Lmao, roll-playing at its best!
“Roll a constitution based slight of hand check, add your polearm proficiency.” … “You wake up with extra exhaustion and d12 dignity damage.”
Starting with Visual Studio (not code) helps a ton. Make a simple winforms application with a button and some labels and you will start to see how it ‘starts up’ from program.cs to your form.
Restricted sous-vide basin
Sounds great! I’ll have a look once the user infrastructure is in place.
This article is far too hypey. One dude has started this initiative and needs people to work on his concept to get it off the ground. I’m not opposed to a red-hat free immutable system, but this one is so far from maturity this article is selling a first drawing like an almost finished product. Remind me in two years how this went.
It is not the size of the Dutch flag that matters, it is that you use it.
Your skeleton is bragging so much about its cool meatsuit they want to destroy it.
Schöffel has been pretty good for me so far. Last raincoat lasted 10 years, they repair broken zippers if needed. If you have a schöffellowa store nearby, they tend to go on sale late summer.
Because they are students? Both are high demand professions, I don’t get it.
I too want to open a business where both customers and suppliers pay me. Do you know any more gullible sectors? Academics are pretty extorted already it seems.
No non-metric area in that picture, the core of my joke still stands :P
It’s a japanese bird, that should be Pascal.
Or worse if he does, how do you prove to all the anti-money-laundering watchdogs you got free money from a genie? Will you be able to gain control over your instantly conviscated money in 30 days?
How to loose 20kg in only 1 day!
I’m in favour of moving.
Yeah, basically habit of using two digits precision whenever the meter is too big. Conveniently, the first two digits are centimeters. This comic is weird because our dude is using centimeters above 100 and adds millimeters and 10th milimeters to his length, must have been bald shaved at a precision doctor to get these numbers.
I’m kindof a nimby when it comes do giant cockroach farms in my area, please don’t scale this up. Don’t make “oops 2 billion milkroaches have escaped” a thing.