Well that’s horrific…
Also very illegal
Not only that, it wasn’t even on his property.
hence the arrest, arraignment, and bail
“It cut her good,” Jordan Jennings, a manager of Sky Mart Bait Shop
I bet he looks like how I think he looks like.
Tophat and monocle?
Like in the picture at the top of the post?
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BasedChickenshit man.Typical womanVictim of chickenshit saboteur.Also, I hope you experience the love and light you so brightly exemplify, multiple times, daily, for an extremely long life.
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There’s that light and love we were talking about. Couple things:
I guess two whole syllables are a little tough on your reading comprehension, eh slick?
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Ah. Play it off intentional. Classic chickenshit behavior. You’re dismissed, kiddo.
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hmm… what’s the reason for this hot take?
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back in my day, we had to work harder lol
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younger folk only care about the down votes, nobody cares about the art anymore :/
no wonder america has gone to shit…
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the art is basically dead now because nobody appreciated it and you get prosecuted when you do it.
you aint wrong… regime whoring aint art and any non regime whore talent hardly has a chance to develop under the current economic models.
they killed biggie and 2pac, and then gave us diddy
now, here we be🤡
I think you’re confusing mildly annoyed/made eyes roll with mad. But whatever floats your boat
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Multiple responses by different accounts? Rofl gj man I haven’t seen people get multibaited in a while.