I’ve accepted that I’m a high performer generally but occasionally just get stuck in a lull where I can’t do anything. My super power is realizing it’s better to just take a nap or go for a stroll when I’m not going to be productive anyways.
I’m still working on this one
I’ve gotten a lot better at it but damn do I have room for improvement (I need to dodge “nap mode” more often IMO)
I’d say I’m about 60% successful at it currently
As someone with ADHD who has been a developer, a manager, an architect, and a tech lead… I give you permission. It’ll actually make you more productive and make work suck less.
I totally agree that it takes effort to train yourself out of the “Don’t be lazy” shame from growing up though.
I was actually really disappointed when I got my prescription, because I went home and tried it, and I felt nothing. From how other people describe it, I thought the clouds were gonna clear, the angels were gonna sing, and I would be reborn a new person. I genuinely thought the medicine wasn’t doing anything.
Anyways I then proceeded to play a colony sim for 12 hours straight without getting up or getting distracted even once so I think the medicine did something lmao
I then proceeded to play a colony sim for 12 hours straight without getting up or getting distracted even once
That sounds like ADHD hyperfocus to me
The ability to start and finish a task is pretty cool
The ability walk out of a room to grab something and remember what I was planning to grab is also pretty cool
I can have conversations without people assuming I’ve finished speaking and moving on when I’m pausing to try and collect my thoughts. That’s pretty nice lmao
This one is amazing. Also super-gratifying because, once again, I had thought this was just me.
Yes. Understanding what an asshole I’d been to a lottttta people, & the power to observe myself about to do it & then stop myself before I had Reactions To Things
Right there with you on this one. It has not been easy.
So WORTH it tho right? Never felt better about my life than now
One trillion percent. I would never go back. And I did unlock significant super powers.
A legitimate prescription for meth… That’s a super power, right?
Never having had meth, not even once, I’m not sure. I do hear it’s a helluva drug. That said, if anyone comes near my Addy
Addy as in Adderall?
Adderall and Mydayis[10] are trade names[note 2] for a combination drug containing four salts of amphetamine.
Yeah, that’s meth.
Yes, apologies for not being clear. Are there better nicknames you would suggest?
No its totally fine! Keep using it please.
No it’s not. Meth refers to methamphetamine, which is a modified amphetamine.
Just look up the structures.
No, it’s amphetamine.