Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Have on many occasions slept 12-15 hours after extended stints awake, but my record is unknown to me.

    I once slept for basically a week, because I had what we now know was pancreatitis. I’d sleep, wake up to moan in agony/scream, and the fall back to sleep. I remember very little of it, other than that I could not eat. The moment food passed my throat I was in total agony, the best I could do was broth, but i was literally only awake for minutes at a time. I was running a fever, horrible pain in my abdomen, and couldn’t even drink water the first few days. Early days of COVID lock downs, and the local hospital was so overrun that it would have been pointless to go. There were no beds, no available doctors or nurses, nothing. Tried going to an urgent care, but when my parents called them they basically said don’t bother, they won’t be able to see me. Lady at the ER told us basically the same thing, but she literally said “I can’t tell you not to come here, but I will say I wouldn’t let anyone I loved near this place”

    It was terrifying

    Edit: just asked my mom something to clarify, it was 12 days, not a week. Like I said, I remember very little. I also lost 45 pounds.

  • Once gave a ride to a dude on Grindr that was leaving his abusive husband at 4am for similar reasons, didn’t know the neighbors, didn’t trust they wouldn’t be violently anti gay.

    Another time I was broke down on the side of the road and a dude came and hung out with me in freezing weather until the wrecker got there.

    One other time I was broke down in a city an hour from home in a blizzard (I’ve had a lot of shitty cars) and a dude got me a hotel room for the night, no strings.

    Grindr, and the gay community in general, can sometimes be really great places

  • I’ve always been the guy who does consider Mormons christians. I don’t think it matters that they’re non trinitarian. That just makes one a nontrinitarian Christian. But more and more, with some family having converter and some friends, I’m more leaning towards them being a full blown cult, in the colloquial sense of that word. A Christian cult, but a cult. They’re huge which is really the only reason they’re not considered a cult. If their membership were 1700 instead of 17 million, pretty much nobody would hesitate to call the group headed by a charismatic “prophet,” that initiates members in a secret ritual, demands the wearing of sacred underwear, and teaches that God is an alien who will make you king of a planet when you die a cult. So, yeah, Christian. But a Christian cult.

  • Curious about something for years. Especially before metricization, when y’all bought things in shops, did it ever get confusing if someone was talking about weight or price? Like it’s a pound a pound or a pound per half pound. “Give me a pound’s worth” of ham. You 100 pence worth when you wanted 16 ounces. Not explaining myself well because it’s 5am, but I hope you get what I mean. Lol