It’s hard for people to understand, but there was a time from the late 70’s to early 80’s where after a screen “transition” whatever came up next on the screen was called a “new page”.
So if you were playing Intellivision AD&D going in a dungeon from the overworld was a “new page”. Or playing Karate Champ… going from the Title Screen to the Fight Mechanics part was thought of as a “new page”. Beating the first maze arrangement of Ms Pac Man would bring you to the next maze on “page 2”.
It’s hard for people to understand, but there was a time from the late 70’s to early 80’s where after a screen “transition” whatever came up next on the screen was called a “new page”.
So if you were playing Intellivision AD&D going in a dungeon from the overworld was a “new page”. Or playing Karate Champ… going from the Title Screen to the Fight Mechanics part was thought of as a “new page”. Beating the first maze arrangement of Ms Pac Man would bring you to the next maze on “page 2”.
Do we not call them webpages still?
They explicitly are talking about movies and nobody uses the term page when talking about different scenes anymore.
How does the internet fit in here? They’re not saying we as a society moved away from the concept of pages…