That’s all.
EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:
Fuck Microsoft
That’s all.
There’s more: microsoft outlook is garbage
What blows my mind is MS fucking bought Skype and somehow Teams still can’t handle video calls correctly. The actual fuck did they do with that acquisition?
How the fuck did they let motherfucking Zoom take over. The video-call equivalent of “Googling” something was to “Skype.” When Covid hit, Microsoft screwed the pooch horribly.
My sister is super high ranking at Microsoft, and when she calls the family, she uses Zoom.
Microsoft OneDrive is the maggots in the dog shit
Oooh, I hate it so bad…… I used to click “Save” and my word document would ask to save in the only folder I save ALL my documents in. Change the name, save, so easy!
Now it asks if I want to save to OneDrive… Fuck No Mr Paperclip! I want it in the folder I always use and don’t want to have to select “Other” then dig through screens to select the thing I use every time!
Microsoft Teams isn’t all bad! For example, it bogged down my work computer so much at start up that I would basically get an extra break.
It temporarily deletes my meetings just before they happen, so that I don’t have to attend them!
Of course, when I open it later, the meetings are restored, with the original date, and no trace of the deletion. So not attending them is quite hard to explain to others. But it does save me from attending!
I’m sick of notifications not coming through on Teams. Fucking piece of shit program.
I’m sick of imaginary notifications coming through and making my taskbar flash, only to open it up and NOTHING IS THERE.