Bone sense
Free me from this flesh, brother
In DnD it’s because most undead are damned and tortured souls enslaved by dark magic to the bidding of their twisted masters.
The skellingtons are looking at you, the real you, the core of your very existence with their soul eyeballs. And they hate you, because you are alive, and they aren’t just dead, they’re being tortured every moment of their existence.
But, hey, tell me more about your perfect medieval civilization built on raising zombie field hands.
It’s a very simple matter 2 and maybe mind 3 effect, for simple commands and routines. No ghosts involved!
I’m not familiar with the modern rules. Can mages still go insane from levitating a Kleenex in front of normies?
You know how their jumble of bones pulls together when you get close? Their bones wanna do that with your bones, and the osteonetic attraction that pulls their bones together let’s them know where your bones are, too.
So all you would have to do to avoid this fate would be to pull out your own bones from your body, interesting…
And that’s how you get slimes
“Whoopsie, ah… I mean… success?”
Their bones are actually inert. Your bones just want to join their bones doing fuck all all day long. Their bones are doing your bones’ bidding.
The same way they’re able to take human shape and move instead of sitting in a pile…
Shit, some of them talk
How do they not just collapse into a pile of bones?
One could argue, that joints are part of the skeleton.
Cartilage isn’t.
But, as always, the real answer is “a wizard did it”. Skeletons don’t just hop up and animate themselves.
Skeletons don’t just hop up and animate themselves.
Tell me you are from US without saying you are from US, lol
This wouldn’t be nearly the first time I’ve said some stupid Americanism without realizing it, but mind telling me what it was at least?
Your skeletons don’t seem to rise from the ground. Common American problem, don’t need to feel bad about it.
Problem? I’d like to know what your raised skeletons are doing that makes them a positive on your community.
Stop being such a racist. They’re part of the community like you and me.
Well great great grandpa is a wonderful story teller for the kids and you wouldn’t believe how big of an area on a field my second great aunt thirteen times removed can clear in one day.
Mine does, but I need an elaborate system of organic strings to make it work and an over powered processor.
It’s wet in you. They have to rescue your skeleton from drowning.
“Your bones are wet in you.”
Unpleasant. Mmh. No, no thank you.
So the ultimate counter to skeletons are octopuses.
Octopuses have beaks. Are beaks considered part of a skeleton?
Afaik beaks are more like nails, hoofs and antlers in composition.
Nails, hooves, and rhino horn are all made of keratin; antlers are a little more complicated:
I could swear some movie or video game taught me re-animated deer skeletons can have antlers.
In video game logic it needs antlers to be a deer.
Isn’t the proper plural term octopi?
Octopodes, actually.
Technically they’re all “correct”, just that octopodes is the most correct and coolest sounding
Your skeleton is bragging so much about its cool meatsuit they want to destroy it.
Nah your skeleton is held prisoner by your meatsuit. The other skeletons are just trying to liberate it.
snotelek to snotelek communication
A dungeon suddenly becomes the corridors of the Nostromo. No matter where you hide, the skeletons can sense your BONES!
Betrayel always comes from within.