A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.
And internally, aides and advisers concede there is no comprehensive plan for countering a movement that’s steadily expanded its influence on the president’s watch.
The rising appeal of anti-vaccine activism has been underscored by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s insurgent presidential campaign and fueled by prominent factions of the GOP. The mainstreaming of a once-fringe movement has horrified federal health officials, who blame it for seeding dangerous conspiracy theories and bolstering a Covid-era backlash to the nation’s broader public health practices.
But as President Joe Biden ramps up a reelection campaign centered on his vision for a post-pandemic America, there’s little interest among his aides in courting a high-profile vaccine fight — and even less certainty of how to win.
“There’s a real challenge here,” said one senior official who’s worked on the Covid response and was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “But they keep just hoping it’ll go away.”
The White House’s reticence is compounded by legal and practical concerns that have cut off key avenues for repelling the anti-vaccine movement, according to interviews with eight current and former administration officials and others close to the process.
The media keeps using that word, I do not think it means what they think it means. These people aren’t questioning, they’re not doubtful; they’re convinced. They are certain that their position is the correct one and no amount of new information will change their minds.
Stop calling this “skepticism”
It should be called “vaccine cynicism”
Get your flu and COVID shots this winter, please. Don’t get yourself sick, and don’t get other people sick.
Similarly, I hate the term ‘conspiracy theorist.’ They’re not coming up with theories, they’re making up bullshit. I prefer ‘conspiracy monger.’
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That’s a very good point I had never though before
We call those people wappies where I live. There’s no reasoning with them. No one takes them seriously.
There’s a pragmatic solution here:
1). Make vaccines free. The government pays.
2). Require vaccines for participation in publicly funded social programs. Schools. Social Security. Etc.
3). Allow doctor authorized health waivers to number 2.
4). Wait.
Most people will get the free vaccines either because they’re reasonable people, because the vaccines are free, or because they want government services. Those that don’t will die earlier. Eventually even stupid people will notice or they’ll be dead.
We are creatures of convenience, the way to make people do anything is by making it easier to comply than not to comply.
I got my first COVID vaccine and the booster at a drive-through clinic. My favorite part was the vibe there. We could finally do something to fight to get things back to normal and everybody was stoked.
Same, it was super chill. People were awesome and I never left my car.
We did too and I remember thinking a drive through shooting was about the most American thing ever.
1, 2, & 3 have already been going on for a long time with public schools (immunization records) for the most part. The determined anti vax parents will just find a Dr who will sign a waiver for their child so they don’t need to be vaccinated.
The problem is so much of anti vax today people will hunker down on their opinion of antivax no matter the truth or information presented to them. It’s the same reason people are supporting trump so much still bc they think it “triggers” the opposition so much.
I’m not sure if there is a way to turn things around especially when you have multiple prominent media members questioning vaccines that is constantly being parroted.
At this point anything tried they’ll cry about information being suppressed or why is the government trying so hard to do this must mean bad things.
If enough people don’t get the vaccine then a lot more then non vaccinated people will die.
Eventually even stupid people will notice or they’ll be dead.
Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to this whole COVID deal? And to the other comments point you need to meet a threshold in the population for a vaccine to do what’s intended.
Tbf, the majority of deaths were in red counties with far higher rates of antivaxers. The stupid people are dying at higher rates, but it’s infuriating that they’re taking smart people who are vaccine ineligible with them.
And regulate misinformation and disinformation, make social media culpable, they’ll quickly change their tune if $ are at stake. The current model wants engagement, and click bait misinformation does wonders for that.
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That’s a pretty genuine question you are sweeping under the rug. Let’s say theoretically a vaccine comes out that is undertested and has some very serious side effects, but still gets the job done. There is an extremely large financial incentive on behalf of Pharmaceutical companies to brush negative effects under the rug. Surely this can’t ever go wrong in the future.
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Do you believe there is sufficient regulation in place to prevent the situation described from happening? Do you really want the government policing something as broad as “misinformation”
Do you believe there’s sufficient regulation in place? Genuinely. Is that your fear? Have you tried looking into how a medical study is conducted and the regulations involved? It’s extensive. I’ve looked into it and I’m comfortable the experts are keeping things well regulated. And they create more regulations as they find they’re needed. Sometimes the misinformation isn’t trying to achieve what you think it is, what if the misinformation actually serves to remove the current regulations that work, what if it’s “big pharma” spreading the misinformation so as to cause regulations to be removed, or get a politician to head them they can manipulate to change things for them. Because all those anti vax news execs and politicians are vaccinated.
You’re comfortable, that’s great, you can make your own decisions. A lot of people believe that it’s entirely likely that big pharmaceutical companies are putting profit before human health. It happened with the rise of opiate based painkillers in the past couple decades, so it absolutely does happen, and most people in the system probably thought they were doing the right thing.
I for one am not comfortable relying on the government to prevent these monoliths from putting out products that harm people more than they help.
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Skip the fines entirely and introduce criminal charges for executives of platforms that host anti-vaxx content. Have a complaint about the contents or safety of a vaccine? Feel free to submit your study to a peer-reviewed journal, or shut the fuck up.
The antivax base are billionaires though, who can afford to fund their poorer devotees through the worst of their government service martyrdom
Think about the optics though: if the vaccines are free, WHY are they free?
The answer that group will give: Bill Gates is subsidizing his microchips so we will all be infected with them.There’s no reasoning with anti-vaxxers, though. So why worry about how it looks to crazy people?
Because we’re trying to specifically reach those crazy people who reject even the mention of vaccines in a beneficial light. Everyone else is, for the most part, already vaccinated.
We should not reach those people, we should mock them. Demoralize them. Make them ashamed of their stupidity. You can’t reason with a crazy person, and attempts to do so legitimize their brand of crazy. They are too dangerous to be ignored, and too far gone to be patient with.
This is not an optics play, it’s a power play. When mandates were first issued to a lot of cops their conservative asses talked a big game about mass resignations and chaos in the streets, then the due date came and went and most just got vaccinated.
Are vaccines (at least important ones) not free in some countries? WTF.
Eventually even stupid people will notice or they’ll be dead.
Doesn’t work. Did early deaths stop all the smokers?
is a problem, because it gives the government more reach to damage people with mistakes. What if the republicans (whom, I assume, you think evil) get in? How much of their policy detail would you like mandated (“for the public interest!”) and would you prefer to be able to say, I believe that’s harmful in my situation, so I chose to do differently. IMHO that sort of requirement that you’ve suggested should be very rare indeed - if ever. And wrt COVID specifically, retrospectively the vaccine results were much more muddy than we’d hoped, rather (in my eyes) proving the point.
I like, and 3) whenever something approaching 2) is implemented.
If it’s more convenient for them to do otherwise, you’ll end up with a large base of angry, disenfranchised and unvaccinated people that blames all their problems to the other part of the population.
Given how much weapon hoarders tend to fit in that category already, I would advocate towards a more soft approach.
Yeah forcing mandatory injections is definitely a really cool thing for a government to do. Can’t wait to see where that goes.
We already do it for school children
yeah don’t agree with it
Ok, have fun with stuff like measles smallpox and polio
- Find prominent anti-vaxxers
- Kill them
- That’s it you’re done.
Obviously this isn’t ethical or practical, but it would result in net fewer deaths than doing nothing.
Something something slippery slope something something life starts at conception something something all life has value something something murder bad.
something something life starts at conception something something all life has value
apart from that I mostly agree
15% of US adults are unvaccinated. No, killing them all would not result in fewer deaths. You are a crazy person.
15% of us adults are not prominent anti vaxxers.
Many people cannot be vaccinated for legitimate reasons. They’re fine.
It’s the people who go on YouTube or TV or a high office spreading anti vaccine misinformation that need to go in the ground.
You are crazy. Saying stupid shit, even if it’s harmful, is not and should not be punishable by death.
Nah. If we just kill them, and a lot of the Republican party, the world gets markedly better.
We could make a lot of progress on climate change, too!
They’re bad people who want to kill me and my loved ones. I don’t see why I should treat them as anything less than an existential threat.
You are too far gone. can’t believe people like you exist
Lies on social media kill people. I know of one guy who believed the lies and died of covid.
Herman Cain?
No he is still twitting
It boggles my mind that willfully hosting CSAM is (rightfully) illegal, but willfully hosting anti-vaxx content that definitely leads to the deaths of children is a-okay.
Bet you felt real smart typing this.
The media: Here’s 72 hours of conspiracy theorists and coverage about how some people are upset with medical experts.
Also the media: Why are anti-vax conspiracy theories getting so much attention? Here’s why the people trying to fix the problem are at fault and why you should probably hate them.
Also also the media: Polls show people don’t trust the person we blamed for everything.
“The Media” isn’t some unified being.
Of course the government can’t do mych. In the eye of anti vaxxers the government is the problem. In fact any expert or authority will be distrusted because they are an expert or authority figure.
And you have an extremely large and trusted group GOP, actively discrediting vaccines every chance they get.
While all being vaccinated, themselves.
A fact that their supporters gleefully ignore.
Hell, I heard something earlier in covid about hospitals and clincs setting up private back door entrances so antivaxers could get vaccinated without anyone knowing. Its ridiculous.
Maybe if the entire medical industry wasn’t already shady and deplorable enough we wouldn’t have these vaccine skeptics. The biden administration needs to focus on fixing the medical industry if they want these people to trust it.
Nah, it’s not that it’s that one asshole who decided to write an article about how “Vaccines cause autism.” That’s how the whole anti-vaxxer movement came to be.
Except it has nothing to do with the medical industry being shady or not. The big recent hullaballoo started because Andrew Wakefield lied to everyone. But that largely only affected the crunchy New Age mom types at the time.
The big explosion of right wing idiots being anti-vaxxers simply has to do with Republican politicians and Fox News repeatedly claiming all scientists and experts on topics are lying (to make money somehow, despite that money never materializing). They started making such anti-science claims with climate change and just expanded it to everything else.
Also Fox News: You can not enter this building unless your are vaccinated.
And their hosts saying the vaccine is evil and will kill you, while all of them are fully vaccinated. I’ve even seen some of the hosts say they aren’t vaccinated when discussing the topic, despite knowing they 100% are because Fox requires it.
What I’m trying to say is that if the medical industry wasn’t filled with liars to begin with then there wouldn’t be as big of an issue.
If you are already untrustworthy to begin with it’s going to be really easy to convince someone that you did something else wrong.
I could very easily convince many people that Andrew Tate said that a woman should never be a CEO of a company because it sounds like something he would say and he already says plenty of other sexist shit.
Alternatively I think we need to remind these people how far from experts they are.
I find the phrasing throughout this highly annoying. It implies that the Biden admin is somehow at fault for 1) people misunderstanding the initial instructions, 2) using that and strawman to undermine that public confidence, and 3) then doubled down on the stupidity seemingly out of spite.
Simultaneously, these assholes sued and said that the admin over stepped by asking, strongly, for social media to stop overt lies from being spread on their platforms.
We always blame those trying for not succeeding and give a pass to the idiots operating in bad faith.
I support conservatives in their personal choice to suffer and die.
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I mean, at this point, we should just be avoiding conservatives. They are plague rats.
Suffer, mutate, spread, and die. Oh, also the innocent children and whatnot.
I don’t really worry for me (I’m vaccinated), I just worry for those who cannot take the vaccine. Those who don’t want to be protected from a potentially deadly disease, well, they can rot. No issues.
In Australia, I’d suggest that anyone that isn’t vaccinated and is hospitalised because of it should pay out of pocket and spare the tax payer. But as usual, they’re all anti vax and anti science/medicine until they’re dying then they’re making a scene in the hospital demanding everyone’s attention.
In Australia we have significant consequences for being antivax.
You don’t get the childcare subsidy, and good luck finding a childcare that will take your kids.
You can’t work in healthcare, aged care, childcare and many other sectors and it’s been validated in court that employers can dismiss employees who don’t reasonably get vaccinated when required.
Additionally, during the pandemic antivaxxers were essentially excluded from pretty much all public life and the Australian public was perfectly content with that. The Australian population was 95% vaccinated at the peak, you can’t get 90% of Australians to agree on anything, if 60% of the population supported not eating shit 40% of the population would start eating shit but we all agreed that antivaxxers can get fucked.
“I was alive and breathing before I came here, and now you’re telling me I’m dying and my lungs are filling/filled with fluid?!”
eh I spent ages arguing with antivax cookers during the pandemic.
they are too stupid to reason with, but fun to tease them to ramble their stupid shit, they can’t help but jump on their soapboxes.
but you never win. fuck em, let em die out
We put Typhoid Mary on an island all by herself. If we do it to these fools, at least they’ll have company. May I suggest Guantanamo Bay?
Make them eat some e coli pie.
Once more Republicans twiddle their thumbs as right wing conspiracy needlessly kills their base. It seems they’ve learned nothing at all, which I suppose shouldn’t be a surprise.
Deny them access to health services until they get the vaccine and get social services involved if they have any children
And make them sign a waiver that legally says they they acknowledge that it’s their own fault for not getting vaccinated and we can’t help you if you refuse to get help
The easiest and most effective solution would be to just get Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter/X to crack down harder on misinformation.
Optimally, there should even be a sort of “social reputation ranking” system in place to disincentivize online misinformation and hate speech by tying it to real-life ramifications. We sort of already have something like that for job applications, and I’m proud of that, but if we could extend the enforcement and implementation of this kind of thing to, say, transportation, real estate, or banking, that would certainly be a commendable step in the right direction. Ranted about the mask and vaccine mandates in 2020? Good luck buying that car.
Too bad an increasing and worrisome number of these platforms are being owned by right-wing shrinks. Heil Spez and Heil Musk.
I know the CCP in China is way ahead of you. They already have a social credit system. You wanted a passport? Maybe you shouldn’t have spoken out against government policy.
It doesn’t sound authoritarian at all /s
How does this work if you’re smart enough to not post under your full legal name and photo?