Then when you try to join in they act like you’re an idiot who doesn’t know anything.
I went to seminary
The same week that Apple opened up users iCloud to the UK police, 2 co-workers were talking about upgrading thier iPhone. Took alot of restraint to not butt in and “well actually” them.
The internet is wrong, more “um actually” is needed, not less
The problem is everyone is “disgustingly educated”
Let me tell you about these vaccines and what’s realllllly going on
Illuminati, lizard people, aliens.
Cloud people, mole people, Ted Cruz
Me, an IT person, I ain’t gonna say shit. I don’t want any of them knowing I know anything.
call incoming
Hi! You the computer guy, right ? I have this issue: The computer tells me that my “PC got 129008 virus, immediate action required”, so I called the friendly technician it promted me to and downloaded the Pc fixing software 2000 Pro they sent me by email, but i cant launch the app, the filename says “”. Could you help me launch it ???
Thanks :))
The dumbest thing you can do as a tech person is let a non-tech person know you’re competent. You’re just opening yourself up to stupid questions nonstop.
Alternate caption:
Whenever I use an LLM on a subject for which I’m an expert, it is subtly yet wildly wrong.
It’s really good about the other subjects though…Yesterday i saw a meme from one of the tankie instances about the 1956 hungarian revolution where they not only got the date wrong, tried to deny the ussr’s wrongdoings but even claimed that the cia led the revolution, which i find very offensive as it was an actual revolt against the opression of the ussr and one of the reasons it was unsuccesful was because the us did not provide any support, probably because they didnt want to escalate the cold war.
Hungary mentioned!? No way. We’re on the map! Hell ye!
Én is meglepődtem xD
Az 56-os forradalmat sikerült 53-ra helyezniük és amerikaellenessé formálni de így is jó x)
I also see people blame Stalin for his decision to suppress the Hungarian revolution. You know. In 1956.
Internet comments aren’t academia. Most of the time it’s just confessionals through another lens.
Looking at computers at Best buy
This is also true when looking for repair parts at Home Depot.
Me: I need a replacement gasket for a Kohler toilet flush valve.
Them: Here’s a universal replacement flapper.
Me: My toilet doesn’t even have a flapper, I just need the -
Them: But this is universal, it’ll work.
I hate going to Amazon for everything, but shit like this is why…
I hate going to Amazon for everything, but shit like this is why…
Maybe I’m more bold but I’ve told a manager who was trying to be TOO helpful this exact statement.
They backed off real fast.
God I’ve had that experience, ask a question I have some understanding of, they respond with an answer that completely misunderstands their own products and fundamentally misunderstands how anything works.
Autism intensifies
When I feel this way I just tip my glasses down slightly, which was the style at the time. A stern look is what we’d call it. Anyway…
Alt: Lester Freamon, character from The Wire played by Clarke Peters who had the ‘glasses down the nose let me school you’ look down perfectly
Ya but I watched a YouTube video on it, so who’s to say what’s true?
Everyone in the comments is saying real things and the only time this happened to me was when some genZ couple where wondering what kind of animal Knuckles was, and kept calling him an anteater.
And in a very controlled tone, said, “He’s an echidna.”