Venomous sea snakes are, on a whole, ridiculously more venomous than venomous land snakes. As far I as recall.
Like the very venomous coral snake:
New World coral snakes possess one of the most potent venoms of any North American snake. However, relatively few bites are recorded due to their reclusive nature and the fact they generally inhabit sparsely populated areas. Even in areas that are densely populated, bites are rare.
Also not to be confused with the non-venomous king snake:
Or I can confuse them and just avoid both of them.
Duamerthrax used confusion.
Snek is confuse.
Snek fled.
“Black on yellow, kill a fellow!”
Red on black, poison lack.
I thought it was “friend of Jack”
That’s different from what I heard!
I’ve heard both versions
red on black, poison Jack
I thought it was “if it’s yellow, let it mellow”
They taught us that at summer camp. They were trying to conserve water and had a little song to remind us, “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down.”
They get their fresh water from rain pools that, being less dense than seawater, float on the surface for a while.
That’s metal as shit imo.
Nobody talks about it? There are entire myths about sea serpents.
How many myths?
About tree fiddy.
slow clap
About that time I realized this lemmitzer was a crustacean from the Paleozoic era
Fun fact sea snake scales are actually hydrophobic and there is a thin layer of air around it. The snake can breathe from this bubble of scale air and some pacific island claim divers can stay underwater longer by catching sea snakes and breathing from their tails, also I just made all that up.
I almost believed you. But the part of divers breathing snake ass was too much.
Well, you’re supposed to make out with a puffer fish if you want to breath longer.
My upvote for valuable scientific knowledge suddenly changed in the meaning in the last line.
watch it turns out that there IS a species that does this, and you were accidentally correct
that’ll be egg on your face
Don’t boop it.
Must… booo000p.
It closes its noses.
Filthy hobbitsrs
You boop, I’ll watch.
Jazz hands!
⚫ 〰️ ⚫
I have seen a striped white and black one while oversees on holiday casually swimming on the beach in the water
Clarification edit: it was the snake casually swimming on the beach near the shore, not me
Wikipedia Image:
I have never been scared of snakes. They aren’t spooky, they don’t turn my stomach. The phobia has never made sense to me.
But I think if I saw that thing slither by while diving I would get it. Huh.
Because we all agreed not to. Quit ruining our ignorant and peaceful existence.
Please do not boop this snoot for your own safety. Sometimes they get curious and may investigate you if you’re near their waters. Please do not freak out as they’re just curious but above all else: Do not boop
And that is why humans invented swimming pools.
So cute😍
House Velaryon intensifies
Jaws already did enough damage to the public psyche we don’t need this getting out.