USA 1970s
Posting picture of 70s men to deter the possible attack?
Or to encourage someone to liberate the country from the upcoming fascist regime? 🤷
Upcoming…America been fucky for a long time.
Sure, but it’s about to go from awful to historically atrocious.
Everything that’s broken now is going to continue to be as broken or get worse, and a ton of other things are going to be broken beyond repair.
Don’t be fooled by the business as usual behavior of the Dem leadership now that they’re not trying to get elected; this is fucking catastrophic for the entirety of humanity.
this is fucking catastrophic for the entirety of humanity.
I agree it’s dangerous, but 85% of humanity live in countries that are already either on USA’s shit list or don’t-give-a-shit list, and have never benefited from a Democrat US government either.
Yes, I know. My point is that what’s already bad is gonna get much worse.
As awful as the Neoliberal status quo that the Dem leadership lost all parts of the government insisting on, the first Trump administration was just a trial run where he was often hindered by people with a modicum of scruples or those without being unprepared to the point of incompetence.
Jan 6th was the Beer hall putsch. They’re doing the night of the long knives and the Reichstag fire simultaneously while the Mango Mussolini takes the train to
RomeWashington. Additional reference to 1920s and 30s fascism.
Im not fooled, I just think americans have been doing the whole emperors new clothes thing for a long time. It has always been built on nonsense and bravado and now it will be crippled by it. It is so very obvious that this is a mission of america’s enemies but it is deserved at this stage.
As someone who has spent their whole life fighting against their hair wanting to look feathered I just want to say that I’d be killing it in the 70s
I just need a few pairs of those pants, like right now
Especially absurd to use this propaganda angle when the West is backing Islamic fundamentalists to overthrow a secular state
It’s a particularly effecttive angle because progressive liberals are sympathetic towards the victims of fundamentalist regimes, but are largely ignorant to the US’s backing of them, while conservative liberals are just looking for an excuse to be racist.
“You do not understand. Moslem bad and the government look like Moslem therefore we must kill all their women.” - Average liberal.
The US is actually backing socialists and even communists in Syria. HTS is mostly on its own. The US supports Assad over HTS.
Edit: Lol, downvote me all you want, doesn’t change that the US chose the socialist YPG/PKK as their ally. Tbf though, their main ideology is ethnic nationalism, socialism for them is nowadays more a tool to fool some naive westerners.
Edit 2: I am a socialists myself. Still doesn’t change facts.
Edit 3: Israel juat bombed the rebels. How does fit into your narrative?
This is wrong. The US supports HTS through Turkey and through their Al Tanf base in the south of Syria.
Oh my, two mistakes in one sentence… HTS is not active in the south and Turkey supports the SNA (FSA) which is at times cooperating with HTS, but is at odds with them at the same time. The tentions just flared up today again and let to a lot of bloodshet between SNA and HTS in the last. Turkey did occasionally protect the HTS to a degree against Assads agressions (to prevent Assad from gaining ground), but also tried to get rid of them.
The US supports neither the SNA, nor HTS, but supports the YPG in the north and a mercenary troop in the south that acts like they were FSA, not HTS.
You know literally nothing about the conflict. Stop writing about it
HTS is active in the south around Al Tanf.
Those are some sweet fuckin pants, I want some
The solution to world problems is to dress like it’s the 1970’s.
This right here is the actual reason libs hate Trump so much. He doesn’t try to put a fig leaf over the atrocities US commits, he just comes out and says we’re in Syria to take their oil.
And half the population cheers him on for saying it, the other half are mad that he revealed their “secret” plan.
Disagree, it’s if we find out about oil we need to liberate it
Oil is only one factor, what matters is the country’s stance towards US Imperialist interests and how they work for or against those interests.
Oh yeah I forgot, also selling oil in any currency besides USD. That will get you some freedom! 🦅🦅🦅
Well oil was discovered in Crimea and northeast Ukraine in like 2012, so we really dropped the ball there.
i suddenly need a crochet vest
How dare they de-babe the women!
lmao the 1970s was still ba’athist but under Assad’s dad
I’ve always suspected that many of these kinds of images were staged or propaganda.
Every so often you’ll see a meme on Reddit with a bunch of American teenagers being athletic in the 60s. The meme suggests that people were healthy and fit back then, but I happen to know that the footage was for a physical fitness push at the time (gotta do more pushups than the commies) and the athletes were far from typical students.
I’m just listening to the Citations Needed podcast, and they talked about how even since the Spanish War Americans have been using women rights to justify their aggression.