If you rub it down with oil first the jam will just slide right off
If you rub it down with oil first the jam will just slide right off
Alive, but stuck in nutty putty cave for eternity
Yes, in the oncoming capitalist hellscape, even white dudes named Richard will need to work
Israeli settlers, so stolen homes, not theirs
Simple, simple children. Pull up a chair. You don’t sink the ships underwater, you sink them on land! Just like the genius strategist Zakalwe , and he fought in the hell wars!
Mise en place really helps my adhd brain with cooking. Prepping while managing the stovetop stresses me out unless it’s during a long simmer.
Get a vpn and torrent to your hearts content. The subscription services are too fractured. I’ve got Jellyfin, audiobookshelf, and mealie self hosted
If you want a rower go with the concept2. It’s the gold standard for indoor rower and they hold their value. I prefer going moderate effort long distance because then that time can be doubled up as audiobook/tv time
Edit: Besides exercise, which would ideally be a mix of cardio and strength work, make stretching a part of your routine. At least a few times a week. I mainly target the hamstrings and hip flexors
Probably was from getting away from the chiropractor, ngl
IDF improving their Journalist Kill Ratio
Man, if I’m focused on a task and not expecting a social interaction, it short circuits me when someone says 'hey what’s up?’ Worse if it’s shouting and my auditory processing malfunctions
That’s not very cash money of you
I too could have gone places if I had, umm, apartheid mining wealth
They’s miscegenatin!
Is 2.5m even worth apples time?
This is just the result of obelisk re-education programs on their subjugated worlds
The monsters fight for freedom
Haha oh man, a smoke on the move used to be my jam. Smoke when leaving a place. Smoke before I go in the building. I guess that happens ubiquitously enough that the correlation gets burned through pretty quickly
I did get them the first time I tried quitting, which lasted 1 or two years before I started up again
I don’t think I’ll ever smoke again this time though. Combination of reasons, I have kids now, who I don’t want affected by it. I ve really gotten into cardio since then, and I’m starkly aware of how it affects your lungs. Also this second time I quit I had a minor health scare where my mouth started sloughing a bit. Wasn’t just the smoking causing that, I also was drinking some very acidic juice and was reacting badly to a toothpaste ingredient, but it did help me to quit
Wish I never smoked, but over 4 years since my last and no cravings. Always was afraid that cravings would never go away, that hungry anxiety was awful, even if it was dull after a time
Terrible addiction that isn’t worth it
Ghee, that sounds pretty good, but I’m afraid it might lead to too much churn