The house next door to me is going up for sale soon and I’d like to delay that process as much as possible. What would be the most annoying music I could play when prospective buyers are next door?
When German people go to hell, or skiing, they are forced into little tents, served shitty overpriced beer, and are subject to repeated blows to their ears by a type of parasitic earworm whispered fearfully only in dark circles as “schlagermusik”.
Once exposed to it, it eats into their brain and gets behind their eyeballs, forcing them to wear manic grins, and tap tables to the weak, incoherent, barely thought out beats drumming mercilessly into what’s left of their soul.
that’s second level of hell stuff
This. Most annoying thing I’ve ever heard.
Cam here to say this. The beat was catchy the first time I heard it but it is so annoying when they repeat the same thing 200 times in a song. Not creative at all .
Christian Rock
There’s a McDonald’s down the block from me that plays nothing but Christian music all the damn time. I honestly feel bad for the employees.
Oml can’t stand that shet polluting the airwaves
I’m not certain about the most annoying, but this song is pretty bad
Exactly what I expected. Saved me from posting it, thank you.
Thank you for this
I’m just going to say Nightcore.
I get that Nightcore has an audience, but what makes it annoying for me is when I am trying to search for an obscure song and think I’ve found it, only to realize that it’s yet another low-effort nightcore remix.
A low pitched hum that they don’t even notice until they leave and appreciate the silence when they’re away from it.
Calm down satan.
(Top answer though)
Just play loud ass black metal. The music doesn’t have to be bad, It just needs to scare normies.
Edit: I thought of the most annoying music ever. Crunkcore! Play some Blood on the Dancefloor and people will fuck off to avoid listening to that shit.
Every Christmas song ever.
I submit that these songs aren’t necessarily terrible but terribly overplayed to the point that they’re painful.
I swear half of Mariah Carey’s fortune is Christmas songs alone.
Also the whole “Boomers spent their entire lives and our entire lives trying to re-live their own childhood Christmases,” since the majority of original Christmas songs are from that period.
Also some people love Christmas music so this could backfire.
My highschool blasted Christmas in Ignace - Arrogant Worms every single day during fundraising drives, they’d stop when they hit their goals. Was very effective.
chicken dance it whatever the hell it’s called
In high school we called it “Worship the Chicken Before It Destroys You”
Care to elaborate why?
They want to dissuade buyers by being a conspicuously noisy and annoying neighbor to the point that the house sits empty for a while.
Which, like, if your first thought is to do this, maybe you actually are an annoying neighbor and you’re doing everyone a favor by letting them know.
Hey at least they’re open with it. I’d have love to have known that my neighbours were cunts before I’d move in. Sometimes a simple sign short of a burning poop bag is a nice olive branch.
They are going to only get neighbors that also suck, and since it has to sell lower it will lower their own home value.
OP is really punching their own nutsack here.
Family member wants to buy it and we want to dissuade other potential buyers. Plus the old owners are dicks so fuck ‘em.
*takes extra deep breath
Fuck I hated middle school
But I love Lambchop!
It is a horrible earworm, very true.
Edit - Aww, not the Lambchop version.
I have a love-hate relationship with that song. I’ll have to purge with a doco later, thanks! 😁
I’ll raise “Sales Call Abyss”, a hold music made for torturing telemarketers if you have access to your work’s phone exchange