Yesterday i saw a meme from one of the tankie instances about the 1956 hungarian revolution where they not only got the date wrong, tried to deny the ussr’s wrongdoings but even claimed that the cia led the revolution, which i find very offensive as it was an actual revolt against the opression of the ussr and one of the reasons it was unsuccesful was because the us did not provide any support, probably because they didnt want to escalate the cold war.
Yesterday i saw a meme from one of the tankie instances about the 1956 hungarian revolution where they not only got the date wrong, tried to deny the ussr’s wrongdoings but even claimed that the cia led the revolution, which i find very offensive as it was an actual revolt against the opression of the ussr and one of the reasons it was unsuccesful was because the us did not provide any support, probably because they didnt want to escalate the cold war.
Hungary mentioned!? No way. We’re on the map! Hell ye!
Én is meglepődtem xD
Az 56-os forradalmat sikerült 53-ra helyezniük és amerikaellenessé formálni de így is jó x)
I also see people blame Stalin for his decision to suppress the Hungarian revolution. You know. In 1956.
Internet comments aren’t academia. Most of the time it’s just confessionals through another lens.