Anon still hasn’t figured out they were trying to flirt with one another and he had butted his away into the middle of that?
Yeah, I feel bad for Anon getting shouted down for trying to be helpful, but sometimes you’ve got to stay out of the way
I mean… it’s 4chan, what did you expect?
Honestly, by clearly explaining the problem you probably do those anons a genuine service.
Anon forgot straight people exist
Anon should only speak when spoken to smdh
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Middle school is, was, and will be full of dicks. How 1/2 of all middle schoolers turn into decent people, I don’t know.
Lmfao you think 1/2 of everyone is decent? How optimistic of you
Half feels right. The moral median is forever moving up. I can trust most people in a room to avoid murdering, robbing, raping, or engaging in political conversation with me, so that’s my rationale.
That’s a big ask of people nowadays, are you sure you didn’t set the bar too high. /S
Do not conflate fear of punishment with morality. Most people suck, but are at least capable of a very basic level of cost-benefit analysis.
Pareto principle works here too. It’s like 20% are decent, 60% sit on the fence depending on context, and 20% are always awful.
These ratios are more strictly 20/80 the older the sample sets, ie roughly 80% of people over 65 are toxic, in most cases, even when their behavior hurts themselves.
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1/2 of them have no dicks.
but my friend agreed with her
??? did you try changing friends?
I got so many memories like this that they take turns fucking my brain 24/7
How does one feel bad about this?
I learned very quickly to determine such people as worthless and to not let it bother me.
Like that, sadly.
Me too. Only took 20 years past high school
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What a virgin. They were clearly flirting, mind your own business.
Thanks, now I’m less sad about the fact I barely interacted with other people in middle school