it’s all ‘ok’ with them, as long as he hurts those blacks and gays in the city and the dreadfully horrible liberals that wanna help everybody and the planet.
This is the truth. The point of singling out minorities for the harshest policy is to make their white supporters happier and quieter about being ducked a little less roughly.
Yeah. Duh. The Republicans do that every time. Trump wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last. They’ve successfully tricked half of America to care more about what genitals the person in the stall next to you has than whether your kids will survive to their 50s.
The leopards are coming!
The leopards are coming!
And guess what? They’ll still blame the Democrats and do 0 actual research into what the problems are and/ or how to solve them…
“He’s not hurting the right people”