Are we also going to stop trans-Atlantic flights now too?
Straight Atlantic flights only. But no Bacon that shit has transfats.
I think they must be joking, this timeline is so gay.
Need to ban the Flintstones opening theme song as well. That will cause the pice of gas and groceries to go down for sure.
Ban Deck the Halls Christmas song.
I wonder if there’s other “offensive” terms we can find to highlight the absurdity and offensive nature of this action.
Teddy is the name of lingerie, so Teddy Roosevelt needs to be wiped out of history.
I’m sure there’s others …
I see Americans censor themselves for a long time already. A-word, B-word, C-word… It isn’t new.
Bro ‘Enola Gay’ is someone’s name, from a time before the word ‘gay’ was even associated with homosexuality.
Willfully stupid people are even worse than the bigots sometimes I swear to God
People who provide banal and obvious information with the look like they reveal some wisdom are even worse.
Cope, dummy