Yeah, “so many years”, a whole 3.25 of them. Before that was Merkels forth cabinet, in the same party with the same coalition we’re likely to see again now.
Jokes on him. What he sees as German conservatives is mostly in line with US Democrats. The German version of the Republicans are the AfD, the Nazi party.
I was under the impression the CDU had worse social stances than dems except on immigration where they shockingly actually act like Christians are supposed to (that part may have just been a merkel thing)
Merkel time is over. The current CDU leader is a man owned by the chemical industry. The “C” is ancient history. The whole political spectrum in the US is so far right, a Republican party would end up under the feds scrutiny here, just like the AfD is.
Actually, a German “Republican party” was declared illegal a few years ago, and you need shitloads of evidence to do something like in Germany.
Reminder that even the lutheran-calvinist church (aka the protestant chruch) and catholic church spoke out against the CDU/CSU for their migration and refugee stands. The CDU/CSU responded by calling both “Left-Green siffed” and many quit the church
The current CDU leader is a man owned by the chemical industry.
Lol and somebody tried to argue with me that germany is not an oligarchy and there are no clans
I wonder how energy intensive chemical industry really is and what their main energy input would be
Yea people think he means CDU but given he is literally a fascist demented grandpa it is more likely that he is either confusing CDU with AfD or thinks that AfD has won because of all the ruckus going on
Notice how Trump considers America to be under him.
Not just in this text, but in all of his actions as well. He has no intention to be a responsible leader, he intends to rule, and to do so with impunity.
“L’État, c’est moi!”
The AfD is only second strongest party. Also, no matter what anyone says. The real winners are the leftist party who got 8.7%.
The real winners are the leftist party who got 8.7%.
Probably most of those voters voted SPD or die Grüne before but lost trust. Happened in Belgium too…
Yep. SPD lost way more to Union and AfD, though, and the Greens got out of this whole thing relatively unscathed, they have a quite stable basis.
Fun fact: Die Linke gained more voters from CDU and FDP than they lost to the AfD.
switching from a socialist party to afd seems wild to me but ok
Protest voters be protest voting. Unless what they want is actually achieved they’ll start hopping from party to party, usually in the direction of “this will be the greater middle finger to the establishment”. It’s people who think that kicking their car when it doesn’t start will fix it.
I’m fairly far left but the strong LINKE might actually fuck us over pretty hard. They are strong enough that they’re able to block increased defense spending together with the AfD in a time where increased national and European security might just be our most existential issue.
They are strong enough that they’re able to block increased defense spending together with the AfD
Does Germany have some rules that defence spending requires a 2/3rds supermajority or something? Linke and AfD cannot stop anything on their own if a simple majority is required. The Union and SPD have a slim majority between them, and add the Greens and you’ve got an extremely strong majority.
The only way the conservatives get the funding for increased arms manufacturing is by disabling/changing something about the debt ceiling.
Debt ceiling is in the basic law (constitution), which requires a 2/3 majority to be altered.
Linke are against the debt ceiling in general, but not if it’s only disabled for military spending while still preventing investments in public infrastructure. I think with a bit of diplomacy and concessions in the wording, Linke can be persuaded here.
Edit: Or Merz can just say he doesn’t want to change anything about the debt brake, OK. Saves him from negotiating anything I guess. Maybe the billions he needs will just fall out of the sky then.
Because the right-wing CDU/CSU has won and the right-wing AfD is right behind it? These are the fruits of 16 years of Merkel with “We can do it”. It started with her migration policy etc. and the attacks increased but only at times when they wanted to overturn laws or introduce new ones.
This moved the population to the right. (We can do it… Making Germany right-wing again < that’s how it should have been understood!) So the AfD happen to be former CDU/CSU voters… Germany gave up its sovereignty yesterday.Democracy is broken!
Dude does not understand how german elections work lmao. Nobody won that election, the conservatives got 28% of the vote. There will be at least a 3 party coalition and things could become pretty complicated.
This cannot be said enough to Anglosphericals, even the well-informed ones sometimes don’t get it. Under proportional representation, you almost never “win” an election and that’s the point.
It’s a classic misunderstanding between two political different cultures. I remember once a German state election, I think it was Baden-Würtemberg, where the first-placed party had no friends so the parties #2 and #3 (the Greens were one) formed the government. The Anglo press just did not get it - a “the losers ganged up on the winners”! How could Germans possibly accept this travesty of democracy??! But the second and third parties agreed on more things, and between them they had far more votes! It was arguably more democratic than the outcome of a classic first-past-the-post election in Britain or the USA.
This silly obsession with winners and losers was why the Tories dominated 20th-century British politics even though Labour and the Liberals often had more support between them. It’s arguably what sunk the UK LibDems’ referendum on electoral reform under the Cameron government. And then a few years later Brexit got 51.9%, which for Brits was obviously a resounding victory so most of the the other 48.1% didn’t even complain about literally losing their EU citizenship. The winner-loser culture goes deep for Anglos but it doesn’t always serve them well.
I’m not usually one to agree with trump, but doubling your representation in a single election is a win. An incredibly concerning win, in this case. It bodes poorly.
The “conservative party” is the CDU/CSU, and even though they won, they just had their second worst result since the 1950s.
So while they lost power the far right AfD gained power which is a lot worse
can you explain your reasoning here?
The context comment makes much more sense, that this is not a conservative win, and Trump is too dumb to realize that that.
Imagine that your place of work, a sizable but far from monopolistic company, suddenly finds itself with twice the clientele. You now service 20% of the market where before you serviced only 10. How might your boss describe that situation? Because mine would call it a win, with very little coaxing.
so if the situation was entirely different, with different aims, one could draw a different conclusion?
I understand that you don’t want to panic about this, and you don’t need to. I have more than enough panic to cover for you. Gotchu, babycakes
yeah, I’ll definitely leave the unnecessary panicking to you guys. not my jam.
Germans are very much like Americans, they like to Moralize and act like they got their shit together, and pretend like they’re all enlightened, but their people are just as fucked up as Americans sometimes.
Its 20% of us, not 48%.
This entirely depends on if you count the CDU Voters to this. Because I would count them almost as stupid as the AfD Voters.
Nah, they won. And there will probably be a Union-SPD or Union-AfD coalition.
why is there a trump tweet on my all, better block this community
It’s actually a “Truth”
Used to be that Truth Social was the evil Twitter, but now it’s just an evil Twitter.
So ending up with a parliament that is made up of probably a minimum of three parties, which will result in fairly boring, moderate policies most of the time, headed by someone who’s made it crystal clear a Trump led USA is the opposite of what he wants and who has pledged full backing for Ukraine…is a Trump win…?
I mean, no its not great AfD picked up so much of the polling but not even Trump can realistically claim this as a victory.
Parliament seats are assigned proportionally, not according to the party with the most votes in a district.
Five parties are represented: conservative center right CDU, hard right AfD, social democrat center left SPD, center left Greens, radical left Linke.
Trump can realistically claim this as a victory
Trump will always claim victory regardless of facts.
What are the typical beliefs of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Christian Social Union (CSU)?
You can find their agenda for this election on their website.
Social market capitalism is a core tenet. That means free enterprise and corporation friendly policies, while also taking care of the unemployed, health insurance, and so on. Traditional family values and German national identity are important. Anti drug, but pro choice. Strict on crime and public order. Belief in meritocracy, compromise, and pragmatism. Sceptical regarding immigration. Pro EU, pro NATO, pro USA.
Similar to a center right democrat in the US, except with more conservative ideas regarding immigration and multiculturalism.
I’m not German and don’t have any special insight into German politics, but until someone that knows better comes along I can at least offer that it’s Angela Merkel’s old party. Unless something has shifted drastically, it’s the Germany we’ve known for most of the past twenty years
Something has shifted quite dramatically. Under Merz, the C*U has shifted to the right, almost copying the extreme right AfD’s program in certain points, became very populist. A standstill like during the Merkel years could be a best case scenario atm.
No, the CDU didn’t shift, they put someone from a different wing in the top position. I guess the long and short of it that neither Günther or Wüst were interested in a show-off with Merz who had bees up his arse ever after Merkel quit, given that she previously ousted him from the candidacy position. They’re both perfectly comfortable ruling their respective states, why bother, if Merz goes too far for their liking they’re still in a position to but brakes on that.
Like, the CDU polls at around 40% in SH state elections, while the federal result is 27.6%. Everyone knows the CDU left wing has more pull than the right, they’re letting Merz be Merz.
Yes, they did shift. Their program is far more right-wing than a few years ago, the rhetorics, their propositions, are far closer to the AfD than even under Laschet.
Who is “they”, here. Point out people who have shifted.
The CDU as a party, as it states their goals inntheir program, the politicians their base elects as their leaders and speakers and the rhetorics that are popular.
I addressed that, there’s a reason I posted poll numbers and compared them to election results. Merz has nothing on Günther when it comes to pulling votes, if he (or Wüst) had ran for Merz’ office they’d very likely have won. And they would have run, had Merz been Gauland, or one of the Werteunion guys.
Noone wanted to oppose Merz because he’s not too far right to be intolerable, also, it’s his turn. The CDU’s right and left wing have co-existed since the end of the war nothing about this is new and there’s whole states to keep Merz in check. We’re getting a bit of controlled CSU at the federal level.
Also the migration debate is all but guaranteed to vanish as soon as people start talking about getting nukes.
I’m sure they’re just “letting” the right wing take control as the world descends into fascism and “centrists” ally with fascists all over.
They are as Christian as the Evangelical Right in the USA.
Americans don’t know any better, tbh
We educated them wrong, as a joke