for MSNBC and CNN to be seen as real news instead of telling you how to feel about what you’re told about.
Imagine putting up a rotten disgusting left out poorly gutted fish and using it as evidence that no fish has ever been safe to eat.
- Top Democrat politicians tried nothing to stop a Trump win on the Presidential Election and were all out of ideas.
- Democrats naturally Lost to Trump
- Top Democrat politicians sent their minions and useful idiots around to blame people who didn’t vote for them because they tried nothing to appeal to them (as part of the grand strategy of trying nothing to stop a Trump win).
- Top Democrat politicians carried on doing nothing to stop Trump <- We are here
lmao the onion is killing it these days
Leaders is a strong word. A bunch of dudes mollycoddled by their privilege and standing. Kill your idols. I love the Onion.
People should be realizing it’s all been bullshit. They don’t care about us.
It’s all the same game, left, right, business, drug dealing, street life and mainstream life… It’s all the same game, getting “mine” and fucking all other lives over until you do.
They are never going to help you and if they say they will it’s not genuine.
Except Bernie.
A huge percentage of the problem is what people think is left.
Hilary was right of Trump, just less authoritarian. The whole caravan spectacle was basically fallout of her time as secretary of state under Obama.
Liberalism coopted equality from socialism. Rainbow capitalism will underpay and shrinkflate all the poors equally in the name of the shareholders.
Conservatism coopted a man being entitled to the sweat of his brow. Profit is what’s left over after reinvesting in the business and wages. Every cut corner of quality and penny of retirement savings denied is more riches for the ruling class. Workers eagerly defend their bosses entitlement to the sweat of their brow.
Media plays the masses that deserve both against itself.
The Democrats and Republicans only purpose is to protect the capitalist class. The GOP is going too hard in the wrong direction will will hopefully upset the working class to invoke real change. Any day now…
deleted by creator
The drugs thing is because the mob approves of corruption. The irony of it being more criminalized is lost on them though somehow
People should, but you’ll still see die-hard shitlibs in comments sections on .world defending the Democratic party, defending the Harris/Walz campaign, and blaming anyone to their left for their defeat. 45% of the Democratic party think the problem is that they haven’t moved far right enough, and the concept of a third party is still met with constant derision.
I honestly no longer think Americans will ever get out of this. I don’t think most of them even want to. It seems like the average American doesn’t want democracy.
Lots of people have been brainwashed to not want democracy. They want a 2 team system because it gives them the good feelings of 'im better than the other guys" regardless of how factually true that is. And when there is an other guy that they explicitly aren’t better than, like a third party candidate, its all kinds of rationalization as to why actually its better to choose the shittier option because otherwise you might get the feally shitty option. As opposed to just not choosing a shitty option.
They literally
because we voted them out of power, you colossal morons.
They really just rolled over and died on the whole 14th amendment can’t hold office if you did an insurrection thing, so far as I can tell.
But yeah I mean people voting R or abstaining aren’t helping.
Wrong. They can obstruct congress. Call for quorums and demand full roll calls in the Senate. The might even get the chance to filibuster a bill or two. They can use every precious second of time on the floor to drag the Republicans to a grinding halt. You know, all that stuff the Republicans did during Obama’s presidency. At the very least they could come up with an idea that’s not, ‘Trump is fascist, don’t vote for fascists’ cause that’s obviously not working. There’s still a lot the Democrats can do and saying they can’t because they’re not the majority shows your colossal lack of civic engagement and education. Democrats could pressure federal judges to put injunctions on Trump’s executive orders that go directly against the Constitution.
The Democrats had a year and a half to prepare for this contingency and they were so convinced that they couldn’t possibly lose that they literally didn’t think a plan for if they lost was necessary. Now they’re saying we’re powerless and it’s not their fault. Yeah it’s not the Democrats fault Trump is back in power, but it’s their problem. They just won’t do anything because their elite donors don’t want them to.
What bill? Most of the bullshit in the executive branch is Trumps executive orders. The only noteworthy bill I know of is the federal budget, which delaying (although I think they should delay it rather than sign off on medicaid cuts) would just make it easier for DOGE to gut and defund every government program.
We absolutely do need to be going door to door convincing people that voting for fascism is harming their livelihoods.
“Did it work? I think we’re in the clear for now, but that was a close one. They could have talked to us, for crying out loud, or worse—demanded that we do something."
Voters’ vision is based on movement.
Considering there actually is a very determined scramble on multiple fronts to stall out trump this insistence from the onion is really starting to feel like defeatist propaganda
The fact that stalling is necessary instead of having taken any preventative actions is more upsetting.
It’s cute how people want the dems to put on their cape and save them.
They offered a crime fighter instead of a felon. They offered someone who can identify with four separate disparaged groups and who held 2-3 college degrees. They offered America’s mom and dad.
People couldn’t come out and vote. America doesn’t want them.
Those who voted at all chose an elitist 34-time felon who victimized women, who tried quid-pro-quo for aid relief, incited insurrection and then pardoned people collectively guilty of terrorism and felony murder, stole and hid secret documents, and engaged in keystone conspiracy to avoid prosecution and return of those docs – and some are still missing. You voted a lock into two branches of government when they already controlled the third. Like, just, how dumb are you?
Please ask yourself what you’re entitled to at this point, and maybe change your fucking tone. Start with “sorry” and end with “how can we help”?
Release the downvotes. Begin projecting. Just stop the fucking bleating.
What I want Dems to do right now is identify and call out the unprecedented actions of Republicans.
I want them to loudly say “we will not sign any budget bill that doesn’t address Elon”.
What I want them to do is introduce bills to protect the federal government.
Just because the party isn’t in power, doesn’t mean they are powerless. The Republican majority is paper thin. Now is the time to exploit that and to make the case to Americans “this isn’t normal”.
Instead they are being silent, which is the exact wrong move. Did Republicans ever STFU as a minority about CRT, DEI, woke, or hunter’s laptop? No. Dems need to take a page out of that playbook.
They and you are acting like it was a landslide lose. It was not. Now is not the time for a pity party and a vacation.
TBF, I’d prefer a random felon over a random DA. Also, the people did elect many Democrat representatives, who are not doing their jobs in the eyes of most of the people who have elected them. And the answer to "how can we help,” is always donating to them to do so little, even when they were in power.
They offered a genocidist, who campaigned with the Cheneys. Maybe next time, the Democrats could offer a candidate that the people actually want.
What the people wanted:
an elitist 34-time felon who victimized women, who tried quid-pro-quo for aid relief, incited insurrection and then pardoned people collectively guilty of terrorism and felony murder, stole and hid secret documents, and engaged in keystone conspiracy to avoid prosecution and return of those docs
Better than that genocidist bitch!
“You can have an American cheese sandwich with mayo or eat literal shit and elect a fascist. What doncha want?”
^This asshole: I wasn’t given a solid choice!
They’ll do anything but accept blame for the situation we’re in.
Democrats aren’t great but lazy non voters are worse. Or those who choose to feel smug voting for third parties who don’t stand a chance instead of accepting that things can’t be perfect but can be better with a very imperfect choice.
Democrats are far from great, in fact they are pretty evil. I don’t see how voting for a party that gets more evil every election is going to make anything better.
I think it’s pretty fair to blame the democratic leadership for being evil, and running a terrible candidate, who ran on a terrible platform, rather than blaming the voters who loudly told them what to change to earn more votes.
Yeah, because reality now is soooo much better. /s
Accelerationists are either insane or stupid.
Democrats could change if people voted for them every election and every primary. But that requires work. It’s the one thing Republicans did and you can witness how right batshit insane they are because they did just that. AOC put in the work. Shame the bulk of left leaning voters don’t do the same.
Who said reality is better now? I certaintly didn’t. I’m also not sure why you brought up Accelerationists. Maybe you’re replying to the wrong post?
The Democratic leadership has had the chance to change, and have chosen not to. They had a majority, and spent the entire time bitching that there was nothing they could do for their voting base. But they sure had the ability to do things that their voting base expressly didn’t want. I think voters saw through that, and when the time came to put their faith in the Democratic leadership, they couldn’t. And I don’t blame the voters for that, I blame the leadership.
I don’t understand what you mean by AOC putting in the work. I constantly see her talking a big talk, but I’ve yet to see her walk a big walk.
Razor thin majority, biggest climate change bill ever, canceled student loans, navigated covid. Sure, they didn’t do anything. /s
Was it a metric ton? No but it’s better than the alternative.
But hey, why not let Republicans back in to dismantle all that and more. Surely that’s better.
If we’re this stupid then we deserve all this and more.
They fell far short of canceling the student loans that they promised, the climate bill was laughably insufficient, they did a terrible job during covid. They also recked the economy (some of which wasn’t their fault, some of it was), backed a genocide, and ran 2 terrible campaigns. It seems pretty clear to me why voters didn’t trust them.
I also never advocated for letting the Republicans back into office. I’m not sure where that came from.
Thanks for illustrating the point op made that things will never really get better because people criticize the Democrats so much they stay home and let it all go to shit even more under Republicans.
And people wonder why they don’t get what they want. I guess when it’s perfection or bust it pretty much illustrates why.
I’m curious how this translates into a strategy to win elections. I want Democrats to be realistic. Running as “better than Trump” lost 2016 and 2024. If Democrats don’t show strong leadership, then we’re all lost.
Americans who told democrats to fuck off, and refused to vote for them, now want those same democrats to save them. 🤦♂️
That’s kind of their job though. A lot of people DID vote for them, and they’re not doing anything to protect our democratic institutions.
That’s what they get paid for after all
So, why do those Dems expect people to vote for them, if they are going to ignore the will of the voters, anyways?