• 144 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • *your*

    And how long have you watched Microsoft do what they do? Is it more than five years? 10? 20? 30? Really?

    You can genuflect to the Ballmers all you want but their less-sucky products are still the best garbage one of the most profitable businesses in the history of earth can provide.

    I’m not talking about UX, or code that doesn’t crash. I’m talking about that and the purpose of it. Good software serves the purpose of the user. Micro$oft software serves Micro$oft primarily - and often exclusively. Then there’s the monopolistic practice they have of buying innovation and crushing it beneath their heel.

    Whatever “ignorance” of their products I have has been very deliberately cultivated. Glad you like VS, you’ll benefit Microsoft through it in at least one, or many, ways.

    And none of what they do is different from how they’ve always been. Their self-serving greed was on full display from the day Bill Gates started demanding payment for his software that others had been freely sharing with him. Feel free to remain in thrall to them.

  • They’re a monopoly that relies on users to produce content. You see, in a functional capitalist system, when one supplier deliberately hinders competition through unfair trade practices, they are made to change their methods in order to foster competition.

    When that system is corrupted and fails to act in a timely manner, all bets are off.

    You know where else you can go to find the billions of videos users have uploaded? No. How did it get that way? Just, luck? No.

    Yes, we want regulations on ads in YouTube, and it’s an ignorant and arrogant position to call that “entitled”.