UnlimitedRumination [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • Watts in a resistive example like yours is Volts x Amps. I would have been able to much better answer this question a year ago so forgive me if I’m misremembering the specs but I’ll answer since nobody else has. Two things that suggest to me this might be a bad idea:

    • Charger is 40W, that’s probably usb PD (I don’t know anything about QC so maybe I’m wrong). PD supplies more than 15W (5V x 3A) by stepping up the voltage, not the amperage. While stepping up either would likely be bad or very bad for some part of your circuit, don’t worry about that though; without the powered device telling it to, PD won’t activate. It should max out at 15W… I think. It depends on the resistance on the CC lines and using a splitter could screw up the resistance that tells the power supply which USB version to support so it can go up to 3A (15W). Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve worked with USB power. 2 strips of 11W will need more power than that. Basically my concern is you won’t get adequate power out of the charger for one reason or another.
    • Where are you getting the 11.52W/min number? Watts don’t have a time unit and that much precision sketches me out. Almost as if someone who isn’t adequately educated measured the power straight off a multimeter once and just wrote that on a product page. Is the LED strip from a reputable manufacturer?

  • I think people like you are a hair from being as insane as the people they lock up.

    Since I fully agree with what the commenter you’re replying to said, I’ll assume you’re lumping me into that group too.

    Sure, call me insane. Call me crazy. Call me fucking nuts and say I need a straight jacket. Whatever floats your boat.

    You’re not one of the people that can lock me up though and it’s pretty clear why. So just remember that “crazy” motherfuckers like me are driving next to you on the freeway, shopping behind you in the grocery store, living down the hall, etc. We could lose it at any point!

    Fear of what you don’t understand and ignoring expert opinions are destroying society. Which side of that would you like to be on?

    Plus, you’re talking to another human being, it’s just fucking disrespectful.

  • Could you pin a comment on the post for that first article that gives links to alternative articles? I don’t know if that’s possible on lemmy. But megathreads are annoying to me because they usually just have a list of articles that is overwhelming and it’s much easier to just read none of them. Plus it doesn’t interact well with continuing conversation once it falls off the front page.

    If there were a way to remove posts from the feed (either everything/local/subscribed or the community+everywhere) without destroying the post itself it would be nice too because you wouldn’t be deleting conversations. Then you could pin the other conversations on the first one.

  • It might be a little overwhelming to present this as new information to someone, especially if they’re suicidally depressed. I think triaging based on the passive/active scale is a decent way to assess danger while remaining simple. I don’t have a strong sense of privacy for myself but I would imagine many people aren’t super comfortable talking deeply about it to many people they just met. I would imagine as a HCP you could think of it like a pelvic exam. The fewer people who do their own on the patient, the better, because it’s not fun for the recipient. I say that as a former paramedic and a… well-traveled… mental health patient.

  • Yes. I’m not a mental healthcare provider and oddly there seems to be a little bit of variance depending on who you’re talking to, but I think the best way to separate the two is this (SI = suicidal ideation):

    • Passive SI: wanting something to end your life; examples:
      • “I wish I was dead”
      • “I want to go to sleep forever”
      • “I wish I could just disappear”
      • “It would be nice if I got into a car accident or something and it killed me”
    • Active SI: thoughts of dying from your own actions, including:
      • planning the act
      • making accommodations for others when you’re gone
      • “daring” or testing yourself to see if you’ll actually do it
      • speculating on a time and place
      • giving away personal belongings
      • fearing that you might do it

    If you’re having SI of any type the best thing you can do is see a therapist, but obviously if it is dire or an emergency then a hospital is the answer. There are other treatment options at levels in between seeing a therapist weekly and going to a hospital that many people don’t know about (and a a surprising number of doctors don’t tell you about) that insurance should cover.

    I have a lot of personal experience with this stuff and I’m happy to answer anything anyone is curious about.