I’m not generally in favor of obeying rules but enforcing them on 2+ tons of metal that people drive around is kinda where I start being in favor. With large dangerous objects should come some semblance of responsibility and social demand.
Or if we’re shitposting, every one of those cars contains at least 10k in scrap metal.
If they’re just enforcing speeding rules, then I’m all for it. But something tells me the speed limit enforcement is an ancillary side effect of them keeping a record of every car that passes the thing and when.
It in incentivizes lowering speed limits below what the actual reasonable speed is for an area to increase profits. There are literally speed trap towns where their largest revenue stream comes from their speed traps.
Funny that you would use an article about cops writing tickets to argue that speed cameras are bad. We all agree that speed traps suck and are wrong, but nothing in your article is about the topic, unattended speed cameras, and it mentions nothing of them doing anything shady, outside of aggressive enforcement.
In California speed limits are set by survey to the 85th percentile of speeds. I think it’s a decent approach, it means the vast majority of people are driving at this speed.
All the cool thieves know stealing catalytic converters for the platinum in them is the way to go. Way easier than hauling away multiple tons of scrap metal.
they sometimes do but the kinds of accidents they create are less dangerous - approx half of deaths from running reds are pedestrians/cyclists and run red collisions are often T-bone collisisions etc whereas rear ending people from not running lights is usually a front to back collision, which is significantly safer for all parties.
So if there is any pedestrian traffic at all or high traffic in both directions then photo enforced intersections are still a good tradeoff.
One major problem is that the incentive of increasing income from tickets causes authorities to shorten the time the yellow light is visible, meaning that drivers have less time to react and run a larger risk of actually running a red light and entering those dangerous situations you mentioned.
One way of dealing with this would be to ensure that the ones receiving the money are not the same ones issuing the punishment.
I’m not generally in favor of obeying rules but enforcing them on 2+ tons of metal that people drive around is kinda where I start being in favor. With large dangerous objects should come some semblance of responsibility and social demand.
Or if we’re shitposting, every one of those cars contains at least 10k in scrap metal.
If they’re just enforcing speeding rules, then I’m all for it. But something tells me the speed limit enforcement is an ancillary side effect of them keeping a record of every car that passes the thing and when.
It in incentivizes lowering speed limits below what the actual reasonable speed is for an area to increase profits. There are literally speed trap towns where their largest revenue stream comes from their speed traps.
Funny that you would use an article about cops writing tickets to argue that speed cameras are bad. We all agree that speed traps suck and are wrong, but nothing in your article is about the topic, unattended speed cameras, and it mentions nothing of them doing anything shady, outside of aggressive enforcement.
In California speed limits are set by survey to the 85th percentile of speeds. I think it’s a decent approach, it means the vast majority of people are driving at this speed.
Lowering speed limits is a good thing always.
15mph on freeways, 1mph on city streets. Go!
Yes. Let’s make cars useless and make our planet a better place. Go!
All the cool thieves know stealing catalytic converters for the platinum in them is the way to go. Way easier than hauling away multiple tons of scrap metal.
I thought it was the palladium, but yeah they are valuable.
most of those cars can just be resold as uh. Cars.
Red light cameras actually cause more accidents. Speeding cameras are cool though I think.
they sometimes do but the kinds of accidents they create are less dangerous - approx half of deaths from running reds are pedestrians/cyclists and run red collisions are often T-bone collisisions etc whereas rear ending people from not running lights is usually a front to back collision, which is significantly safer for all parties.
So if there is any pedestrian traffic at all or high traffic in both directions then photo enforced intersections are still a good tradeoff.
Noooo you don’t understand, having my property slightly damaged is waaaaaaay worse than taking a pedestrian’s life
One major problem is that the incentive of increasing income from tickets causes authorities to shorten the time the yellow light is visible, meaning that drivers have less time to react and run a larger risk of actually running a red light and entering those dangerous situations you mentioned.
One way of dealing with this would be to ensure that the ones receiving the money are not the same ones issuing the punishment.