Yeah, Patrick Bateman seems pretty plainly obvious to me also
I am inclined to try this, but my brain is telling me not to, because then I might have to do things
We’ve all been there
Are you using the HDMI ARC connection on your TV? That’s the one that will let you control volume with the AppleTV remote.
Lee Zeldin, Mr. Trump’s choice to lead the E.P.A., has little experience with environmental policy. He will be expected to hit the ground running, though, to fulfill Mr. Trump’s fire hose of orders directing the agency to cut regulations.
Mr. Zeldin’s Senate confirmation vote has not yet been scheduled but he has already marshaled more than a dozen deputies and senior advisers. The quick appointments are in contrast to Mr. Trump’s first term, when many Republicans hesitated to join the administration and internal squabbling delayed the selection of the deputy administrator as well as the chief air pollution regulator for nearly a year.
The top appointees, who have already moved into their offices, include David Fotouhi, Mr. Zeldin’s second-in-command, a lawyer who recently challenged a ban on asbestos; Alex Dominguez, a former oil lobbyist who will work on automobile emissions; and Aaron Szabo, a lobbyist for both the oil and chemical industries who is expected to be the top air pollution regulator.
The division of E.P.A. that evaluates the safety of new chemicals now includes Nancy Beck, a longtime chemical-industry lobbyist, and Lynn Ann Dekleva, who has been working for the American Chemistry Council, a trade group. Both are veterans of the first Trump term.
“It’s alarming to see former industry lobbyists and attorneys who, until recently, were paid by their clients to weaken pollution standards, nominated to high-ranking positions at E.P.A. where they will have the power to undermine regulations meant to protect the public from these same industries,” said Jen Duggan, executive director of the Environmental Integrity Project, a watchdog group.
Congratulations, America. You found the marble in the oatmeal. You get to drink from the firehose.
Also, eggs are more expensive and the price is increasing. HoW CaN ThAt Be?!?!?!
Nah, they’re taking the Jedi approach: Do or do not. There is no try.
The Taliban has entered the chat…
Apparently some people can just…get stuff done somehow?
No children, the ocean has always been on fire, and always will be. Now everyone make sure they’re ostracizing Susan enough, because he is really Steven.
I can’t even with this shit. I hate these assholes SO much.
Yep. Before I started with my current company, I was in a temp gig at the most soul-suckingly depressing office I have ever been to. I kept telling myself “this is how corporate life is. Shove those feelings of despair down, and try to make a career.” Thank sweet as zombie Jesus that I found my current employer.
I would love to be able to guide an AI to create the short of music I want, because I can’t produce anything musical on my own, but I have a good ear
I think he’s serious, but whether he can be made to back down is too early to say. The full might of the U.S. Military vs all of Latin America? That would be…interesting. Assuming the military leaders would obey an order to invade an allied sovereign nation. Ooof.
Mustard glazed pork chops and fettuccine Alfredo with spinach.
(Really, SwiftKey??)
Because of course DeSantis owns a Tesla
Some of those rules can be bent. Others can be broken.
THANK YOU. This is what I suspected, but hadn’t had any luck searching so far
The poor shareholders!