The word of one scientist does not consensus make. No matter how renowned. Remember, making targets seem impossible is a tactic to keep going as we are since there’s “no point in even trying”.
The word of one scientist does not consensus make. No matter how renowned. Remember, making targets seem impossible is a tactic to keep going as we are since there’s “no point in even trying”.
Right to left. Kinda obviously
Trump’s favorite, BTW
Cassandra, cursed by Apollo to have the gift of prophecy but to never be believed.
Just a heads up, while Johnny Cash’s first wife was indeed black, she didn’t know it at the time (she was passing and so were her parents). They both thought she was Italian (and said as much when the KKK started harassing her) and it wasn’t until after their divorce that she found out she had African heritage.
Not to take away from the sentiment, though. Cash was a good, if troubled, man.
They lost because they sucked up to corporate interests and dropped any hardball angles. Plus, they didn’t have a primary, because they wanted to have Biden run again cause he’d won last time. It was a piss-poor and frankly tone-deaf campaign. As Andrew Jackson proved, running against someone else isn’t enough. You have to have an actual plan and vision to help people.
Yep. The warbled surface defects are a dead giveaway
The issue I have is there is no surpassing to happen here. We’ve platued on possible AI milestones, so the only new move will be the next big thing… which is impossible to predict when it’ll happen.
It’s not a question of if your urinary tract will explode, but where.
I’m autistic, repeating the joke won’t help me understand. Though I guess it’s funny, so continue on (Though I don’t know why)
But how is it a continuation on the other three? Is it just cause it matches the quote formats?
Explanation? I’m not getting it
They don’t ask you to believe anything. This is what the evidence points to, it doesn’t require belief at all.
Liberalism is not the Liberal party. It’s the marriage of capitalism and democracy that most countries have today.
SK parliament has vetoed by unanimous vote.
False. If the mass vanished via magic, the effect would ripple out at the speed of light. Source, gravity waves which move at the speed of light.