Amazing how they are dancing around the issue but wonr call it what it is…
This is what corruption looks like in practice.
Who signed these contracts and what did they gain from it. Nobody knows, no way to tell 🤡
Amazing how they are dancing around the issue but wonr call it what it is…
This is what corruption looks like in practice.
Who signed these contracts and what did they gain from it. Nobody knows, no way to tell 🤡
German feds cant maintain proper posture against russia so these limp dick cucks need some good PR?
At least they got great cities and endless supply of tomatoes…
Situation could be worse
Microshit really gutted once beloved brand.
It aint about what the gamer wants or needs, it is about whatever this shite is
Get rid of yermak and his corruption apparatus?
Yea yea russian economy sucks but they are still gaining in ukraine.
No amount of propaganda gonna fix that fact. Ukraine is not getting adequate support… Thats the story
Yeah they have nukes so it is all good!
Or this different because this one is too close to americas parasitic ally?
I dont get why they even had a fucking ban?
Are korean war profiteers a sleep?
You would think these guys would be happy to sell
I got a few decades left. Leave me alone 🐸
I am going go on a limb and say thay commenter aint a bootlicker
US and Germany lol
Cant make this shit up.
Remember kids dont ever give up your nukes 🤡
You have to be a dumb to trust digital “library”
Even steam tbh all that shit is has its day numbered
Maybe gog but still got to habe your own media back up
The issue is you are not reading it or reading without understanding context.
If your issue here is the use of the term, thats a you issue.
You cant even articulate the issue tho beyond dont like usage of the word, period.
You tried to suggest i was calling somebody else this term but … I wasnt
For thie community selvedge jeans should recommended imho. This the original jean fabric.
They are more expensive but they also last longer.
Brave star makes them some what affordable, you can snipe them under 100 on sale.