Imagine how bad it would be if Americans didn’t have guns to defend themselves.
Louisianians be like “Chicago tho amirite”
“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”
What’s the reason for excluding so many european countries in this graphic?
The UK not being included makes me think that these are only EU member countries? I don’t know for sure though.
Switzerland is included though. I’m thinking it’s just data availability.
It literally says Eurostat in the bottom right
Eurostat (European Statistical Office; DG ESTAT) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission (…). Eurostat’s main responsibilities are to provide statistical information to the institutions of the European Union (EU) and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across its member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.
so many
Two countries are being left out. Is two a high number to you?
UK, Switserland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia.
Cyprus is included for some reason.
Which two of the above were you referring to?
The numbers for Russia and Ukraine would be quite bad at the moment, me thinks.
Isn’t the aim of the game to make US look bad?
The US does look bad. There is no make involved. The US homocide / gun deaths numbers are en par to some failed states or those with civil or actual war.
Pretty sure the UK is no longer part of Europe. The greyed out countries aren’t part of Europe, so why would they be included?
USA is such a great country
Why do these European charts omit the UK?
We left the EU, not the bloody continent.
The data is provided by Eurostat. An EU organisation, they are not going to fund numbers for a country not in the EU anymore (some other countries might still join for various reasons.)
If they hold that stance, the graph should not use ‘Europe’ when they essentially mean ‘EU member nations’, especially if they omit the UK for the reasons you state as the UK is a part of Europe.
Edit: not sure how difficult this is to understand. Europe is a continent, which includes the UK. The chart says Europe, not EU, whilst omitting a country within Europe.
Switzerland and Norway are not part of the EU either.
I feel for you. I understand what you’re saying. Unfortunately I only have one up vote to counter everyone else.
In this case it is the graph makers laziness to not find extra stats on the UK. On the other part I believe the UK has the choice to join again, especially on side project as Eurostat. If a European country doesn’t want to join on European initiatives then I’m bit sure if we should treat them specially. The choice is theirs and it was clearly made.
We are on there but we had no killings. Just tragic accidents for the greater good.
i’ld say thats not really a surprise IF you have a system that helps criminals to thrive while it tries hard to always put innocent to jail instead and prevent real investigations for the truth, thats at least how i see it.
Below are some links to related "last week tonight"s from YT.
Plz tell me if thats just a show full of lies or if that terror is real in poor underdeveloped 3rd world US: (i might have linked videos not too bad, but i think i was horrified by the outcomes of those linked)
Wrongful convictions
Migrant crime
Crime Reporting
School police
Police interrogations
death investogations
forensic science
update: fixed broken link, added titles
Damn, Latvia
Im a bit suprised where New Hampshire is on the list. They are the little texas of new england and you can not tell anyone from that state what to do.
What’s up in the baltic?
Really? wildly waves hands at history
You gotta be extremely ignorant of even basic history to not see why.
Maybe you’re right. I know very little about the history of the baltics, it never came up even once at school. Also news coverage about it is lackluster at best.
Do you have any specific events/timeperiods I should look into?
What’s up with New Hampshire that it’s on par with the EU countries?
Authright (PCM) has an answer but I won’t repeat it here
Why not? Are you some sorta coward? I’ll say it: yeah, fascists think a whiter population leads to reduced crime rates. That’s because fascists are rubes and imbeciles with such a stunted worldview that they’re incapable of considering the effects of any other socio-economic factors such as education, distribution of wealth, etc.
What’s the deal with Louisiana?
outside of NO, the region is reletively low on education, poverty ridden and low opportunity. its the trio that makes high homicide rate.