• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s pretty common.

    Most people think they’re the good guys, he probably had good intentions.

    But who knows what played into his judgement? Article said he owned the whole block and neighbors hated him, was he a shitty landlord that was charging people to park on the street too?

    And he’s inserting himself into the lives of people in incredibly stressful situations.

    Like, it’s the other side of it. Lots of good people do evil shit because they’re backed into a corner. At the end of the day humans are just animals and with enough stress that’s how we act

    Dude probably didn’t understand how desperate people could get. Which is the main takeaway, and the entire reason civilizations need safety nets. Desperate people are bad for everyone, so it benefits everyone when we guarantee basic needs are met.

    It’s literally cheaper than how we’re currently handling it, lots of other reasons to do it too.

  • For one, Biden would have to willingly give up the nomination in order to release delegates already pledged to him.

    Factually not true…

    The DNC can rewrite the rules before the convention and nominate anyone they want.

    As their lawyers have told judges, they’re a private organization that can name anyone as the candidate. That was their defense for accusations that they already rig primaries.

    A second problem is the public doesn’t know any other Democrat nearly as well as they know Biden, and it would be difficult to introduce someone to the public at this late date without them being defined by Donald Trump, the Republicans and Fox News in the worst possible ways.

    Literally anyone that becomes the Dem nominee will have nationwide name recognition in 24 hours.

    The most common reason for voting Biden is “to stop trump” so any replacement shares the most important quality Dem voters want that Biden actually meets.

    Like, sure, this would have been so much easier if we had an actual primary and the people closest to Biden hadn’t spent four years hiding him and lying about his mental capabilities. But they didn’t. They kept repeating it was too late for anyone except Biden.

    They’re still saying it, but it’s still not true.