Anyone who unironically says they want the government run like a business should not be anywhere near decision making power.
Businesses waste so much money. They fail all the time. Their priority is making money, not quality or service.
Anyone who unironically says they want the government run like a business should not be anywhere near decision making power.
Businesses waste so much money. They fail all the time. Their priority is making money, not quality or service.
Some feedback: the “hi I’m coi” thing at the top? I thought it was another LLM AI thing introducing itself. I closed the tab immediately, but then double checked when I read the rest of this post.
The social media links at the top, especially Twitter, are a negative for me. Fuck twitter and Facebook.
The big color buttons (that are not actually buttons) interspersed with text is a choice but it feels very bad-modern to me. If you’re going for more retro pre-shit, maybe take inspiration from https://evenbettermotherfucking.website/ or friends.
They really just rolled over and died on the whole 14th amendment can’t hold office if you did an insurrection thing, so far as I can tell.
But yeah I mean people voting R or abstaining aren’t helping.
This guy should be, at the very least, removed from office. I don’t care if it’s handcuffs or a body bag.
Fuck. I just want to thanos snap away all the republicans. The absolute worst people.
An advanced technique: ask your players to make shit up.
Like, the players decided to go to the wizard university the wizard PC graduated from. So I ask him, “what’s their entrance hall like?” and let him just riff on it for a while. Players feel more engaged with the world, and it’s a little less work for me.
Warlock is trying to commune with his patron. I ask, “what is your patron usually like?” and the player is delighted to describe “the great sculpin” in detail. This then inspires me further.
Note that some players are very much “just tell me a story” and don’t want any input, and won’t like this. Some players are also shy and don’t think well on their feet. And some players are just really bad at staying on theme. But if you know your players , this can be a powerful technique.
Everyone saying “they can evacuate” clearly doesn’t remember how bad the covid response was.
There will be anti-space conspiracy theorists. The ownership class would demand people continue working until the last possible minute (and beyond). It would be politicized, because some people are unbelievably stupid, cruel, and selfish, and enough people are so stupid they’ll buy in.
Now, if we could make the meteor fall on a location occupied solely by the people who don’t believe in science…
I don’t think we should be posting such pornographic fictions in this community.
Musk seems like the kind of D&D player who would
If we know where this “CEI” is headquartered and we know who their leadership is…
There will be a lot of pearl clutching. Some people will literally walk themselves into the gas chamber while saying “we have to be tolerant” and “well they won the election”
But also organizing is hard.
It was kind of wild going from D&D to games that don’t have tons of HP.
Players make different choices when they have a maximum of 7 health, and a random mook with a baseball bat hits for minimum 2, maximum “well if the dice keep exploding…”
I kinda like this idea that the players will be so responsible and active over their own entertainment that they’ll pick something to actively do to make something happen
This is the dream.
Sometimes I get players that have ideas, but then they’re like “oh that sounds too dangerous, nevermind”, and I’m like “it’s not going to be much of a game if we don’t take any risks”
It’s probably partly my fault for making the dangers clear to the players. I wanted them to have an understanding of the risks and factors!
Like one time, the players were told another faction would only help them with their problem if they dealt with a vampire that was in the local cemetery, and his little cult. This was a game of Mage, where even starting tier characters have a lot of strong options. One of the players just was like “you’re asking us to punch Cthulhu in the face! I don’t understand what you want us to do!”
I was like … there are so many options. Your character can literally control flame, a major weakness of vampires. You also have a strong alliance with a paramilitary group. You can go during the day. You have 3 other party members. One of them can open portals. Like, to places where it’s daytime. Trust me, you can win a 4 v 1 fight. Maybe deal with his cult first if you don’t want civilian casualties. Or maybe talk to him and see if you can negotiate.
But she just wanted to spin her wheels and complain. Worst player I’ve ever had, honestly.
I usually just kept a list of what the various factions are up to. If the players were like “ok let’s go see if we can convince Priscilla to smuggle the uranium with her drug stuff” I have a rough idea of what she’s up to and if she’d help, or help at what cost.
I want to play again with a group that comes up with reasonable plans that play to their competencies.
I think a lot about how in a modern day magic game, the players wanted to contact another (NPC) group. They learned the NPCs were like double warded against magic, but spent a lot of time trying to punch through the wards to teleport to them. After two expensive, failed, attempts I was like “do you want a clue?”. They were like yes. I was like “if you just want to talk to them, why don’t you try calling them on the phone?”
I want to play again with a group that comes up with reasonable plans that play to their competencies.
I think a lot about how in a modern day magic game, the players wanted to contact another (NPC) group. They learned the NPCs were like double warded against magic, but spent a lot of time trying to punch through the wards to teleport to them. After two expensive, failed, attempts I was like “do you want a clue?”. They were like yes. I was like “if you just want to talk to them, why don’t you try calling them on the phone?”
People are just big emotional children, and if you suggest they shouldn’t eat so many burgers they don’t evaluate the facts, pros, and cons. They have a feeling and then blame you. And probably go on about how vegans suck.
I’m not a vegan but I try to eat less meat because come on.
Yeah. I think DUI and other laws are generally good ideas. I don’t care that much if someone wants to do coke, but I really don’t want drunk drivers or people nodding off on heroin operating heavy machinery.
There also should be a lot more social programs to help people quit when they want to. And probably more honest education about how yes, even you can get addicted.
I get almost all my clothing from the thrift stores around here. Been working well. But I’m pretty average sized and not picky, so that helps.
I guess it’s part of my massive privilege, but I join all my work calls in my bath robe and don’t blur out the background. I don’t give a shit, and if you do you shouldn’t.
Facial expression and other body language sends a lot of information. It’s useful.
Laws only matter if they are enforced.
The right wing doesn’t care about law or consistency. They care about in-groups to protect and out groups to bind.
If “how do treat strangers” is a viable metric for assessing if someone is a good person or not, the the right wing are not good people.