Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923


  • Discord makes way more money off your data than it costs them to host

    Lol. Your data is worth maybe $5, maybe $10 if you discuss financial platforms often, there’s no way that’ll cover the costs of hosting media for years. Just watching or hosting a video stream every month will probably run you over the money your data is worth. Individual data is practically worthless, and aggregate data doesn’t sell for a lot when you divide the total worth by the amount of users covered.

    Discord is alive because of their premium subscription, their data sales are just a little bonus on top. Their own statistics claim 200 million active users per months with 600 million in revenue per year. Those $3 per user start to run real thin when you’re essentially running a free S3 server with 8MB blobs.

  • Based on stories like these, I get the feeling there’s active hostility from the maintainers against Rust contributors. While the kernel in general has accepted Rust contributions, the maintainers of individual subsystems seem to disagree.

    I don’t think the language matters. The problem is cultural, first and foremost. Had a new wave of programmers used C to expand the Linux kernel, they probably would’ve run into the same issues.

    This isn’t the first time I’ve heard devs complain about the DRM API, and most of my kernel panics seem to involve DRM as well (mostly Nvidia, but the Intel driver crashes too). Maybe it’s because of performance reasons, but DRM seems very hard to get right, even for already merged in-tree drivers.

    If the problem does turn out to be technical in nature, maybe Linux needs to ask Microsoft for help. They don’t seem to have that many issues rewriting system components into Rust, and they have the additional challenge of remaining binary compatible with the C(++) code that came before it.

  • I don’t have a problem with this particular popup, but isn’t that the exact same argument people used to defend Microsoft’s ads? The OS comes with computers for free and you can turn all of those ads off as well.

    I don’t really mind with KDE because they have no real income streams other than donations, but I don’t see why you’re not allowed to be annoyed by notifications like these just because you got stuff for free.

  • For the same reason turning off a screen in Android works in less than a second and doesn’t drain your battery in half an hour while modern standby still barely works in Linux: optimisations.

    Android is made to cache and freeze processes when switching apps. The more RAM you have, the more apps can have ready to go in an instant. When an app gets swapped out to storage, it’s very clearly noticeable, and many apps don’t bother to store state either. The Android approach to slick multitasking is to open as many applications as can fit in RAM, which is why apps launch faster than many Linux applications, even on much faster SSDs.

    RAM really isn’t that expensive, and the power savings of rarely ever initialising applications is worth it.

  • Probably something accessing your microphone and making the headset switch to HSP/HFP. Correcting the microphone input usually allows me to switch back to A2DP, but not always unfortunately. I’ve had it happen a few times at random too (some games, a chat program). I still don’t know what causes my issues exactly, but after a few updates and editing my Pipewire config it doesn’t seem to happen as much anymore.

    I dug in deep and I think completely removing the HSP and HFP roles from the Wireplumber config file solved the issue. I don’t know what to do if you’re on Pulseaudio, and there’s no GUI setting to do this, but it may help you on your quest to figure this stuff out.

  • My government has an information page specifically about what you should do when this happens. Basically: register the birth locally (which gets you the local papers), register at home as soon as possible, and you may want to convert the birth certificate for ease of paperwork. There’s another page where you can look up the specifics for each country, but most of them (including Turkey) don’t have any specifics.

    This registering abroad can cause issues when giving birth in countries like the USA, where being born within the border makes you a citizen, and therefore liable to pay tax even if you have a dual nationality and live abroad. This is especially weird because the Netherlands does not normally permit dual citizenship. Sounds like a fun bit of paperwork!

    Your best bet, for any country, will probably be “contact the embassy and ask what you need to do”. Or maybe “don’t travel across the border when you’re about to give birth”; I can’t imagine a nine month pregnant woman will have a great time on vacation anyway.

  • I use AI all the time. The ability to select text and images from a screenshot or the app switcher is pretty useful for when apps refuse to implement selection themselves. My keyboard also allows me to type much faster than when I try to be as precise as I need to be with unassisted keyboards. Plus, photos captured without image enhancement look terrible (and nothing like what you’re seeing in real life). Firefox translate has also finally hit Android and it’s been pretty good so far. Google Translate has worked offline for a while as well but it’s not as good as normal Google translate I believe.

    I don’t use text generation much (although I do use it accidentally now that it’s replaced Assistant) and the photo editing tools are mostly gimmicks to me, though I can see their actual use.

    If Google can give me all of this existing stuff while using less battery life because of the NPU, it’d be pretty happy.