I liked my sister’s answer when someone offered her cigarettes to try.
“If I don’t like it, it will be a shitty experience. If I do like it, that’s much worse. There’s no way for me to smoke a cigarette and win.”
I mean as cliche as this seems to be an an answer, I think the best solution is to not try them in the first place. You can’t lose if you never play the game.
Yeah. It’s weird that just saying “no” really is the best move. We just shouldn’t count on it when teaching kids about substance abuse.
Just like with abstinence-only sex education, basing the entire strategy around just one method of preventing an unwanted outcome is dumb.
Life is shitty enough without adding a serious addiction in top of it, I’m good, thanks
Easy! It just takes a little trauma! You’ll be a smoker in no time if you sync buying your next pack with the death of a family member that your other family members are too grief stricken to help you process!
Can confirm. Started smoking in the middle of my divorce and I was living alone for weeks at a time.
Wish I never smoked, but over 4 years since my last and no cravings. Always was afraid that cravings would never go away, that hungry anxiety was awful, even if it was dull after a time
Terrible addiction that isn’t worth it
Little over four years smokeless for me too, after 20 years of smoking. High five for the quitter crew!
Sadly I still get cravings almost weekly.
10-year smoker here who quit 5 years ago. My cravings were gone after about a month. I had nightmares about smoking occasionally for the first year or so though. I really didn’t wanna fall back into the trap
I attribute the lack of cravings mostly to quitting using “the easy way to quit smoking” book by Allen Carr. It really helped how I thought about smoking as a whole. It’s designed to be read while you’re quitting, but maybe even 4 years later it could help you - worth a shot I’d say.
I did get them the first time I tried quitting, which lasted 1 or two years before I started up again
I don’t think I’ll ever smoke again this time though. Combination of reasons, I have kids now, who I don’t want affected by it. I ve really gotten into cardio since then, and I’m starkly aware of how it affects your lungs. Also this second time I quit I had a minor health scare where my mouth started sloughing a bit. Wasn’t just the smoking causing that, I also was drinking some very acidic juice and was reacting badly to a toothpaste ingredient, but it did help me to quit
1 year with nothing, after years of vape only and a long time with smokes.
I still get cravings every once in a while, especially with certain actions. Recently It was playing a record, I used to sit and listen to music and chug on my vape and now I sit and do nothing, so the craving comes back.
Haha oh man, a smoke on the move used to be my jam. Smoke when leaving a place. Smoke before I go in the building. I guess that happens ubiquitously enough that the correlation gets burned through pretty quickly
Just smoke tomorrow too, see where it goes
I lot of my friends growing up smoked. Like, my best friends. Most of my family, my mom and all of my older siblings, all smoked.
When I was something like fourteen or some shit, I took one drag and thought it was the most disgusting shit I had ever tasted on my life and an immensely unpleasant experience. Never touched them again, never even wanted to. It’s honestly one that baffles me.
Edit, typos
I always liked the passive smell, and when I first tried it, it tasted great.
On top of that you do get high from it, and the first times are very strong.
So, consider yourself lucky, that you don’t like the highly addictive psychostimulant that can be legally bought everywhere. It’s kinda like you would find coffee’s taste and smell disgusting.
I do find coffee’s smell and taste disgusting, actually. I hate coffee.
Well, another W for you.
Although, coffee is much less harmful than nicotine, and its consumption doesn’t have other negative health effects that arise from inhaling toxic smoke.
At the same time there are clear benefits of coffee usage. So, depending on the perspective, addiction and overconsumption aside, you could consider coffe to be a net positive. Thus, from my point of view, it’s your loss, mate. Hopefully you still get something done in the morning. If only we knew what you’d be capable of if properly coffeinated.
It looks awesome unfortunately
Kinda the opposite for me. I don’t smoke or drink and absolutely hate people smoking in public so I find them a bit repulsive. Doesn’t help that my grandpa was addicted to smoking and had a tough time getting off it.
It is believed nicotine tests you the first time so it can weed out the uncool people
My mind focused on the word “weed” and got very confused… had to reread a few times :)
It’s incredible. The judgmental douchebag inside of me that wants to scoff at you for this, despite the fact that I did the exact same thing. Don’t really know why I’m sharing, just felt like I needed to tell on myself and hope I’m not the only occasionally insecure snob around here.
Hah! I appreciate your honesty.
Initially people start doing it to fit in and look cool, then the nicotine’s tentacles creep around your brain and hook them in.
I tried it once and never look back, it’s the worst recreational thing i ever do, the second being alcohol. I’m more intrigued on why people even start to discover and smoke this stuff, they got to be the most masochistic person in history.
as you said, to look cool and tough, even though they are so weak they can’t resist using something that gives you cancer
Spoken like a square
Imagine being able to resist giving yourself cancer XD
I was once in a band with 3 guys who chainsmoked. Locked in a shitty practice room in the bass players house with the windows and doors closed for hours at a time twice a week or more.
After a year of this I would get nicotine fits if we didnt practice.
unabke to walk, stand or even talk correctly.
That’s me when I am sick, or even slightly tired, lol.
I had the same experience, I think I even tried a few times over the course of years after I’d forget how bad the previous experience was. Each time it was the same, “Why the fuck do people do this? This fucking sucks.” And I grew up in a household where my Dad smoked constantly throughout his life, I had been around cigarette smoke for awhile.
There’s other addictions I can understand, and even have myself, but smoking is such a harmful, nasty addiction that I can’t get how anybody can willingly do that to themselves repeatedly.
I get that it’s not for everyone, but damn… still kinda wild to hear people outright hating the experience.
Granted, I started smoking when I was 13. Heard it helped people feel less stressed, so when the opportunity arrived I figured why not give it a try.
Quickly got up to a pack or two a day and loved every drag for nearly 10yrs until my future wife asked me to stop. I quit cold turkey for a few years, but missed it the whole time. Eventually wound up settling on vaping as a compromise.
Tbh, the only part I don’t miss is the dent it left in my wallet.
Doesn’t it calm people down because the cravings are aggravating them, though?
Nicotine is an interesting poison as rather than killing the bugs the plant sloooows them down and the nicotine stnkifies them makin em more attractive to predators.
So yeah it’s calming
no, it does actually calma you down when you first smoke, but you quickly build up tollerance so you end up smoking just to calm down the cravings, and eventually you need to ramp up usage
Nicotine levels have been increased to compete with vapes.