Yeah, the ad dollars all went to Facebook and Instagram, since they’re better-able to deliver the kind of targeting that advertisers want, so most local news stopped being financially viable.
There isn’t a rush to do it; the problem is that their plan is to invent nonexistent problems and refuse to certify at all.
Remove them from office or change the law so that office they hold does exist or change the power the office holds so it can’t do the kinds of things they want to do.
Take away their power to destroy trust, which is what they’re there for.
You can’t with them, because their aim is to destroy trust, not create it.
They’re already lying about past events which makes it clear that they’re going to keep on lying.
The problem is that the people making this decision are a bunch of conspiracy-mongers who aren’t able to provide money to actually count the ballots. The point isn’t just to make it slow; it’s to create opportunity to conspiracy-monger and choose to not certify the results at all, so that peoples’ votes aren’t counted, and the Republicans can just install whomever they feel like in power.
It doesn’t if the people doing the counting are interested in creating bogus claims of fraud.
It allows time to make all sorts of wild claims about voter fraud
The election board has a majority who deny the 2020 results. What exactly do you think they’re planning to do?
They’re pretty explicit about the plan here: chaos, providing an excuse to ignore actual votes
Pretty simple:
It’s almost like the decision to make the lives of actual people less important has consequences.
Because you can do it well at small scale at modest expense. It’s expensive to do well and fast for ballots with lots of offices and in large numbers.
This decision, unaccompanied by money to hire people, basically guarantees chaos.
The normal action with machine counts is to randomly select a subsample and hand count those to validate. It’s just slow, expensive, and error-prone to hand-count really huge numbers of ballots with lots of offices on them. And that’s the whole point of this decision — to make it so that people don’t have a reliable count of votes the next day, allowing the opportunity to toss out the voters decisions entirely.
Early would have been a year ago. Not now.
Even if you want that, it’s a really bad idea to set new rules for how to count ballots a few weeks before the election, when you don’t have time to hire people or train them to do it right. This guarantees chaos.
Eating undercooked animals is how you get brain worms.
He didn’t run in the Democratic primary because while Democrats can be weird, Democratic voters, including the rest of the Kennedy family, tend to reject this kind of weird.
They’ve had the opportunity to use the 25th before and not done so