between the sounds of laughter of adults catching butterflies
This pill might fucking kill you
It also might cause your eyes to explode
Side effects may include death.
What if ads had to show side affects by law.
So like theres a guy with gut wrenching abdominal cramps audibly blowing liquid ass mulch into the toilet bowel while moaning painfully.
Scene cuts to he’s smiling and cutting the grass in the front yard.
Strange joint pain, anal leakage, hair loss, anal leakage, minor headaches, anal leakage, throbbing veins, anal leakage, sore throat, anal leakage, eye twitching, anal leakage, shrink dink, anal leakage, tender nipples, anal leakage.
• Bone Sporking • Late Onset Albinism • Facial Corkboarding • Restless Torso Syndrome • REO Speedlung • Permanent Blindness • Nostril Inversion • Dissolving Intestine Syndrome • Spontaneous and Uncontrollable Gum Growth • X-Ray Hearing • Ankle Bearding • Brainwhistle • Arby’s Mouth • Steven Tyler Lip • Hairy Uvula • Jimmy Cracked Corns • Scrotal Bassoon • Massive Weight Gains • Scrappy Dooism • Honus Wagner Disease • Hungry, Hungry Hipbones • Capillary Yogurt • Hair Swelling • Minor Heart Explosions • Skeletal Xylophoning
You forgot Brain Constipation
Fun fact… anal leakage’s first big hit was not even pharma related. It was potato chips.
Fucking Olestra
I think you forgot the anal leakage.
It’s difficult to forget, I hear. Except my drugs cause hearing loss.
I recently overheard one that was “fatal infection of the skin of the perineum.” I thought might be one of the worst ways to go out.
God I hate the Jardiance commercials. I wish the writers a very die in a hole.
Not just your normal fun kind of fatal infection, but the necrotizing fasciitis kind of fun
Unedited footage of a Bear
I tried showing this to people at work. They didn’t get it.
Is this something American I’m too British to have experienced? Also, I use adblock so I probability wouldn’t see it anyway.
The have to include any and all side effects that testing showed.
In other news, it’s straight retarded to allow pharmaceutical advertising. But here we are.
Yes, and me too. It’s horrible stuff
Polish TV has similarish adverts for medical products.
Side effects may include:
3 inches of blood
Anorexia Nervosa
Cephalic Carnage
Fleshgod Apocalypse
Ion Dissonance
Malevolent Creation
Nocturnal Rites
Odious Mortem
Severe Tortue
Sickening Horror
Spawn of Possesion
Vampire Moose
Visceral Bleeding
Vital Remains
Ask your doctor if Abilify is right for you. (Side note, fuck Abilify. It’s the worst med I’ve ever taken by a huge margin)
are those all band names?
They are! Some of them even have good music (ouch, self jab). A lot of them fall squarely in the realm of non metalheads saying “this isn’t music/this is just noise”, a few of them are small scale bands, and a few of them are really iconic bands.
3 inches of Blood is very much the outlier genre-wise, it’s power metal about DnD stuff.
That’s why I take Claridryl!
Got error: “Sign in to confirm that you’re not a bot”
Thanks for the thought, but Piped isn’t working all that great for many folks. I’ve had a lot better luck using regular YouTube links with the Grayjay app…
In case it is relevant to your case too, I’ll mention I have this problem when I use them (or firefox) over my VPN’s “normal” connections (yet YT over chromium still works), yet they all work fine over my VPN’s “P2P-friendly” connections. I haven’t had time to diagnose exactly why though…
Darn, the world is getting shittier and shittier and I’m all out of Claridryl!
Relevant (and absurd) Dethklok song:
Pull the plug (x8)
I drove my truck into a moving van
It was all filled up with jet fuel and
I crashed right in and explosion
Smash through the window and ripped off my hands
Medical team drove up and found me
Bleeding in pieces picked up off the street
Drove me into a filthy hospital
Horror experienced financially
Woke up in pain in a gown in bed
Internal hemorrhaging inside my head
I really think that I should be dead
I saw the bill and then I cry bled
To keep me alive it is costing me
National deficit times three
There is no way to avoid this fee
Please pull the plug and kill me
It’s costing too much
Pull the plug
It’s costing too much
Pull the plug (x16)
Pull the plug
Breath lighted
Heart attacks
Pull the plug
Pull the plug
Pull the plug now (x4)
Pay you my life instead of life support
Harvest my plasma because it’s worth more
Take all my blood and my organs
Sell them to buyers over in third worlds
Burn my cadaver for some energy
Charge the patients in their misery
Such a strong quarter for the industry
Pharmaceutical fucking victory
Can’t pay the price
Pull the plug
Pay with my life
Pull the plug
Say my farewell
Pull the plug
See you in hell
I’ll fucking pull the plug
There are no side effects, just happy accidents