Really glad to see Elon Musk getting absolutely fucked. Let’s have more of that.
Let’s be clear: he’s the one fucking himself
Even more beautiful.
Thing is, he’s not. He can, and has, lose more money than I’ll ever see and not have any change in lifestyle.
It simply doesn’t effect him. All of his companies could collapse completely tomorrow and he probably wouldn’t even notice (financially speaking).
He may not notice the financial loss but at the amount of money he’s trying to amass money isn’t the point. Power and control are the point. If his companies go under he’ll loose a lot of power and influence and I’m not sure his ego could handle that. He seems to crave attention of any kind. I’d be happy if he were reduced to a regular very rich guy with nothing of consequence to say anymore.
What is his most profitable asset? Tesla stock? Spacex stock? So long as his total assets are worth $4 billion or more, there’s no change. Anything below that and he’ll lose influence due to financial strain. I’m looking forward to it!
Affect and effect are not the same word.
I love to see Musk get punched where it counts!
We would needs much bigger fist for elon to notice. This is like any normal person losing $0.10
That’s called “voting with your wallet”. Everyone should do that! Here in Europe we tanked Tesla sales. Rich and poor - everyone can do what’s right.
Not everyone’s wallet has that kind of pull.
Poor excuse.
It’s just facts.
In January alone, billionaire wealth surged by $314 billion―around $10 billion a day. This is more than the combined wealth of the 2.8 billion people who make up the poorest third of humanity.
At the global average income, it would take 15 million workers an entire year to collectively earn the same amount of money
The wealth gap is getting worse at an exponential rate. How long until we all bust out the guillotines?
How’s that relevant?
Musk will most likely blame it on South African apartheid and him being discriminated against.
Keep it up world. Bankrupt Musk. Let’s make the world’s richest man, the poorest. Rob him of absolutely everything.
I like seeing good news.
Seriously, what is this feeling?
Schadenfreude, most likely.
Pot calling the kettle black, eh?
Russia’s useful tech bro idiot really doesn’t need to comment on the company other people keep.
But all the MAGAts thinks he’s a really cool boy they can all laugh at white only memes with right? It was all worth it! Right? What a fucking clown.
Genius at work…Look just because he has a great ganster name doesn’t mean he’s more corrupt than a normal billionaire
If your more aware of Hispanic culture you’d know he has a very down home family name, Flaco is a pretty common family nickname, the gangster names in Mexico are usually animals, or insulting kind of monikers like ‘‘female pig’’ and ‘‘frog face’’ or ‘‘dumb accent guy with huge eyebrows’’