• 27 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So I should listen to the authors…

    “It probably comes as a result, to some degree, of a period of globalization and deregulation, of neoliberalism in the 1990s and even earlier developments that have changed party systems—in a lot of countries—in the post-war period,” she says.

    Just not the parts you disagree with?

    I’m just confused here, because me and the author is saying the same thing…

    I’m just blunt, and they’re seemingly hesitant to say what their study concluded with.

    And you’re saying it’s not neoliberalism, and to listen to the authors…

    Who blame neoliberalism?

    It’s not mathing

  • These leaders do so by finding different targets to blame for the inequality. Left-wing, populist backsliders, for example, will blame corporations and economic leaders. Right-wing, ethno-nationalist backsliders might nurture grievances by blaming outsiders or immigrants.

    The difference is one of those groups is using facts and logic to correctly identify the problem…

    Like, I couldn’t get over the cognitive dissonance of the author that those two were equally bad.

    Who the fuck else should we blame beside corporations and economic leaders for economic inequality?

    You want me to go yell at the tooth fairy that poor kids get less under their pillow?

    Ideally they would have gotten into campaign finance deregulation allowing the wealthy to buy both parties…

    “It probably comes as a result, to some degree, of a period of globalization and deregulation, of neoliberalism in the 1990s and even earlier developments that have changed party systems—in a lot of countries—in the post-war period,” she says.

    But I guess that’s close enough. It’s like they knew the answer but were too scared to say it

  • Only when “domestic” corporations don’t get a cut…

    In a shift, the department said the bans would not cover Chinese software developed before the new rules took effect, so long as it was not being maintained by a Chinese firm.

    That means General Motors (GM.N), opens new tab and Ford (F.N), opens new tab could potentially continue to import some Chinese-made vehicles for U.S. buyers, a senior official told reporters.

    We can’t have cheap Chinese EVs because the software is dangerous…

    Except when American corporations get their huge cut.

  • It’s not an American thing it’s a human thing.

    The more time spent angry the more active and larger the amygdala gets.

    So now when in a situation the amygdala is calling the shoots, and it’s either calling for blood or for you to run.

    It’s how we evolved, if we’re surrounded by anger, fear, and confrontation we switch over to a mode that can handle that.

    The current problem is fearmongering and billionaire ran media that keeps telling everyone to panic, so they do.

    People get in this state from the media, interact with others and it spreads. Society as we know it is incredibly recent on an evolutionary scale, so it is often shocking how fast we can slide back to people who are thinking on a short timeline where 20 years is “forever ago”.

    That’s not even getting into wealth inequality and how resource scarceness while young can fuck someone up for life.

  • The wealthiest own like 87% of the stock market, which both parties refer to as “the economy”…

    So while I get how the thought of a general strike where we stop working is attractive.

    But if we really want to hurt the rich, it means selling all your stocks and only buying the bare necessities. Leave them holding the bag on capitalism.

    I’ve always thought the push for “average” Americans to get into stocks was just another way for wealth to trickle up. You’re not savvy for buying what Nancy Pelosi bought a month ago, you’re just pumping her numbers so she makes more when she sells.

    The only way to win is not to play, but enough people need to refuse to play for it to work

  • Nah, bad data is valuable to science because you learned what you did had a confounding variable.

    Maybe not exactly what it was, but investigating and identifying it is literally the scientific method.

    Even early psych experiments like Standford Prison, completely useless data, but why it was useless lead to modern rules about experiments to control for all the ways Zimbardo fucked up.

    But when talking about funding and/or employment…

    A good scientist can defend their position with any data. The complete absence of any data would be when you’re fucked.

    It’s not even just in science, metrics are a thing almost everywhere, and that’s just statistical analysis done by people who never heard those two words put together. It’s trivial to exploit the metrics to make things look better, but what’s better is to explain why the problem is the metrics.

    If you’re less than ethical you could do that even if you’ve not been doing your job.

  • I hate how we keep calling them different species…

    The various types of hominds are more like the different “breeds” of dogs. Wildly different phenotypes, but they can still interbreed and produce fertile offspring. And they all (relatively) recently shared ancestors.

    Horses and donkeys, lions and tigers, these arent necessarily more different phenotypes, but when they produce offspring they’re almost always sterile because of a difference in the number of chromosomes which occurs after insane amounts of time where populations are separated.

    Eventually the different Homo groups would have become a different species, but not enough time had passed before the next waves out of Africa.

    Calling Neanderthals, Denovidians, etc, different species is going to be the same as saying the races were different species 200 years ago.