Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Decentralized governments: already a reality in most places, with a clear hierarchy (federal, state/province, city). Local communities aren’t always formed, but can coexist

    Decentralized power sources: kinda there already? The thing is that it makes more sense economically to have a small number of big power plants than spread then thinly, especially due to industry needs that can be much larger than what residential lines typically transmit

    Decentralized market: I mean, open fairs and small, corner markets are still a thing, no? Or what kind of market do you mean?

    Decentralized currency: crypto kinda does that? There’s no central authority issuing whatever-coins. In more real-life terms, decentralized currency is deeply tied to local economy and you can look at history for how something like that used to work: small kingdoms almost always wanted to mint their own coins, then whenever conducting trade with external markets, some exchange rates would be set based on supply/demand.

  • Steve jobs also hated keyboards, or at least all the F1-12 keys because “nobody needs them”

    About the “5 stylus on my hand”, it really feels like he only ever cared about the lowest common denominator when it came to usability and function. Yes, you have 5 fingers, but to this day fingers lack precision on touch screens, while a pencil stylus is as precise as it can get.

  • I remember a flash animation that was basically the biggest advertisement of itself based off “reviews”, with stuff like “The greatest animation of all time; A must see animation; Better than Lord of the Rings; Better than sex; Better than chocolate; Better than sex with chocolate” - That was all the animation was.