Yet, they absolutely would deny them.
Yet, they absolutely would deny them.
Ukraine could nuke half of Russia and those movers and shakers would still pretend nothing’s wrong.
I mention it only because NMS, for all its co-op play, really is just a single player game friends can play together.
I take it back, it doesn’t sound like you dislike single-player focused games, it sounds like you actually hate cooperation and prefer PVP because you prefer fights.
It just sounds like you don’t like single player games.
Settings -> Homepage:
Uncheck everything “sponsored”.
If I get to pick my personal AI demon, I pick Badgy.
Aaah that’s cool as hell. Yeah, I think I remember they reformulated the explosive to be less heat sensitive and cook-offy
You have awoken the last few neurons that remember being terrified of those things. Now I gotta find that movie.
They should bring the G11 back with pyrolytic graphite saboted ammo. It wouldn’t increase the weight or bulk much at all, and its thermal properties would allow the case to absorb heat much better than brass. It wouldn’t technically be careless, but if the sabot is ejected with the bullet, then it’s practically the same. I wonder how well compressed carbon would work with regular rifling.
I had a teacher in the 90’s call me a spaz.
“Zyougottabekiddingme Zelda”
That’s because “The State” isn’t a Kaiju. It’s an agreement between the people to pool their resources in some way. The problem with this system is that some humans are greedy, soulless fucks who have endless energy for making other people’s lives miserable.
“I’m feeling hungry and mildly pregnant”
This is from a religion textbook, teaching what Adam named these things in the garden of eden. Interestingly we get the word “fuck load” from this passage in the Bible:
“And Adam named the bees what he did, and so a gathering of them became a fuckload as Adam saw how many bees there were, and was pleased.”
Studio Ghibli:
For sale: One pair rubber electricians gloves, mouse sized. Never used.
I have a very old 4K Toshiba TV with a built in “smart browser” that, due to me never plugging into the Internet, has a home page with news about how well Obama’s doing in the polls for being a relatively unknown junior senator.