Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
An even surer sign is when she talks about sacking visiting Rome
Depends on the language? I mean, Portuguese and English are wildly different, so it’s very easy to tell them apart. Now, if it was Portuguese and Spanish, I think telling the two apart could be harder more often
Coming in doujin form on the next comiket!
Dunno about op, but at my work it’s used because of its ease to share and have several people work on the same file
Well, he’s already divorced from reality
Maybe if you ask for it to save as a script file then execute?
Or create a symlink/shortcut to execute rm when you type readthis
“I’m taking this off you, Bill, and giving it to some CEO who said AI will fix climate change”
Sam better have a savings account exclusively to pay for lawyers once Microsoft realizes buying 49% of OpenAI was a mistake.
Or not, it’d be hella fun seeing him get fucked in court
Zuckerfucker is on it already, soon instagram and facebook will be nothing but AIs posting
At least wereallyreallysuck dot com should still be up for grabs
Replacing execs is the easiest thing to do, since all it takes is someone who is more than willing to fuck up the workers in the name of profit, no actual skills required.
That’s the cover art, I remember ads using these images as well, back in 2018:
There was a lot of Keanu Reeves, too.
I need a visualization of the middle, a twig emo girl with a half-robotic body
Definitely worthy of getting into the annals of history
From my anedoctal understanding, people only really start caring about quality when they become invested in something. Of course most people have a threshold of “Lowest acceptable quality” for most things such as music, comics, movies, games; but unless you know what to look out for, you really won’t get, or maybe even care, about all the things that makes ABC better than XYZ.
Before seeing the previous comic, I thought “the press” was a mechanical press, which made me think the thing had some spirit or demon inhabiting it, hence why “you don’t talk to the press”
In a way, wikis are the best aspect of the internet as a social tool: valuable information that’s easy to find and will easily lead you to related information
They’ve been a shitty company for years now, so this is not surprising
While earlier Xiaomi allowed users to unlock up to three devices per year, the new policy brought that number down to a single device per year and applies to both China and the rest of the world.
Given that it’s per user, you can probably sidestep this shit by creating a new xiaomi account when you get the phone, as you’re likely going to flash a custom rom to get rid of the endless bloatware that they do their best to reinstall every update.
Agree, Force Awakens felt too much like an “episode 4 remastered”. Paying a homage is one thing, doing the same thing and pretending it’s different… It’s not. Still the best movie of the newer trilogy, which is a very low bar.
I thought punks were the non conformists and goths were just… Goths?