no, it does actually calma you down when you first smoke, but you quickly build up tollerance so you end up smoking just to calm down the cravings, and eventually you need to ramp up usage
Nicotine is an interesting poison as rather than killing the bugs the plant sloooows them down and the nicotine stnkifies them makin em more attractive to predators.
Doesn’t it calm people down because the cravings are aggravating them, though?
no, it does actually calma you down when you first smoke, but you quickly build up tollerance so you end up smoking just to calm down the cravings, and eventually you need to ramp up usage
Nicotine is an interesting poison as rather than killing the bugs the plant sloooows them down and the nicotine stnkifies them makin em more attractive to predators.
So yeah it’s calming