I’ve never smoked, what does this even mean?
Most smokers will give someone a cig if they ask. When someone asks to borrow your lighter there is a good chance they will pocket it after lightning up(more likely out of habit, than a malicious decision to steal it).
Common occurrence is coming back home with a different lighter you go out.
For decades after high school I still had a stash of lighters that weren’t mine. I miss those days. My friends and I called it “the lighter game” and the goal was to be the person at the end of the night with the most lighters. At a party once my buddy pocketed like 6 it was hilarious.
Yeah back in my smoking days I bought a unique looking lighter so I wouldn’t accidentally steal someone else’s. After a night of drinking, I noticed I somehow had two of them.
Sorry! I tried my best not to steal your lighter, whoever was unfortunate enough to have one that looked like mine.
I always carried a white lighter because of this. No one wants bad luck!
I always carried purple, none of the guys I knew would steal a purple lighter and I always knew which where mine.
lol you can’t post about this stuff on Lemmy, the majority are people who don’t relate but can’t help but open their fat mouths. 90% of the comments are always “don’t smoke”.
just fuck off and let us have a conversation about our own shit
good meme sir
The post is mostly upvoted with only a couple of comments, most downvoted, aligning with your premise.
I think this platform is just one big echo chamber
not as long as there’s dissent
David Graeber would have loved this meme.
I had him in mind, too. He uses cigarettes as an example for his definition of communism (within a group of people you have something in common with)
But wouldn’t he analyze “stealing” a lighter in the same way because it’s also “to each according to their needs”? I don’t smoke tho, so I can’t relate to the meme
Having been a smoker for a while, lighters are less “stolen” and more “accidentally gifted.” If you’re with someone you know well you’ll be more likely to just pocket the lighter out of habit because you’re comfortable with them. If it’s a stranger you’d feel an obligation to get it back, or even have them light the cigarette for you.
If you know the person they might ask for it back, or they might let you keep it depending on how close you are with them.
I have absolutely known hippies for whom this was true, Rainbow Family in particular lmao
Yea potheads are super bad for this as well.
Source: pothead
Never buy hella lighters just one you’re forced to keep track of
Ppl think white lighters are bad so you can peel off the sticker and use it that way, no one steals them
That was always my trick, too. I also used to keep my lighters on a lighter leash back when they first starting getting popular. If I didn’t clip it on my clothes, I’d put the whole thing in my pocket, and when someone wants a light I just hold the clippy part and hand them the lighter. I ain’t letting go. I want my lighter back.
My mom, though, man, she was the biggest lighter thief back in the day. She’d go to a party in the 90s and 00s, when everyone smoked, and each time she lit up she’d ask for a light and accidently (she claims) pocket it. By the end of the night when she got home she’d have 15-30 lighters in her purse. I have literally seen her dump a pile of bics on a bed from her pocket book, and it looked like Technicolor vomit spewing out of a leather bag. Lmao
Maybe don’t smoke? It is nasty and no one wants to smell that.
The comment economy is one of judgement, the meme economy is one of acceptance. All is in balance.
Everyone downvoting you doesn’t understand just how negatively their habbit affects other people. There are people with athsma and people allergic to cigarette smoke and people with a smoke sensitivity. All those people can potentially die from second hand smoke. And that’s not even touching on people who hate having to breathe the smoke of someone else’s cigarettes or people who don’t like how a smoker’s cigarette smell fills a room or a grocery store isle, despite how much effort they take to hide the smell.
deleted by creator
don’t smoke, it kills