Always keep a couple crackheads. Also, make sure you filter your crackheads. You want the ones who’ll help you clean your garage for $10, not the ones who will clean out your garage for about $10 down at the pawn shop.
Promote a positive environment, help turn the crackden into a crackhome.
You joke, but the crackhead hooker next door to me in Chicago would clean my place, top to bottom, for a 20 spot. Wouldn’t dare steal anything because I was good money for a regular rock.
I’ve known a few like that. Why I joke about it. I knew a guy, if he could have kept his shit together, he coulda had his own damn shop. Dude could fix about anything mechanical, get it done quicker than some of the shops around the place.
Saw plenty of 'em working in construction, too. Keep it together long enough to make some decent cash, disappear for awhile, come back when they needed more. You got used to rotating faces, got to know which ones would try to screw you over. Too many times you’d see one come up alone and find out the buddies they had didn’t make it through the last.
That’s the thing about addicts. They’re still people. Some get into a bad situation and know better than to fuck up the few good opportunities they’ll get. Many will fuck themselves over for easy and quick gains. The latter group is why my wife would kill me if I hired an addict prostitute to clean our home.
I had smack and crack habits off and on for almost twenty years. Never stole anything (aside from occasionally shoplifted food). I always worked and paid for my shit. However there are an awful lot of people out there who use their habits to justify shitty behaviour, so yeah, I’d err on the side of caution.
You let someone clean your whole place for that shitty pay? What are you? A crack junkie too? Have some dignity and pay a human in a shitty situation a decent compensation. Jeez. Our cleaning-lady makes that in an hour after taxes and I even feel like I cheat her.
$20 was worth more 20 years ago, and I had a 1-room apartment. She was making ~$10/hr. Fair pay for cleaning work in 2003, with my supplies.
tl:dr; Get off your fucking high horse.
In that case disregard my comment. “Top to bottom” made it sound like you made her clean a whole fucking house.
BTW, not abusing power over people isn’t high-horse in my book. Just basic human decency.
I stand with you, I’m glad you have the money to pay her well. Would you suggest that fella should clean his apartment himself and then the woman next door is also not making those 20 bucks?
No. But maybe not abuse someone in such dire need for a Lil cash and pay fair. Junkie or not. Anyhow. My comment was invalid anyway and I took it back.
You have never lived in a Crack friendly neighborhood.
You want the ones who’ll help you clean your garage for $10, not the ones who will clean out your garage for about $10 down at the pawn shop.
This guy knows his junkies.
There’s a slight but very crucial difference.
This guy knows his junkies.
Maybe read that username again.
Wait hold on. Are you shaming someone for not knowing what gender someone named “nakari” is? Cuz if that’s the case you better sign me up for not knowing either.
EDIT: googled this name that I’ve never heard before and the top results said it’s unisex. So uhhhh…
Probably a good enough reason for folks to ask if someone sees pronouns before trying to shame them. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this discrepancy on Lemmy.
What the butts is going on here? Does show different usernames than and and
No clue, could be instances, could be apps. I’ve definitely seen comments of “don’t you see their pronouns?” And the answer is genuinely, no. So I suspect it has something to do with that mechanism.
One is the username, the other is the display name. The client can show either of them. Mine (Thunder) let’s you configure that.
I natively speak a language which doesn’t differentiate gender in any way, and “guy” is pretty gender-neutral to begin with.
So maybe consider that comment again.
I don’t care about your comment, I was just pointing out what they had a problem with
And they told you what they have a problem with, what’s the issue?
I like boobs too
Dude would it really be that hard for you to edit your comment instead of whatever this is?
Do you have to run around taking offense on other’s behalf?
Oh it’s not about this being hard.
It’s about me saying I literally did not notice as I do not see gender in words like you do.
I admit that when using English I notice it more when it’s a feminine pronoun than when it’s a masculine one.
The point I’m making is that I did not misgender anyone. If anything, I disgendered English.
So no. I’m not going to admit to misgendering someone, when I most certainly don’t do that on purpose. What I might do is not read the username of a person I’m replying to. As I prefer responding to the message, not the person.
It’s not my fault English isn’t gender neutral when I am. I naturally speak and think in a way that does not account for gender. Would you like for me to start replacing that with archaic gender stereotypes?
If anything, I disgendered English.
No you didn’t, masculine is still a gender. I’m totally willing to believe that this was an innocent mistake to begin with but by tripling down on it like this you’re just being a dick.
It’s not my fault English isn’t gender neutral when I am. I naturally speak and think in a way that does not account for gender.
You understand that English does have gender neutral pronouns, right? “His” just isn’t one of them. At any rate, given that Rose has her pronouns in her display name there’s no need to use neutral language anyway.
Calm down guy, it doesnt even seem like the person you’re talking about took offense with it. Why claim their outage for your own?
Name a gender-neutral singular third person pronoun from English that isn’t “it” (calling people “it” in English is very offensive, but in Finnish it’s just natural colloquialism, but I know enough to avoid that in English)
There are some radical left-wing neighborhoods in Germany, that try to keep rents low by shooting into the air with blank firearms
I half-expected the German radical left-wing to keep rents low by shooting into the landlords with firearms.
This one’s for every friend who got taken off the streets
So the upper class could sleep, so the upper class could sleep
I’ll miss the spraypaint and slashed tires.-Pat “the Bunny” Schneeweis
This is the first time I’ve ever seen any one in the wild mention Pat the Bunny. Painfully under appreciated.
Agreed. Glad to see he seems to be doing well and has an album coming out with his new band next month!
This whole comment section is nuts. Who knew a green text about drones and crackheads could set off such vitriol filled discussions about gendered language, homelessness, and whether human dignity can be measured in dollars?
Is there a community for wtf Lemmy takes? Because this comment section is a trove for some of that
You just have to control the rent by buying a gun and shooting in the air every other day.
Then someone will steer their drone next to you, yelling “We have been monitoring you. Disperse immediately!”
Just shoot the drone.
that’s such a good tip. you should tell the russians
Shh lmao shhh no don’t tell em
when I was in the army we were taught roughly how to shoot at a helicopter, but generally the idea was “you have a rifle (not a shotgun), you’re not gonna hit a very fast flying thing, but here’s ROUGHLY how much to anticipate with it if you have to try”.
If we’re not talking about long-range drones which fly at proper altitudes, and instead something one could even viably shoot at, then we’re talking like 1000 smaller than a helicopter, but with similar speeds. Like the size of the armament on those drones is usually bigger than the drone itself.
I’m fine with us telling Russians to shoot at them, they’re just gonna be wasting their (already waning) munition.
I know, I’m just funnin’.
I almost put a “:D” at the end, but then thought it a bit outdated.
Please use blanks and ear protection for safety.
Real story. A friend of mine was working on new year’s, maintenance trailer inside a factory. Suddenly a puff of dust. A new hole on the ceiling and at his desk, the line going two feet from his head, and a ~.45 round at the rubberized metal floor.
Bullets go down about as fast as they go up.
That’s why you befriend them instead of scaring them away.
Until the fact that you befriended them gets you fired because it scares your coworkers.
Or gets you robbed
just renewed my rent. It went up 30%
Flies a drone above anon
Drone speaker: “Womp womp”
Now get a recording of a couple different gunshots and repeat the process. Problem solved!
Recording?! What is this, amateur hour?
The inevitable end to this is that you mount a gun on the drone.
The only way to stop a bad drone with a gun is a good drone with a gun…
Gotta fire some rent control rounds into the air… it’s all about #balance
If you’re going to do this, use blanks or shotgun with birdshot. That way you’re not raining lead on some unsuspecting person a mile or so away and birdshot is just small bbs that don’t have a high terminal velocity.
I dunno. Family rained on by stray bullets printed everywhere will REALLY drive the rent down
Real story. A friend of mine was working on new year’s, maintenance trailer inside a factory. Suddenly a puff of dust. A new hole on the ceiling and at his desk, the line going two feet from his head, and a ~.45 round at the rubberized metal floor.
Bullets go down about as fast as they go up.
I lived in a run down part of town a few houses down from a crack/coke distributor in college and once a friend locked himself out of the car. Before we could even panic someone popped out with a hanger and opened it in like 30 seconds. Crisis averted!
Also got pulled over on my own street regularly though (“you looked nervous”) and my dad almost got arrested when he was dropping off plants (cacti and flowers).
“You look nervous”
“Bruh I am nervous, all the time, everywhere.”
It’s because you pulled me over my guy
No good deed goes unpunished
Fuck! That drone was just some chump? I’m telling the boys we got the block back!!
What a dehumanizing way to talk about homeless people :/
People you know, and yourself, could become homeless tomorrow. This dehumanization leads to violence against homeless people.
They’re people too and they deserve a place to be. The solution to homelessness is not just moving them to another side of town, but among other things reducing the cost of apartments and houses.
Let’s assume this is real, if you are noisy to the point of bothering others and you happen to be spending your time on the street doing it, being called derogatory names is expected, irrespective of your home ownership status.
The post is not just about calling people derogatory names, it is also about flying a drone with a voice message. When push comes to shove, the voice message is a threat of calling the police. Where are the crackheads going to go now ?
They have no other place to be. So asking them to leave is just asking them to go to a new place, and then a new place after that and so on, while each day some of them die due to cold, violence and other accumulating factors.
This is a systematic issue, and we need to fix the system and be compassionate, rather than just push poor people around.
Are all Crackheads homeless?
Not necessarily, but it is often used as a derogatory word about homeless people.
Whether it’s perfectly synonymous, my point still stands about respecting the humanity of other people
I’ve never heard people use the terms interchangeably. There are homeless people, crackheads, and homeless crackheads.
Wait, no your Point just crumbled to dust.
You say he is disrespectful towards homless people because he calls them Crackheads and uses a drone to shoo them away.
But then you say you don’t even know if he really meant homless people because Crackheads are not necessarily homeless.
In fact, you just said he meant homless instead of Crackheads, and now you are angry about something you said he meant?
Most people, who call other people “crackheads” have not seen those people take drugs. They use the word because of how the other people look.
Being called a crackhead more often than not means “looks like a homeless person”.
Nope, shit untill housing prices went up so high most crack heads had stable housing.
But in most places income assistance isn’t enough so they end up homeless
Who said they were homeless? That’s a pretty pejorative assumption you’re making.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
The story, whether fact or fiction, talks about homeless people this way and dehumanises them.
In case you missed the reference, OP’s image suggests they’re a villain.
I guess fiction cannot ever depict bad people because their intent dehumanizes <insert marginalized people>