My hands tend to shake, possibly from excessive masturbation. I recently watched a video where a guy was caught using an electronic male masturbator by a woman and the scene went to a happy ending. Anyways, it got me thinking — if I switch to using a device like that, could it help reduce my hands from shaking? What’s your opinion on electronic toys? Do you think they’re a good alternative?
I mean…for everybody in these comments who are making OP feel stupid for thinking his shakey hands are related to shaking his dick, might I remind you all that theres a whole generation out there that were discouraged from masturbation by saying they’ll go blind, or their palms will get hairy.
At least this guy is (falsely) seeing a real cause and effect. He jerks it, and his hand keeps jerking. It’s reasonable to think “I shook it too much.”
That being said, OP, go see a doctor. Because that’s not a thing. It sounds like you might have parkinsons, or some kind of damaged nerves. I’m not a doctor so I can’t say. But there does sound like some major issue here.
While your point about myths is valid, I haven’t seen anybody make fun of him.
Everyone in seeing is just saying that it probably has nothing to do with that, is curious where that thought came from, and is recommending a visit to a doctor
Unless there were other comments that got mod removed already and I’m not seeing them?
Given that this is the Internet it’s a relatively safe assumption to go “aw no he’s going to be made fun of.”
I’m pleasantly surprised that this doesn’t appear to be the case this time, though. Every once in a while there’s a good surprise.
Who’s to say he has a medical condition? My hands shake for some time after carrying heavy bags, but the shaking stops after a while. Maybe the guy strains his firearms a lot when he’s masturbating?
who’s to say he has a medical condition?
A doctor
Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t.
Better to have it checked than to let something possibly get worse.
The shaking might be an essential tremor (I have one and it’s hereditary in my family). It’s usually a benign condition but you should talk to your doctor in case it’s something more serious as it can be related to brain tumors or other shit you really need to jump on.
There’s no relation to masturbation but, hey, if you want a sex toy then buy one.
the shaky hand was a classic myth passed among old catholics to discourage masturbation
Which makes no sense. Everybody should masturbate. The girls who try to hold a pill between their knees are the most likely to need a morning after pill from wearing their knees as earings.
Ignoring the weird pill-related part, the rest of your comment is actually sound. There are genuine medical benefits to be had, at least for males. I don’t know if there’s equivalents for women, but I recall reading a study that found that regular ejaculation significantly reduces the chances of prostate cancer later in life.
Everybody should be free to feel comfortable with their own bodies, IMO. Society’s concerns should only matter when it comes to interactions with others.
Your hands shake for some other reason which you should have checked out by a doctor. Snappin your carrot doesn’t cause your hands to shake.
Masturbation won’t do that, you should probably go to a doctor. Also, give a toy a go if it sounds fun!
Is this a bait or a joke? Go to a doctor
There are many reasons why your hands may tend to shake, and none of them are masturbation. And no, you won’t go blind either.
Talk to your doctor if you worry about this stuff. Shaky hands could be a symptom of a harmless combination of your genetics (essential tremor, that kind of stuff), not getting enough sleep, stress, or it could be a sign of something bad (early onset Parkinson’s, thyroid issues), or maybe it’s just low blood sugar. Don’t listen to the internet for medical stuff, get a professional’s opinion!
As for sex toys, some people swear by them, others find them more trouble than they’re worth. They won’t stop your hands from shaking but that doesn’t mean you can’t try them if you’re interested.
Go to a doctor
Go to the doctor
Just out of curiosity, I would like to hear what link you thought exists between excessive masturbation and shaky hands.
Right? Everyone knows masturbation makes you go blind or grow hair on your palms.
Gotta be honest. As I read this comment, and it began asking for a link, after OP was talking about watching a porn video…I really thought you were going a whole different direction with your question…