i’ll never understand the people who absolutely can’t stand drinking just plain water. though i guess they’ll never understand how i will 100% of the time refuse water with any bullshit added for “flavor”
Depends on where you are and what the source is. If the tap water isn’t filtered, and the only bottled water is in plastic bottles, I’ll take a flavoured drink of some kind over it because I hate the taste that gets left behind by the plastic.
i’ll never understand the people who absolutely can’t stand drinking just plain water. though i guess they’ll never understand how i will 100% of the time refuse water with any bullshit added for “flavor”
Same. Huge water slut here.
My second most important item that I keep near myself at all times (after my prescription glasses) is a 1.5 liter refillable water bottle.
I have to remind my spouse to leave some water for the fish sometimes.
I’m one of those people. Plain water just doesn’t satisfy my craving most of the time.
Especially in hot weather when im active I can literally drink myself sick on “plain” water and still feel the need to drink more.
Add just about any type of flavoring (even in less than recommended amounts) and suddenly I can drink reasonable amounts of water and feel satisfied.
I wonder if you’re missing something from you’re diet you’re not aware of. That doesn’t seem normal.
Depends on where you are and what the source is. If the tap water isn’t filtered, and the only bottled water is in plastic bottles, I’ll take a flavoured drink of some kind over it because I hate the taste that gets left behind by the plastic.