WASHINGTON—With the elected officials trying their hardest not to move a muscle, reports confirmed Monday that top Democratic leaders in Congress were standing real still in hopes that the American people wouldn’t notice them. “Don’t make any sudden movements, or they’ll spot us,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said out of the corner of his mouth, […]
It’s cute how people want the dems to put on their cape and save them.
They offered a crime fighter instead of a felon. They offered someone who can identify with four separate disparaged groups and who held 2-3 college degrees. They offered America’s mom and dad.
People couldn’t come out and vote. America doesn’t want them.
Those who voted at all chose an elitist 34-time felon who victimized women, who tried quid-pro-quo for aid relief, incited insurrection and then pardoned people collectively guilty of terrorism and felony murder, stole and hid secret documents, and engaged in keystone conspiracy to avoid prosecution and return of those docs – and some are still missing. You voted a lock into two branches of government when they already controlled the third. Like, just, how dumb are you?
Please ask yourself what you’re entitled to at this point, and maybe change your fucking tone. Start with “sorry” and end with “how can we help”?
Release the downvotes. Begin projecting. Just stop the fucking bleating.
What I want Dems to do right now is identify and call out the unprecedented actions of Republicans.
I want them to loudly say “we will not sign any budget bill that doesn’t address Elon”.
What I want them to do is introduce bills to protect the federal government.
Just because the party isn’t in power, doesn’t mean they are powerless. The Republican majority is paper thin. Now is the time to exploit that and to make the case to Americans “this isn’t normal”.
Instead they are being silent, which is the exact wrong move. Did Republicans ever STFU as a minority about CRT, DEI, woke, or hunter’s laptop? No. Dems need to take a page out of that playbook.
They and you are acting like it was a landslide lose. It was not. Now is not the time for a pity party and a vacation.
TBF, I’d prefer a random felon over a random DA. Also, the people did elect many Democrat representatives, who are not doing their jobs in the eyes of most of the people who have elected them. And the answer to "how can we help,” is always donating to them to do so little, even when they were in power.
They offered a genocidist, who campaigned with the Cheneys. Maybe next time, the Democrats could offer a candidate that the people actually want.
What the people wanted:
Better than that genocidist bitch!
“You can have an American cheese sandwich with mayo or eat literal shit and elect a fascist. What doncha want?”
^This asshole: I wasn’t given a solid choice!
They’ll do anything but accept blame for the situation we’re in.
Democrats aren’t great but lazy non voters are worse. Or those who choose to feel smug voting for third parties who don’t stand a chance instead of accepting that things can’t be perfect but can be better with a very imperfect choice.
Democrats are far from great, in fact they are pretty evil. I don’t see how voting for a party that gets more evil every election is going to make anything better.
I think it’s pretty fair to blame the democratic leadership for being evil, and running a terrible candidate, who ran on a terrible platform, rather than blaming the voters who loudly told them what to change to earn more votes.
Yeah, because reality now is soooo much better. /s
Accelerationists are either insane or stupid.
Democrats could change if people voted for them every election and every primary. But that requires work. It’s the one thing Republicans did and you can witness how right batshit insane they are because they did just that. AOC put in the work. Shame the bulk of left leaning voters don’t do the same.
Who said reality is better now? I certaintly didn’t. I’m also not sure why you brought up Accelerationists. Maybe you’re replying to the wrong post?
The Democratic leadership has had the chance to change, and have chosen not to. They had a majority, and spent the entire time bitching that there was nothing they could do for their voting base. But they sure had the ability to do things that their voting base expressly didn’t want. I think voters saw through that, and when the time came to put their faith in the Democratic leadership, they couldn’t. And I don’t blame the voters for that, I blame the leadership.
I don’t understand what you mean by AOC putting in the work. I constantly see her talking a big talk, but I’ve yet to see her walk a big walk.
Razor thin majority, biggest climate change bill ever, canceled student loans, navigated covid. Sure, they didn’t do anything. /s
Was it a metric ton? No but it’s better than the alternative.
But hey, why not let Republicans back in to dismantle all that and more. Surely that’s better.
If we’re this stupid then we deserve all this and more.
They fell far short of canceling the student loans that they promised, the climate bill was laughably insufficient, they did a terrible job during covid. They also recked the economy (some of which wasn’t their fault, some of it was), backed a genocide, and ran 2 terrible campaigns. It seems pretty clear to me why voters didn’t trust them.
I also never advocated for letting the Republicans back into office. I’m not sure where that came from.
Thanks for illustrating the point op made that things will never really get better because people criticize the Democrats so much they stay home and let it all go to shit even more under Republicans.
And people wonder why they don’t get what they want. I guess when it’s perfection or bust it pretty much illustrates why.
I feel that “a functioning healthcare system that doesn’t bankrupt people”, or “lets not light the planet on fire”, or “lets make housing affordable”, or “genocide is bad” aren’t really huge requests. They seem like basic goals that any political leader should be able to shoot for. I guess I don’t feel like those are anywhere near approaching “perfectionism”.
I’m curious how this translates into a strategy to win elections. I want Democrats to be realistic. Running as “better than Trump” lost 2016 and 2024. If Democrats don’t show strong leadership, then we’re all lost.