I think that’s certainly what Republicans were intending, and I think it’s why Thomas appears very insecure.
I think that’s certainly what Republicans were intending, and I think it’s why Thomas appears very insecure.
A bit odd that you mention this talking point, given it’s largely repeated only by Republicans
Have you ever considered the fact that perhaps you are more left than they are?
Interesting concept actually. I haven’t thought about that before.
A communist who does not participate in the election of the country’s leader is merely performative and cares more about being an “outsider” instead of actually advancing goals.
Oh hey they wrote an article about us!
It’s Harris time baby
And both Biden and Harris support a ceasefire.
Do 70% of Democrats also support a complete cessation of all weapon sales to Israel? Or ending our diplomatic ties with Israel? Or even a two state solution?
This is a complex web of an issue. Support for a ceasefire does not translate to support for stopping weapons to Israel, nor anything else about the issue. Don’t pretend otherwise
The speaker of the house is a Republican you nitwit
when you factor in funding logistics
This is an incredibly important point. Unless rich donors said they’d fully make up the current campaign war chest for the new candidate, there would be a significant funding issue. Being able to use the existing funds is extremely important.
why we have had almost zero meaningful legislation to help the normal people for 40 years.
The Affordable Care Act is why I was able to take a year off work to focus on my mental health after the pandemic crushed it. The Inflation Reduction Act is helping keep the renewable energy company I work for afloat and offering an optimistic future.
No one expects to end up on government assistance or using FMLA to take a few months off for an illness. We support it on the left because we know it’s the fucking right thing to do.
It’s all good and fine to criticize programs as useless theoretically when you don’t rely on them. But when you’ve actually experienced them and needed them, your perspective changes heavily.
Democrats have gotten good shit done for the average person, and I’ve personally benefited from it when I really needed it.
This is where Biden remaining president to finish his term is strategically wise. It provides a plausible layer of separation between Harris and Gaza. She can go against Biden and make criticisms – and Biden for his part would need to express disagreement with her.
I’m no fan of cops, but I think this actually plays very well with the political environment. Recent elections saw rebukes of progressive Police policies in the Pacific North West. As much as I wish it were otherwise, that message isn’t resonating with voters even in considerably progressive areas.
Having a traditional prosecutor may be an advantage in that regard. And it may provide us a new avenue to look at how we can have better policing that more people will support.
If we win in November, it’ll be because Biden made this selfless decision. He’ll deserve medals and statues.
Mmmm you know this would be quite the upside
Well spoken.
A few months in politics is an eternity. Yes, things are chaotic right now, but this is short term. We can unify after this. And we can win.
That’s fine, the choking helps me show just how much I appreciate him doing this.
What, did you think I was going to take this an insult? “Oh no he’s saying I’m sucking another man’s penis!”
Nah. Biden just showed he’s putting the country over his ego. That’s not something Trump would’ve ever done, and very few politicians at all would do this. I’m going to keep guzzling for as long as I damn please, thank you very much.
He came out and said multiple times that he wasn’t going anywhere
This was always going to be one of those things where “despite saying 8 hours ago that he was committed to the election and was not going to drop out, he has now dropped out”. You’re never going to see someone in these situations say “eh might drop out, not sure”
We should really change that. Things would be so much safer if we applied this level of scrutiny for anything considering the public.
Absolutely. I just don’t think we should use him as a symbol of social democracy, because we can do much better. We need better than FDR, not just for leftwing politics, but leftwing social issues.
“Why’d Trump spend time on a side issue if there’s supposedly a bunch of major issues with Harris’ policy?”