Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • “If it cannot, it risks losing much of the invaluable investment, tax revenue, and entrepreneurial spirit that they contribute.”

    Ah yes, because the rich are truly the most generous class of them all…

    • They invest in initiatives designed to make them more money, or to reduce what they pay in taxes.

    • They pay the bare minimum possible taxes after playing around with so many loopholes it would make your brain hurt.

    • And who could forget that entrepreneurial spirit!

    It’s the same trickle-down economics argument as always. If the rich leave because they’re actually being made to pay their way, the economy would disintegrate because we’d lose businesses like “Arton Capital” that…

    “empowers high net worth individuals and families to become global citizens by investing in a second residence or citizenship”

    What a tragedy it would be to lose businesses like these! /s

    Also, is it not slightly biased to have the person the majority of your article about millionaires wanting to leave the UK quotes be the CEO of this company above who makes their money helping millionaires leave the UK?

    That’d be like me getting an ice-cream man to discuss people wanting more ice-cream during the summer. Like even if it was true, you couldn’t have picked a less biased source?

  • To be fair to the developers, they do elaborate a little further in the comments:

    Hey everyone, We appreciate the sudden enthusiasm for our game. When we launched it in 2015 into early access and 2016 into full, we were at the vanguard of asymmetrical games. It was exciting, but it was also our first step down the Dunning Kruger curve. QL has bugs that we cannot fix, shaky net code and overall sloppy design. We left the game up for this long so that players who had friends that wanted to play, could still get a copy. However it has been 9 years with minimal to no activity. So we felt it was right to remove it now.

    I don’t know enough about this game or it’s community to comment much, but the devs don’t seem to be bad guys - seems like a story of naive developers making a mistake, but doing their best for their community with what they had. For a niche online game with no DLCs, 9 years is hardly a bad run.

  • The TL;DR for the article is that the headline isn’t exactly true. At this moment in time their PPU can potentially double a CPU’s performance - the 100x claim comes with the caveat of “further software optimisation”.

    Tbh, I’m sceptical of the caveat. It feels like me telling someone I can only draw a stickman right now, but I could paint the Mona Lisa with some training.

    Of course that could happen, but it’s not very likely to - so I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Having said that they’re not wrong about CPU bottlenecks and the slowed rate of CPU performance improvements - so a doubling of performance would be huge in this current market.

  • Copa and Cogeca, the EU’s biggest farming lobby group, criticised the slim majority of ministers voting in favour of the law, calling it a “flawed proposal” that would cause legal battles in regional, national and European courts.

    I suspect this is not so much to do with the lack of clarity regarding funds as the lobby group suggested in the article, and more to do with the fact this law paints a target on the back of the Agribusinesses that hide within this “Agricooperative” lobby, who are responsible for large biodiversity losses, and carbon emissions.

  • Russia disseminating misinformation and far-right propaganda in order to destabilise a country so they can rig the political climate in their favour is basically their bread and butter at this point.

    The fact that people all around the world keep falling for this blatantly obvious strategy is why they keep doing it - it’s easier to have your enemy tear itself apart than it is to fight head on (as they’re currently finding out with Ukraine)