If Democrats had some sort of plan against what’s happening, they would ALL be saying this, over and over, to all journalists in every news organization and podcast.
They should lead the pushback but they look like spectators.
… yeah, I can see it
They just plain don’t care because they clearly think what’s happening won’t affect them.
Then fucking do something about it you feckless pussies. Stop with the sound bites of shit every single sane person in the United States of America already knows.
They have no power in any arm of the government which is what the Americans who bothered to vote wanted.
This is pretty much all they can do for the next two years.
And just like that, democrats forget that the filibuster exists. Because the filibuster is only for blocking progressive policy.
The main thing blocking progressive policy is lack of general support.
And yet when the republicans were in the same minority situation, they have been able to block tons of major government functions, judicial appointments, and laws being passed. When the dems were in power they needed right wing compromises somehow because “otherwise the republicans would block it”.
The past 40 years have literally been lesson after lesson on how to completely make the machine grind to a halt when you have an opposition party. They choose to take not one single lesson from it and not lift a single finger when it matters.
That is false. Source: Republicans over the last fifteen years… If you were an adult when Obama was in office, you should remember this. If you’re too young, go read about it.
They’re supposed to be drumming up public opposition and resistance to Trump, in and outside of government, not just crying about it. Right now America needs them to be politicians, not legislators.
America made them powerless.
Yes, because when they had power they did nearly nothing of value with it.
If you think Obama and Biden did nearly nothing of value I’d suggest you should pay closer attention.
Obama is widely considered the last time the Democrats were governing for the people rather than the ultra rich (despite reneging on like half his promises), but Biden? That man failed to do the most important thing he could’ve done: fucking charge Trump for insurrection. And no, I’m not moving the goalposts; I just don’t see value in arguing Biden’s policy merits (though his biggest legacy is funding genocide in the middle east so… yeah).
Biden did a lot of great things during his time as president.
This is the consequence of mistaking the theater of the act for an act of theater. Appearances matter, narratives matter: but do not mistake them for the thing they represent. A flourish is necessary, but not the same as the strike itself.
The follow-up question any competent journalist should as every politician is “And therefore you will do what?”
Where’s the lie though?